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Does Jagex make Animal abuse look positive?

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ok ..... lets see....stray dog is on your lawn ....comes there every day to poop....your not gunna shoo away?




wait til the neighborhood cat comes and doo-doos in your lil childrens play sandbox #-o

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Right, this game is going to change the minds of so many people.




Unlike the world most people imagine, young kids are not idiots. They do not mold from everything they see on T.V. but they are predictable. Kids usually do what parents won't let them do, so if they see animal abuse here, for all you know they may pity it and join to stop animal abuse in the real world.

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Right, this game is going to change the minds of so many people.




Unlike the world most people imagine, young kids are not idiots. They do not mold from everything they see on T.V. but they are predictable. Kids usually do what parents won't let them do, so if they see animal abuse here, for all you know they may pity it and join to stop animal abuse in the real world.




Tell me you truly believe that in real life.




You would expect kids to be going around the neighborhood, calling random people "noob", KILLing people, stabbing cows with butter knives, or... umm... shoo dogs just for the heck of it? Maybe, telephone their neighbors and say, "I'll trim your car for free"?





Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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there is nothing wrong with blowing a raspberry at a dog, people just wanted something to complain about. This update brought nothing but good, and the people who like to complain had nothing to complain about happened to notice that dogs whined, and transformed it into abuse. other people who wnated to complain jumped on the bandwagon, giving this idea the full attention of many people.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Those whiners on the forums should have their reproductive rights suspended. We don't need them to breed more idiots on this already idiot-infested planet.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Isn't it funny how we don't repect any life form on rs? I can see what the thread creator is saying but if we are going to open up this debate we might aswell go the whole way.


You Kill the in game animals ,don't you?


You kill the fish, don't you?


You Chop down the tree's don't you?


You kill other players don't you?




I personally couldn't care less about in game things as it is in game not really life. Any one who is 13 or over (which you need to be to play the game) would understand that killing a person rs doesn't mean you are going to do it.


I am a vegetarian in real life but that doesn't mean i don't eat chicken in game, i eat the meat as it is the best hp healer out there. The point is that it is a bunch of pixels not real life.




Lighten up!

wow, wow! I've found the meaning of life!

Oh oh it's gone again.

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And now for a parody . . .






I'm Bob stonesman reporting live for the BBC news here in London, where popular company Jagex is being sued for encouraging animal abuse in runescape.




The plantiffs first got angry when jagex allowed players to capture and kill animals . . . that did not exist (except rabbits). But now they are taking action after Jagex released an update that lets you tell dogs to GO AWAY! They claim that telling dogs to go away DOES INDEED COUNT as animal abuse. They also suggest that runescape's incredible graphics makes it hard to tell the difference between a real dog and a fake dog. Strangely Peta does not want to get involved because they quote "don't want to look like nutcases" whatever that means.




Wait a minute, I'm getting reports that you could tell CATS to go away in the game for at least A YEAR. That's just amazing Brian, who knows what would've happened to animal abuse if these people hadn't brought it up.




Wait I'm getting reports that the judge is laughing himself into a coma as we speak, an astounishing development we'll cover it more as we contin . . . Wait a minute I'm being told that paris hilton is being arrested again so we won't be able to cover any other news for at least a week I'm sorry to say that.




Ok sorry false alarm on the hilton bit. Anyway in other news, the makers of mario kart are being sued for responsibility in a traffic accident, claiming the game caused reckless driving and that a 8 year old was supposedly imitating mario kart when he crashed his father's car into a street light.




Very Funny!! I think you've put it perfectly, well done. haha i'm still laughing now.... =D> :lol: :thumbsup:

wow, wow! I've found the meaning of life!

Oh oh it's gone again.

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This thread should be locked on account of its stupidity.




I'm sick of all you PETA hypocrits shoving your nose where its clearly unwanted. Jagex supports this, Jagex supports that... its made for our entertainment - Not for Jagex programmers to insight their views on the mistreatment of pixel animals.




Honestly, if you think "pixel animals" should be saved, your a waste of space.

108th to 99 Prayer

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And now for a parody . . .






I'm Bob stonesman reporting live for the BBC news here in London, where popular company Jagex is being sued for encouraging animal abuse in runescape.




The plantiffs first got angry when jagex allowed players to capture and kill animals . . . that did not exist (except rabbits). But now they are taking action after Jagex released an update that lets you tell dogs to GO AWAY! They claim that telling dogs to go away DOES INDEED COUNT as animal abuse. They also suggest that runescape's incredible graphics makes it hard to tell the difference between a real dog and a fake dog. Strangely Peta does not want to get involved because they quote "don't want to look like nutcases" whatever that means.




Wait a minute, I'm getting reports that you could tell CATS to go away in the game for at least A YEAR. That's just amazing Brian, who knows what would've happened to animal abuse if these people hadn't brought it up.




Wait I'm getting reports that the judge is laughing himself into a coma as we speak, an astounishing development we'll cover it more as we contin . . . Wait a minute I'm being told that paris hilton is being arrested again so we won't be able to cover any other news for at least a week I'm sorry to say that.




Ok sorry false alarm on the hilton bit. Anyway in other news, the makers of mario kart are being sued for responsibility in a traffic accident, claiming the game caused reckless driving and that a 8 year old was supposedly imitating mario kart when he crashed his father's car into a street light.




You have too much time on your hands. xD


Team up with Weird Al Yankovich. =-)

108th to 99 Prayer

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It's all part of fantasy. I can't even start to count how many Fantasy genre books I've read which include stray dogs in desolate and run-down parts of towns/cities.




