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Public Nudity


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Ehh.. The only kind that bothers me is in the locker room... It's so gross to have like 65 year olds walking around without a towel.. Put some clothes on ffs!


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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I'm a bit of a nudist at heart.




At my school, there is a tradition of the "naked party," which i've attended twice - you get there and there's a derobing room where you leave your clothes, and then you head over to the next room where there is music and dancing. It's been one of the best experiences I've had - it's very freeing to just be naked with all your friends and dancing.




You know what's really amazing? When people are naked, EVERYONE is beautiful. Really. People who seem unattractive or overweight when they're clothed - when they're naked, you realize that everyone's body just works out. There is no such thing as ugly :)




Anyway, I've done my fair bit of streaking and public nudity (though in places where small children and people who would be scandalized would not be around - on my college campus), and I would say I'm a fan.




Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous. The human body is beautiful and not inherently sexual. We should love ourselves and our bodies :D




FYI, I'm a 19-year-old girl, so it's not just old people who are nudists!




Pics or it never happened.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Pics or it never happened.
I have them :thumbsup:




You got better chances of being struck by lightning before getting them though :P

I'm going to have to agree with Nano on this one. :-k
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Anyways, if one guys is gawking at a girl, and she never finds it out, who does it hurt? No one.




The more you look at women in a purely sexual manner, the more you get into the mindset that women are objects made to fulfill your sexual desires. This leads to treating women as objects, or means to an end, which is hurtful.

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Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous.




What makes you say that? I mean, besides your subjective opinion? It's clear you replaced the word 'modesty' with an emotional term 'shame' to make your point look more valid, but if you put (what I think is the) correct word (modesty) in place of shame, your sentence looks quite invalid.




Societies that have no widespread media or television don't have any problems with this issue; Why walk around with tons of clothes even during summer? They even have old people walking around with little to no clothes.




These people live a much more natural life than western societies, hence (from a subjective POV) this is more 'normal' than concealing yourself all the time. I'm not an exhibionist by the way.

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Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous.




What makes you say that? I mean, besides your subjective opinion? It's clear you replaced the word 'modesty' with an emotional term 'shame' to make your point look more valid, but if you put (what I think is the) correct word (modesty) in place of shame, your sentence looks quite invalid.




Societies that have no widespread media or television don't have any problems with this issue; Why walk around with tons of clothes even during summer? They even have old people walking around with little to no clothes.




These people live a much more natural life than western societies, hence (from a subjective POV) this is more 'normal' than concealing yourself all the time. I'm not an exhibionist by the way.




But aren't most of those societies rather primitive, almost tribal?


Me doing staff.

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uh, first off i was a bit scared to even look at this thread..but is this really something we should be discussing?




but anyways if im home alone nude is were its at..feels more natural..lol




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Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous.




What makes you say that? I mean, besides your subjective opinion? It's clear you replaced the word 'modesty' with an emotional term 'shame' to make your point look more valid, but if you put (what I think is the) correct word (modesty) in place of shame, your sentence looks quite invalid.




I'm sorry, you're right; this is probably some of my anti-religion sentiment coming out. Modesty is a word with a positive connotation and shame is a negative word. However, I think modesty is an outdated idea that arises from a sense of shame that we try to cover up. I think that the shame we feel about our bodies is silly and should be shed, and we would then have a more comfortable and confident society. I think the concept of "modesty" arises from organized religions trying to morally justify this shame.





And I think this is one of the biggest reasons I am against it. The idea of men gawking non-stop at naked women is sickening enough as an idea in my head... that I should have to watch it in practice every moment of every day would make me want to vomit.




There's a big difference between exhibitionism and nudism - and a big difference between the majority of users on this board (generally young teenage males with an active sexual imagination), with whom I doubt I'd feel comfortable being naked, and those who genuinely believe in the idea of nudism.




The naked party I discussed earlier is the most non-sexual party I've ever been to. It's hard to understand without experiencing it (and it was definitely an experience) - but the dance parties I go to most weekends tend to have grinding and low cut shirts that are designed to entice - and at the naked party, that's all gone. There's no teasing, because you're being completely honest with everybody and letting it all hang out, showing your true self in all your beautiful glory. People at the naked party look beautiful, not hot. It's not sex and sexiness that is being emphasized. In fact, it's amazing how not big a deal it is; the decision to attend th naked party tends to be a significant decision, but once you get there, you realize there isn't anything that interesting about "checking out" other people's naked bodies, and you just let go and feel kind of free and liberated, and dance without worrying about impressing anyone. I have attended this naked party with a male friend who gets plenty physically turned on in private, and even at dance parties, but had no problems here at the naked party. It's just really not an issue. I haven't known any male friend to have that problem at the naked party.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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My goodness, the audacity of some people here is astounding.




What's wrong with old men being nude? Most men become old, there's nothing wrong with that. They don't force you to look at them.




