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Sharks... Obsolete?


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Ive been thinking about the price drop of Sharks (they are now 500-550gp)


Now next to autoers there could be other reasons why these have dropped so much in value.




What uses are sharks?


Fishing XP


Cooking XP


20 HP food


Recharging of your Lyre.


Thats pretty much all the uses I could come up with...




For Fishing XP, Monkfish is way faster then Sharks, requiring a lower level to fish, and getting you more XP per item caught. The only drawback is that it requires a few quests to be completed, so it's not for the non-questing and non-combat people...




For Cooking XP, sharks are the best when you really wanna speed it up. So timewise, sharks are still the best. However, if you dont want to spend a lot of time fishing, or a lot of money buying the sharks raw, you may wish to consider baking Cakes in your own POH.


It gets you 180 cooking xp, and all items required are already in your Larder and on your Shelves. And its not that slow either, because you burn a lot less, if at all. So for free 99 Cooking you could consider using this method amongst some others...




Now, a 1 bite, 20 HP food item is nice. Infact what could be better? Ofcourse there are more items to consider when you're using inventory space as a parameter.


Saradomin Brews are most effective, healing 2 plus 10% of your HP level (even boosting them beyond), 4 times per inventory slot, drawback is that it reduces some other skills.


Basket of Strawberries are nice too. Healing 30 hitpoints per basket of 5 Strawberries. Drawback here is that you gotta remove one from your basket everytime.


There are various Pies that heal 22hp, but in 2 bites (11hp each bite). Summer Pies (+10% energy and +5 Agility each bite), Wild Pies (+4 Range and +5 Slayer each bite), both heal 22 hp, and have added bonusses.


Pineapple Pizzas also heal 22hp in 2 bites.


But if you need lots of hitpoints, and fast too, Tuna Potatoes are your thing. Healing 22hp at one bite, an invent full of these heals 56 MORE hitpoints then an inventory full of Sharks. The drawback of these is that it has a lot of ingredients; Raw potato, cook it, add butter. Bowl and knife to cut up Cooked Sweetcorn and cooked Tuna in the same bowl, add this bowl to the potato.




[hide=Recipe for Tuna Potatoes]

  1. [*:2bwmwpil]Farm some Sweetcorn
    [*:2bwmwpil]Fish some Tuna
    [*:2bwmwpil]Pick a raw Potato
    [*:2bwmwpil]Buy a Bowl, Knife and some Butter (Culinaromancers chest, dont bother churning it yourself)
    [*:2bwmwpil]Cook the Sweetcorn
    [*:2bwmwpil]Cook the Tuna
    [*:2bwmwpil]Cook the Potato (must use range)
    [*:2bwmwpil]Use Pat of Butter on Baked Potato
    [*:2bwmwpil]Use empty Bowl on Tuna, must have a knife in your inventory
    [*:2bwmwpil]Use Sweetcorn on the Bowl with Tuna
    [*:2bwmwpil]Use the Bowl of Tuna and Corn on your Baked and Buttered Potato
    [*:2bwmwpil]Eat for 22hp





So hitpoint wise, Tuna Potato beats a Shark hands down.




The last use of a Shark (must be raw), is to recharge your Lyre. When you have completed Garden of Tranquility, you will have yourself an activated Ring of Charos. When you wield this, you can also use a Raw Bass to recharge your Lyre witht he same charges as a raw Shark (2). On top of that, raw Sea Turtles and raw Manta Ray (both gained from the Trawler minigame) will recharge your Lyre with three and four charges respectivly. Having your POH in Rellekka will negate this even further. (Imagine if you could wield a Lyre in your POH much like a Glory Amulet)...






So are Sharks obsolete?


Not entirely. But for the persistant people who will want that extra edge, as well as putting in the effort to get it, they are...

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I used to fish non stop, but sharks arent worth anything anymore.


There price has dropped 50%, so its not worth the time.


