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Being Alone.. how long could you last?


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In my opinion, it is human nature to give and share.








When a person is alone, how long do they live? Technically they could live forever as long as they had good air, food, and water.








Yet, what if everyone on the planet died but you? No nukes caused the people to die, no disease, they just all died for no reason at all.








Now your the very last person to ever exist and when you die, the human race will be offically extinct.








So the question is, what would you do with your life?








You could imagine at first, you would probably try your daily routine.. loggin on runescape to find only NPC's as friends.. every world says "0" and is deserted.








Your Online Messenger would be empty.








Outside there is no sound of human conversation. No one to look at. School's would also be barren, along with towns, cities, and nations.








What would you do with your life?








Would you read a million books to obtain knowledge? But what for? Once your gone, there is no legacy.








How about attempting to become physical fit? Not a bad idea.. but quite worthless since your going to die anyway.








What about becomming spiritual? Sounds great, but in the end you still die.








Here's my point. Everyone is looking for their purpose around them.. always trying to better themselfs, achieve goals in life, move up to the next step in the world. Yet stop and look. You would not do this if no one else existed.








So the truth is..








We do not live for ourselfs.. we live for each other.









If you love me, send me a PM.


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I would try and keep my self from going insane and try and find out a way to possibly start up the human race again (unlikely but I would try).












But yeah I would try and last and survive.

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build robots with my freinds exact personalities and make them operate rides at disney world and and transform into airplane to take me to japan etc. then when i go insane i'll go on a bloody rambage on my robot minions and eat their metalic bodies =P~

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Thats rather depressing. In all honesty I don't think I would make it more than 36 hours. Everything I looked forward to...gone. What could I do? I would probably find a gun and kill myself. Its just too depressing.




Which is why he makes a valid point.








We gain our purpose from being with others.... maybe this is a message to the stupid teenager fatalist threads :-k .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I could find stuff to do easily.








loot electronics stores and such




learn to fly on my own :lol:




Travel the world




Live with the animals until I die. ::'








And of course, try to get into Jagex towers and make my runescape gaming a bit more fun (Hey, why not, I can't do anything productive anyways)








And I guess I could try to repopulate the world by making "test tube babehs"

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I could find stuff to do easily.








loot electronics stores and such




learn to fly on my own :lol:




Travel the world




Live with the animals until I die. ::'








And of course, try to get into Jagex towers and make my runescape gaming a bit more fun (Hey, why not, I can't do anything productive anyways)








And I guess I could try to repopulate the world by making "test tube babehs"








Yeah I would deffinitly get a pet of some sort. That way I still have something to 'talk to'.

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I'd try and make a decent compilation of humanities existance incase some other beings decided to come and and want to know wtf happened








edit: or some other species evolved and they want to know what happened before them(like us, except there's no records)

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This is very interesting.








Once, I read that a human being will go insane(yes, insane as in crazy) after spending 48 hours alone. There would be no elctricity since no one will be running it, so most likely I would go crazy after 40+ hours, then die because there's nothing to eat. (No electricity = no refrigerator).



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Imagine all the free training spots :anxious:








How about attempting to become physical fit? Not a bad idea.. but quite worthless since your going to die anyway.








What about becomming spiritual? Sounds great, but in the end you still die.








We all die at one stage or another anyway... I would kill myself within 48 hours


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Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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I would compose an epic poem about how everyone sucks but me. Then I'll find some way to fire it off into space.








Then I'll play Dawn of War until I go insane. Maybe I'll have a laugh at all the landscape that gets glassed because nobody's maintaining power plants.








And if the internet's still up and running, hey... There are plenty of naughty sites I haven't been to yet, and there's a lot of Kleenex in the world.

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I honestly think I'd do just fine. My views are so different from most of the people that I meet. At times, it's almost a relief to be alone. In the society that we live in, I feel like there are constantly things that I have to do, and I see no point to them.








