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Eek a spider!


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Is society to blame for its portrayal of spiders?


Bang on the mark. Fear on a large scale is mostly produced by the human imagination. For example, ever since werewolves became popular, more people started to fear wolves. Same with bats turning into vampires. The human brain is quite scary in itself.


Except unlike bats and wolves spiders DON'T have a negative media image. With the exception of the black widow ive not really heard any bad stories about spiders. The movie arachnophobia is more of a comedy than a serious horror film. I always assumed the fear of spiders to come from when I was really young. Curious about things but not things that move fast or walked all over me. I don't like spiders because I was scared as a kid not because of the media's portrail.


True. I've watched quite a few documentaries detailing the dangers of handling certain spiders, yet they always reminded the viewer that spiders, like most other animals, will only usually attack when they feel threatened. There have also been few movies that used spiders as villains (I can only recall a few). Spider-like beings even became super hero's. :P But media attention of course does not always play a role in initiating fear- everyday humans can spread fear amongst each other just as fast as the media at times. I'm actually quite surprised that the media have had less spider films than werewolve or vampire films.

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Smeg society, I'm scared because I'm scared the crap out of them.




hell yeah! fight the power!




I am scared too lol, but daddy long legs creep me out more.. KILL EM ALL!!

pfff they arnt even spiders they are flies. wuss :D



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I blame the way in which they move.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I seem to defy all the normal fears. I love snakes. I love spiders. I actually plan on getting a pet tarantula once I'm not living in a college dorm.




But I think fear of them generally is a combination of societal portrayal and size. Most people I know who dislike spiders dislike them because they are all over the place, but you don't notice them most of the time, so they can get very close to you with out your knowledge.

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i dunno i thinks it's their speed if they are medium sized and their size if they are bigger, also i think the fact they make no noise, i mean you hear a wasp or a fly, you know there is one but a spider, you can just be sitting there looking round and bam spider crawling right next to your head


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probaly becasue of the webs, how they eat there pray




some early ancistor probaly got killed by one and every human alive is the guy next to him that saw his friend die due to the spider, and that fear of spiders has lived through the ages.

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Smeg society, I'm scared because I'm scared the crap out of them.




hell yeah! fight the power!




I am scared too lol, but daddy long legs creep me out more.. KILL EM ALL!!

pfff they arnt even spiders they are flies. wuss :D




they'll get you!! Just you wait!! The way they flit about and their ridiculously long and random amount of legs.. EWWWWW!! It creeps me out..

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hell yeah! fight the power!




I am scared too lol, but daddy long legs creep me out more.. KILL EM ALL!!

pfff they arnt even spiders they are flies. wuss :D




they'll get you!! Just you wait!! The way they flit about and their ridiculously long and random amount of legs.. EWWWWW!! It creeps me out..




Apparently, Daddy Long Legs are the most poisonous spider. But their teeth aren't long enough to bite anyone. However, if you swallow one fear for your life! :ohnoes:


Me doing staff.

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Spiders didn't creep me out until I saw what happened to people that were bitten by brown recluses which are a species that lives in the area I am from. I am terrified of getting bit by a brown recluse now...




Here is an article and some pictures of what happens with brown recluses... The first couple of pictures are right after the bite happens... scroll down for pics after the venom has more time to take effect...


http://www.emedicinehealth.com/spider_b ... Multimedia

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Apparently, Daddy Long Legs are the most poisonous spider. But their teeth aren't long enough to bite anyone. However, if you swallow one fear for your life! :ohnoes:




Actually they tested that one on Mythbusters. They put Adam's arm in a tube full of them. Their fangs are long enough to puncture human skin. He had bites all over his arm. But more importantly, he didn't die or get sick or anything, so no on the venom as well.

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People fear spiders so nobody will pay attention to the REAL threat....








WASPS!!! :ohnoes: [/hide]


That thing actually looks kinda cute, with it's big bug eyes :P .




Spiders didn't creep me out until I saw what happened to people that were bitten by brown recluses which are a species that lives in the area I am from. I am terrified of getting bit by a brown recluse now...




Here is an article and some pictures of what happens with brown recluses... The first couple of pictures are right after the bite happens... scroll down for pics after the venom has more time to take effect...


http://www.emedicinehealth.com/spider_b ... Multimedia


Ew... I'd prefer people didn't post these kind of links o_O.




Just look at this thing! You have to ask why we're scared of them?





Just looking at a picture of it, the little fur makes it almost look cute. It's when the thing starts moving around that it gets creepy... :ohnoes: .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Spiders dont bother me too much. I'll kill em if there in my room, or near my room (the average north asmerican swallows 3 spiders a year in there sleep, or maby just americans or canadians but still, they just crawls in and you swallow em in your sleep. Bet you didn't want to know that :D ). It's the wasps and bees (don't think we have hornets, which are bigger and far less likely to sting you than wasps) that will keep me from mowing the lawn till later, or make me decide maby I wan't to stay inside for another hour, or i'll read my book someplace else. The bigest spider where I live is the warf spider, looks like it could give a nasty bite, some of them are absolutly massive. Im talking 2 1/2 inch legs, and easy to see mouth parts and eyes, and at least a 3 inch body. Plus they can run veary fast on water, and you don't wan't to meet one while swimming. I always check a boat (especily kiayks (sp?) and cannoes) before I take it on the water so I don't end up in the middel of the lake with a big [wagon] spider on me.

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Well some people think the spider will harm them, others take their apperance as disguisting although they are very good because they eat other insects which could be annoying or even disease spreading, thats why I let them hang around the roses in my garden and I have not had an insect attacking my roses yet which is a very common problem.




Hats off to spiders!




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Just look at this thing! You have to ask why we're scared of them?








That thing's cute! It's the tiny house spiders that scare the hell outta me.




Yea especially when they surprise you. Like when you look up and there in a spider on the wall right in front of your face. :shock:


Or if you find them crawling up your leg. :uhh:

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Just look at this thing! You have to ask why we're scared of them?








That thing's cute! It's the tiny house spiders that scare the hell outta me.




Yea especially when they surprise you. Like when you look up and there in a spider on the wall right in front of your face. :shock:


Or if you find them crawling up your leg. :uhh:




There's a spider that likes to hang out by the wall next to my computer right at eye level. Sometimes I'll lean back in my chair and turn my head to see it only a few inches from me. :shock:

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