If you find their bodies repulsive, that's fine, however that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them being nude and that you should mentally persecute them for being nude.




I think many people would be repulsed at the sight of some of the people who've posted on this thread naked. Does that mean anything? No.




Just because you think nudity is directly related to attraction and aesthetics doesn't mean it is.

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I don't really care for it. And I don't think that people who are going to a nudist camping/beach go there because they're perverts. I wouldn't go there myself though. But I don't mind others doing it. As for streaking, it's quite funny.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Anyways, if one guys is gawking at a girl, and she never finds it out, who does it hurt? No one.




The more you look at women in a purely sexual manner, the more you get into the mindset that women are objects made to fulfill your sexual desires. This leads to treating women as objects, or means to an end, which is hurtful.




Your denying human nature, we all look at people in a sexual manner, it is our nature to do so. Your putting shame on that, and making it like people are turning them into objects. Why does sex turn people into objects? Suggesting that looking at others in a sexual manner leads to objectifying women, and treating them as a means to an end is a rather large assumption to make. We don't treat people like objects if we find them sexually attractive, we are admiring the beauty of nature.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I think in most cases that people look much better clothed.




Also, there's a huge amount of intimacy that comes from you (hopefully) being the only person who sees your partner naked.




Anyways, if one guys is gawking at a girl, and she never finds it out, who does it hurt? No one.




The more you look at women in a purely sexual manner, the more you get into the mindset that women are objects made to fulfill your sexual desires. This leads to treating women as objects, or means to an end, which is hurtful.




Your denying human nature, we all look at people in a sexual manner, it is our nature to do so. Your putting shame on that, and making it like people are turning them into objects. Why does sex turn people into objects? Suggesting that looking at others in a sexual manner leads to objectifying women, and treating them as a means to an end is a rather large assumption to make. We don't treat people like objects if we find them sexually attractive, we are admiring the beauty of nature.




Note that he said 'purely' sexual manner. Looking at someone as if they are specifically for sex and nothing else.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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It's gross imo, especially when an old naked guy starts to run across the locker room :ohnoes: :lol:




Good time to take up joggin'!!




I remember one time, I was in the shower, and I dropped the soap. I was afraid to pick it up. I finally got the guts to do it, I picked it up, fell back, and a shampoo bottle hit me in the BUM CHEEK. If I was anymore to the left, I'd be limping for a while... Not do with nudity, per se, but since the topic of showers have come up... LAUGH AT MY DISCOMFORT


It really has

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I'm all for female streakers 18-30 however past that things begin to sag, and you see a mass of skin just mawing past you .. and you're like :uhh: get out of my face..




People aren't nudists JUST because for your enjoyment you know.




I'm talking about the kind that run naked ; in the snooker finals, football matches etc..




Not the nude nudists who... do it to get in contact with nature etc..

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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we were all naked befor, so why does it matter at a place and time?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I'm all for female streakers 18-30 however past that things begin to sag, and you see a mass of skin just mawing past you .. and you're like :uhh: get out of my face..




People aren't nudists JUST because for your enjoyment you know.




I'm talking about the kind that run naked ; in the snooker finals, football matches etc..




Not the nude nudists who... do it to get in contact with nature etc..




As apposed to the clothed nudists? :lol:

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That is just STRANGE, what kind of college do you go to?
I'm fairly certain it's Weslan or something like that - I never really paid attention to the name much :P




Wesleyan University :P It's a liberal arts college, so that's what we do with our spare time... :P

Does that basically mean hippies?
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I personally feel sad to see so many "if your old. Put a towel round your waist pl0x!" Kind of responses. I mean, it's stupid. Don't look, don't think about it. You looking at it, and thinking about it actually means you like it.




I feel uncomfortable being naked around others. But that's just me. Others may not feel the same way. I'll be naked on my own. BUt around others I'll be slightly unnerved.




Many enjoy being in the nude. I do not hold anything against them. Sometimes it is a good way to escape the restrictions of clothes and be free. They can be nude if they like. It only goes over the top, when they start looking at the parts. :shock:




It's strange really. i mean, other animals thrive off sex. Mating to them is a matter of life or death. They are naked. When we are naked, and see others naked, sexual reactions appear. This proves that we are like animals. These clothes hide our true selves. This, however, is sometimes a good thing. Otehrwise, we'd have overpopulated in seconds.

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I'm all for female streakers 18-30 however past that things begin to sag, and you see a mass of skin just mawing past you .. and you're like :uhh: get out of my face..




People aren't nudists JUST because for your enjoyment you know.




I'm talking about the kind that run naked ; in the snooker finals, football matches etc..




Not the nude nudists who... do it to get in contact with nature etc..




As apposed to the clothed nudists? :lol:




hehe i was on the lines of professional nudist :P:P you know the people who do it for a hobby.. :thumbsup:

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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