So far my whole life has consisted of building up an education, 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. And for what point and purpose? Most of the information I take in, I will never use in my future. We learn a bunch of stuff, just to forget most of it, so we can get a well paying job and stack up a bunch of little pieces of paper. I've always thought that currency was a strange aspect. Why trade little pieces of paper that say they're worth something, just because they have numbers on them? It makes more sense to me to trade necessities and items that we actually use.








So would I survive if all of humanity disappeared except for me? Yes. I would be able to carry out the rest of my life the way I believe it should be lived, without any boundaries or parameters. I would love to carry out the rest of my life in nature, free from the human world of lying, cheating and civilization in general.

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Depends. Am I woman with a fertilized fetus?








If not, then I'd probably meditate a lot of my life away. =o




Or try and find ...a ... (I can't believe I'm typing this), an unfertilized fetus and try to create a test tube baby. T'would be rather interesting, hm...

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Dear God, it seems none of you are taking into account the implications of life in general. Do you know how much goes into maintaining our lifestyle? The water, the power, the food...no one could keep that running by themselves. Even if you could, what then? Nothing new to do after you've done it, no one to laugh or cry with...everything would suck. Hell yeah, I'd pick up a gun and kill myself.








As for those who want to "remake the human race", pretend you can't.

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This is very interesting.








Once, I read that a human being will go insane(yes, insane as in crazy) after spending 48 hours alone. There would be no elctricity since no one will be running it, so most likely I would go crazy after 40+ hours, then die because there's nothing to eat. (No electricity = no refrigerator).




I doubt it. When I was a young teenager, I had social anxiety. I literally spent days after days alone, talking to no one. They might have been people all around me, but it made it all worse because it made me anxious, I would have been much better off all alone. And I didn't became insane of what I know :lol: , it made me more mature, but at the same time robbed me of my childhood.








We do not live for ourselfs.. we live for each other.




Sums it up. There's no point in doing anything if there's no one else on the planet. But again, we all die anyway, there might not be a point at any of our lives, other people or not. In all cases, the last human would have the task to make sure the human history is known and saved. Idk, make some sort of giant humanity library somewhere, so that the human race may be remembered by those(umm the aliens) who would read the books.

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I honestly think I'd do just fine. My views are so different from most of the people that I meet. At times, it's almost a relief to be alone. In the society that we live in, I feel like there are constantly things that I have to do, and I see no point to them.








So far my whole life has consisted of building up an education, 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. And for what point and purpose? Most of the information I take in, I will never use in my future. We learn a bunch of stuff, just to forget most of it, so we can get a well paying job and stack up a bunch of little pieces of paper. I've always thought that currency was a strange aspect. Why trade little pieces of paper that say they're worth something, just because they have numbers on them? It makes more sense to me to trade necessities and items that we actually use.








So would I survive if all of humanity disappeared except for me? Yes. I would be able to carry out the rest of my life the way I believe it should be lived, without any boundaries or parameters. I would love to carry out the rest of my life in nature, free from the human world of lying, cheating and civilization in general.




I'm sorry, but I don't think there's a human being on this planet, not even you, that'd last more than a month.








I'm a diehard introvert, and I'd probably off myself by the end of the week. Though if my dogs were still alive, that'd be a whole different story :-k .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I don't think you fully explained your scenario well enough. Does water/electricity ect. all still work? If so I could live by myself for a pretty long time. If I had to struggle to survive I would try for a while and then probably give up.



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Actually, if you gave me Youtube and my dogs, I could live on :-w . Oh, and electicity for my TV, PS2, and DVD player (with my FMA series DVD) to do any FMA related things I wanted to.








I'd probably end up living at Barnes and Noble after a while though. There's so much good stuff there to be read :) .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I could find stuff to do easily.








loot electronics stores and such




learn to fly on my own :lol:




Travel the world




Live with the animals until I die. ::'











Yes, just think, all the comps you could want, all the stuff that costs so extremely much ALL YOURS.


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