I think one of the the issues (There are others of course) is many - probably most - players don't look at Runescape with any imagination at all, while the Jagex staff appear to do. It is an MMPORG, but most players treat it like a MMOG. They just take it at face value, not looking beyond the limits of pixels and programming. Instead of imagining a flea-bitten mangy mutt hounding the heels of a heroic warrior, they see a poor abused doggy being chased away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if jagex WANTED to make animal abuse look positive it would say something like "welcome to runescape! go to varrock and stab a dog or two, its great fun!" that would make it seem positive. but being able to shoo away a fly covered, fur missing dog is something you would probably do in real life. if a dog walked up to you and started whining and was covered in flies and missing fur patches, you would probably shoo it away. what else would you do with it? it could have rabies. it could have fleas that have diseases. it could have diseases. i guess i've made my point.

done with runescape

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Lets look at a small list of animals you can kill.


Chickens, Rats, Evil chickens, Ducks, Ducklings, Seagulls, Rams, Penguins, Cows, Cow Calf, Rooster, Pheasants, Monkeys, Giant Rats, Snakes, Bats, Snails, Wolves, Frogs, Unicorns :o, Lizards, Crabs, Stags, Bears, Bear Cubs, Jackals, Goats, Yaks, Vultures, Guard Dogs, Leeches, Slugs, Wild Dogs, Crocodiles, Mice, and Moles.




Take a look at this list. (Thanks to tip.it's bestiary) Almost all of these existed before you could shoo away the stray dog. Are you telling me that it's okay to kill all these animals but not OK to shoo away a dog? I don't understand... Well cya then i'm off to kill some bears so I can cook their meat into a pie. I suppose thats okay as long as I don't shoo away any dogs.

99/99 Cooking. 1500+ total level. 96+ Combat


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lol, locked for stupidity?




Sorry to say, this was made at the time of the stupidity on the dog issue. I'm surprised you are still commenting on this issue as its long gone :/



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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  • 4 weeks later...

You are being oversensitive. This game is taking place in the Dark Ages, when people usually didn't keep animals as pets. (Which makes me wonder why we have cats and fish? DARN YOU BOB!)




Seriously, wouldn't you whip an ox to pull a plow? Or would you pamper a steer raised to be put in a burger?




Dogs back then were work animals for herding, pulling, and guard duties.




It doesn't promote animal abuse, anybody who thinks it does should join PETA and do something constructive.




PETA's just a bunch of hippies (but not as bad as ACLU...idiots). They say my dog is abused because she is on a [long mind you] chain outside. (She's got plenty of food and water. We keep her there so she can be outside even though we have no fence.) Oh yeah, and they expect me to care if my steak is raised in cramped conditions.




If you released meat stock animals into a pasture they'd literally go crazy. They wouldn't know what to do with all the space, and would likely hurt themselves. They've been raised in dark drab environments, and they don't know if they're being mistreated. It's the norm for them...



If you believe you came from monkeys, you probably did.

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However, some people play games, then do them in real life. ABusing pixels is fun. ABusing dogs is mean and cruel. But rs has nothing to do with abusing animals. PIXELS m8. Pixels. Like I said however, some people play games then do in rl. Not naming any video games of course =;
i wish i could play a game then start shooting up zombies with a laser cannon
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I think its sad people get so emotional its really sad.




You can tell the average age of rs has gone well below 13




If you don't like it don't do it.




If you think its wrong and encourages bad behaviour.




Actually why not




Jagex please romove fishing, it encourages slaughter of fish.




Oh remove mining, and coal, oh remove smithing, think of the CO2 Jagex, and its harming the fake environment.




Please remove combat, and the dual arena it encourages murder.






If you think i was over-exaggerating about all that, perhaps you should look at yourselves in a mirror before you start complaing about the dogs in Varrock




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If people think shooing a dog by making a face at it is bad... they should really get a new view on the world. A person making a topic over the same subject said that he didn't like the "animal abuse", he fed it with bones from a guard. I don't think he could've been totally right. Killing a guard, then he went ranting over making a raspberry towards a dog!



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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Whenever I witnessed the option to "Shoo-Away" the dog, I can't say that "Animal Abuse" came to my mind. JaGeX was just trying to spice up the Varrock update to make it look more real by placing dogs in alleys, resembling what it would be like in big cities.




However, I can say that the option to "Shoo-Away" the dog isn't really necessary, and may be pushing the "bringing the scenery to life" concept that they were trying to create. If JaGeX is getting a whole lot of serious responses to this addition, then I believe that JaGeX should just remove the feature and be done with it.






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The first thing you need to remember is this is all a game. This is not real. Wake up from that first. No animals, demons, dragons, gnomes, dwarves, people, etc. were hurt in the making of this game (unless someone had an accident with the equipment over at Jagex towers). You're killing/teasing pixels. In the game of Runescape, Jagex is giving you a chance to virtually tease/kill/hunt something. If you think Jagex is making animal abuse look positive, you need to answer this question: Does Jagex make violence/murder look positive? So much of the game is centered around combat and killing. There are numerous quests, minigames, dungeons, even the Wilderness where players can kill each other for loot and fun. But it's all just a game. If you think typing in and entering the phrase "Shoo" to cause a bunch of pixels to make a phrase that resembles a whining noise and then move away from your fake pixelated character is being positive towards animal abuse, you need to think again. That dog may imitate emotions and actions that a real dog may do in Real Life, but that's just it. It's not a real dog. I'm sure that plenty of the people over at the Jagex Towers love animals just as much as they love animating animals for you to mock and kill. And even if it was a real dog, you have the option to tease it. Jagex isn't forcing you to tease a dog in virtual reality, they're giving you the choice to.

-Runescape Addict --- Seven-time Writer for the Tip.It Times-

"Yes I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - The Glass Menagerie


"This game isn't about graphics, it's about fun." - The Great Ortiz 9471

<> Dragon drops: Plateskirt(1), Half Shield(1) <>

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