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How Do you enjoy runescape?


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I recently quit runescape, i just don't have fun anymore and waste too much time training a skill that I find boring just to make cash or get levels. My question is




how do you enjoy runescape?




I'd really like to play, but I just don't want to spend hours being bored anymore. Does anybody have a way to train skills, get cash, and get 99's (like cooking) while not getting bored to death? I'd like to know how you all stand runescape, just the repeating everything going bankl, fishing spot, bank fishing spot, and practically doing nothing fun.




Basically, how do you find fun ways to level boring skills?


Doing a little bit of everything

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Well I usually just do what I feel like doing. Even though I must admit that I have trained skills which I hate. Now I just dont give a dang about my skills, train 'em when I feel like it.


For me it's just combat with slayer, magic at Dagga kings and mage training arena and herblore with help of farming. So i'm making cash and having fun training my favourite skills :D


Guess it doesnt really apply to you since you want Cooking, but that's my way of having fun :P


Runescaper since June 2005


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I recently started doing barrows. A great way to make good cash and also a fair good way to gain experience in many skills (hp, def/str/att, magic and ranged)

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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I do what i want to, that's how i have fun really.




Sometimes ofcourse it gets really boring, but you've gotta think of the end result and how happy you will be once you've got it.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Yeah I've been thinking of doing lots of castlewars






But I'd still like to train the other skills and stuff. I guess if i do come back, I'll just read books, forums, movies, and go on aim for skills that are sit back and relax like cooking. I may listen to music for other things, I dunno. I wanna get back into rs kinda, but I don't wanna


1-Waste too much time


2-not have fun


Doing a little bit of everything

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I've been doing slayer lately...




While training I watch movies, and also some videos of college professors lecturing or teaching. Right now I'm learning about microelectronic circuits.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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making a blog helps motivate you and keeps things fun...




Um, i have a high tolerance for repetative things, but some things i'll just despise, like fletching.





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Stop playing. Stop trying to play. Greatest solution.




Though, if you want to keep playing, take a month off. Twice I did this, and after each time I was ready to play again. The last time I needed a break I burned myself out on my 94 Mage goal, and I just killed my entire drive to play. So, take a quick (week to month long) break before you completely burn out your drive, if you still want to play.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Stop playing. Stop trying to play. Greatest solution.




Though, if you want to keep playing, take a month off. Twice I did this, and after each time I was ready to play again. The last time I needed a break I burned myself out on my 94 Mage goal, and I just killed my entire drive to play. So, take a quick (week to month long) break before you completely burn out your drive, if you still want to play.




Sound advice, I get burned out quiet a lot. I have found what you stated to be true just from my own experiences

RSN- Lemontail

Pure Ranger Name- X Kaprisen X



Click here for my 99 Mining and Cooking blog!

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Castle wars \'











99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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To the question; no. The fun is different for everyone. For me, it was discovering new things. The fun for me stopped 2 yrs ago, when everything to be discovered had been discovered.




And why do u want to be convinced to play this game if you don't like it anymore. That's just insane. Its not as if playing Rs was part of a 'healthy lifstyle. Sure u can balance Rs with other things, but Rs is pretty much time wasted sitting on a chair, we don't need that.

2480+ total

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i enjoy it by talking to friends, i always feel upset when a friend quits, like you




i also like making cash, pking or staking has lotsa thrills and makes great money


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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only do the skillz you find fun and alternate between them. for example do woodcut and when you don't feel like woodcutting anymore train agility then go slaying and then back to wc(could be any 3-5 skillz)




listening to music, setting goals, and talking to friends helps as well.

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