Fletching is way faster

Why do we bake cookies, but cook bacon

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Im only fishing sharks for one big shark. Fished 1k so far. No biggy :?




Btw, the best place to fish sharks is in Burgh de rott. 20 fishing spots very near eachother, and on the dock theres 5 of them. Only nobody seems to fish there.




If anyone wishes to fish some sharks with me, come world 99 burgh de rott, it wont disappoint you shark spot wise.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Well sharks are useful for quick hp restoring and are a lot easier to make in bulk than the tuna potatoes. When going to the kalphite queen, I'm not going to get a basket of strawberries out, and I dont have the patience to make masses amounts of tuna/sweetcorn. Sharks are only the way to go.




One of the other reasons is that the cooking cape is one of the easiest capes to buy, so as a consequence, people are trying to get fast xp by cooking sharks, hence a huge amount of them on the market, and prices are dropping to encourage people to buy them.


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Not dropping because people want other people to buy more... Prices are dropping because everyone has the sharks they need and now everyone is stuck with a load that they cant sell for 1k each anymore...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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I dont know how you can call them obsolete, and your reasons prove even more that they are not.




Fishing XP, cooking XP, recharging stuff. That has alot more uses then things like .. armour or whatever :P




Sharks are still the economical choice for pkers. Tuna and potatoes are alot slower to make

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I believe Jagex themselves have said this, it's not just auto'ers


It's Chinese farming =;




These guy's just as bad as auto'ers but are breaking non of the rules <.<




They are far from obsolete, this is the long term effects of skill capes, auto'ers and one of the worst ones Chinese farmers








According to estimates, around 100,000 people in China are employed as gold farmers, as of December 2005
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Sharks are definitely the best option for pkers, 20 hp in one bite and you can fish it just like that. Have you ever made a tuna potato ? Takes ages.




I assure you that as soon as the autoers get banned sharks will soon be back up to at least 750 ;)


Sharks have been lower before because of autoing, but they always got back up soon after.

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I assure you that as soon as the autoers get banned sharks will soon be back up to at least 750 ;)


Sharks have been lower before because of autoing, but they always got back up soon after.




I don't think I've ever seen them this low. But yeah, as I said, it's currently only worthwhile to fish them for autoers... Prices would surely go back up if Jagex bans the huge amounts of shark autoers.

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Well sharks are useful for quick hp restoring and are a lot easier to make in bulk than the tuna potatoes. When going to the kalphite queen, I'm not going to get a basket of strawberries out, and I dont have the patience to make masses amounts of tuna/sweetcorn. Sharks are only the way to go.




One of the other reasons is that the cooking cape is one of the easiest capes to buy, so as a consequence, people are trying to get fast xp by cooking sharks, hence a huge amount of them on the market, and prices are dropping to encourage people to buy them.




Well said, and.. that is the exact reason. Sharks are still a great food source, just not good for the fishers who fished sharks for money. For myself, it's easier now because it costs less. However, i do prefer to fish monks, because i can, and they are still a good food. :ohnoes:

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I really dont think theyre obsolete, statistically yes they are, but the fact that they are in large supply means they are alot easier to obtain then tuna potatoes.


So until tuna potatoes become readily available on the market ill stick with shark.

Proud Member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


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I believe Jagex themselves have said this, it's not just auto'ers


It's Chinese farming =;




These guy's just as bad as auto'ers but are breaking non of the rules <.<




They are far from obsolete, this is the long term effects of skill capes, auto'ers and one of the worst ones Chinese farmers








According to estimates, around 100,000 people in China are employed as gold farmers, as of December 2005






you realize what they do, is sell their items for like 20 cents a day rite? whatever they collect earns them like a quarter. each day, and that IS against the rules.

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sharks are just like steel in the modern economy.




It is not the best in any way, but its good eunaugh, easy and cheap eunaugh to produce in sheadloads and that is why they are obsolete.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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