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Is having a only number name an offense?


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Rule 12 stats that asking real world information, so tell me




If someone had a number only name and it was their phonenumber can't they get banned? Since it's there real world information and if anyone lived around their 215 number they can get found. So can having a phone number named ACCOUNT be agianst the rules?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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easy to memorized, and what if the number account was an I p address, credit card number, ect

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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You would have to be pretty sad to see some one's Runescape name and ring it.


I see many macroers with just number names, maybe if it's the number to the big sweatshop factories they work in?


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You would have to be pretty sad to see some one's Runescape name and ring it.


I see many macroers with just number names, maybe if it's the number to the big sweatshop factories they work in?




your not saying that to me right..... and still then that^^ is real world information still

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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wow, you'd have to be really, really,REALLY dumb to put your credit-card number as your username. There's be no real point in having your phone # as username. But I don't think its sharing real world info (even if its not too smart) because you're just putting a number. Like if your username was 123-4567, i think that would be ok. But if your rsn was: my_phone_number_is_123-4567, then that would be sharing real-world information.



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still you see a number name like 482047159327




your gonna wonder. how does she/he memorized this name!

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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You would have to be pretty sad to see some one's Runescape name and ring it.




Yeah, exactly. Firstly what Jema said.


Secondly, it would not be against the rules - seeing as there's nothing that can prove that it is YOUR phone number. Also, you're not telling the other players directly.


Runescaper since June 2005


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Should be fine. The population don't know your personal information and with those numbers they can't assume that it is your whatever number irl. When they say random numbers in your name, they are more likely to think "god, how did he memorise that name?" along those lines :lol:

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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People with number names have a pattern usually. The leader of Elite Intervention's rsn is 85698569852. It's just 8569 | 8569 | 852. Use the number pad and you'll see a pattern.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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I think having a number only name should be agianst the rules the numbers could be anything

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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because you can't prove that its their phone # it shouldn't be bannable. if there is some1 out their calling acct names...thats just sick




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if it's a number it had to be memorized somehow, which means it must be a commonly used number such as ANYTHING

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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if it's a number it had to be memorized somehow, which means it must be a commonly used number such as ANYTHING




Not true, you can just find a pattern on the number pad that you can memorize, or write it down somewhere.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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why have a number only name then in the first place?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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People can't think of an original name and they don't want something like "1 p0wn j00" as a name.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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I have an account named "2486226842" for no reason at all. A number user name is very easy to memorize if you can remember the pattern of it on the keypad.

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^ Especially with numpad, you can make all sorts of shapes that way :)




Anyhoot, I guess it depends on the wording of the rule's description. If it defines the offensive material as being information, you'd need to be saying, as someone already mentioned 'my phone number is xxxxxx' and would get away just fine with saying anything of your personal details, so long as you don't put it into context. If, on the other hand, it says 'data' rather than 'information' then you could be rightfully banned on merely saying the number.

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Remember the rule of Innocent until proven Guilty, unless you reveal that your username is your phone number or credit card number, than no1 on earth is gonna guess that is gonna be a phone number, and besides, you dont EVEN know what COUNTRY they are in, so what good to anyone is a string of seemingly random number, so no1 will notice, neither will jagex prove that it is your phone number unless you explicitly state that it is your phone number.




Also, some people are much more used to remembering patterns and numbers than actual words, so having a number will actually let them memorise it better (and which could COINCIDENTALLY be a phone number, but that is rather rare)

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well my name is a website




hmmm then again the site came after my name (mementh)


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