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F2P is more fun then members


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Kinda remarkable that only people who have been F2P all the time say that F2P is better at some point, while all the P2Pers, people who have experienced both F2P and P2P, say that F2P is much worse then P2P.




So even on only that side of view, its pretty obvious which side is 'right'. Allthough this mostly is about your own feeling which cannot really be wrong.



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To be honest here, playing 1 month of f2p almost made me quit.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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f2p is full of 6 year olds, scammers, spammers, autoers, not much fun in my books


DK Drops (duo) - 4 - 1x D Axe 1x Berserker, 2x Warrior. Drag Drops - 1 - 1x Skirt.

Barrows Drops - 14 - 1x G spear, 3x K skirt , 2x k x-bow, 1x k top, 2x v flail, 1x v brassard, 1x dh body, 1x dh legs and 2x dh helm.

Proud owner of a fighter torso

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F2P has its ups and downs, but on overrall, I find it to be OK.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Having been a member on and off for the past year I can honeslty state a few things from my personal expiriences.




There are more scammers in members than there are in F2p.


You might find this hard to believe but I dare any of you to go around


merching for a week in world 1 and world 2 and count how many times you get attempted of being scammed.




Macroers - While I have to agree that there are A LOT of macroers on F2P, I also have to mention that there are plenty of macroers in members as well. Maybe not as many, but still enough to notice them. Fishing Guild, Flax Field, and Mining Guild is full of them.




Noobs/Beggars - Generaly F2P is considered teh Demo version of Runescape before you join members. Here players will raise their skills until they get a sense of that they have done everthing that can be done in F2P and want to enjou the new features of members. This is why from my perspective F2P has the majority of noobs/beggars, because all the higher levels have since gone members. Also with new account being made easily and at no cost, people don't have to worry about being reported because they don't care.




I met a friend of mine in F2P the other day to give him a Zammy Full Helm for my B-day (yes I'm so awesome I give stuff to my friends on my b-day). Wave of nostalgia over came me, in a good way. Although I was standing in the same place a minute earlier in members, it felt so different with all the differently dressed people. I actualy stayed in F2P the rest of the day buying some eye of newts, mining, edge pking, and buying some runes.




I'm not saying that F2P is better than members, but some of the statements you guys are putting against F2P are ridiculously exhagerated if not untrue to begin with.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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I've had an account that's been members for 3 years, and an account that's been f2p for three years, and I have to say I've enjoyed my time in f2p more. Amid all the annoying people there are a lot of nice people. (A lot of annoying people in members as well) And I dunno, I just prefer the simplicity of the game.

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F2p is awesome :). I thought it was going to be worse than I actually thought but if you stay up at edge you will hardly be seen. Free is way better than members, but with less updates and more noobs/bots.

Quit RuneScape :)

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F2P is fun before you become a member. After you are a member, not so much. However, as I am currently a F2P player, it has given me a little incentive to mine because that is something I never did while I was a member. But oh how boring it is. :evil:

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I spent 20 mins in f2p and i literally had to either quit rs or get members again (after being on members for a while, i spent my first 6 months of rs in f2p). If you've been f2p your whole rs time you can't say its better than rs because you haven't experienced it :lol:




I have 3 days left of members atm and the time in which i dont have members on select i won't play, simple as that.




Hmm, i think being f2p for "lyphe" is turning into the new "i played rsc therefore im super cool".

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(*I have never been member before so I havn't experienced the effects of it).




I've seen people who have been F2P for quite some time and a month or so after they first get members they change utterly. They seem to turn 'angry' or some sort.


I have seen a quote somewhere on this forum about F2P and P2P.


Not sure the exact words but it has something to do with challenging games, F2P and P2P. I'll summarize it.


F2P is challenging just to do simple things like make money, raise a skill or even ignore people who say F2P is rubbish..


So if you like challenging games (F2P), why pay for something that makes a game easier (P2P)? (Not all of P2P is easy, but it helps simple skills like Wc even simpler). Not everyone would prefer a challenge, but why rant on someone who do? I'm not trying to offend any members out there, or in here. But at least think of others before yourself.

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I plan to disprove you for each of your statements.




1.) So, what, people don't go to popular places and banks anymore? What, is there a one person per 50 tiles rule? :roll:




2.) Members generally want to lose their accounts less than F2Pers(who knows why?), so they tend to not scam, macro, curse, or break any other rules in fear of losing their account.




3.) Don't jobs pay you if you work for them? :roll:




Well, everyone is subject to their own opinions, I guess. I am guessing also that this person has never BEEN a member, seeing as he doesn't know about the hordes of people at Catherby that usually talk versus the BRIMHAVEN(as it is called) fishing in which the only things being talked are inappropriate, "Fishin lvl?", and the infamous "Phr33 ph1r3 pl0x!!!" or "FIRE! GIMME FIRE NOW!".




That is my unneeded opinion on the matter, sorry if I flamed or disproved you too much.





"The mind is not a thing to shovel."

You're asking the impossible; Jagex fixing a bug.
Noobs are raised on farms where some poor unlucky, underpaid farmers feed them dog kibbles to keep them alive until they're released into the wild.
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Hmm, i think being f2p for "lyphe" is turning into the new "i played rsc therefore im super cool".




Hey, hey, hey! Don't go hate bashing RSC, it was more of a game then RS2 will ever be. Go read up on the topic: What's so darn good about RSC? You'll realise that the community was about 100 times better on F2p. That was when F2p was an alright place to be and members wasn't really anything "Special"



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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God I cant STAND F2p. Want to know a few reasons?




1. I'm training firemaking in varrock using the street and making long lines from the center passed the bank. It annoys me greatly when there's others also training, lots of ashes, and not to mention I've been there for at least an hour and then someone has a great idea to make a fire, one single fire, in the middle of my lane. Is it REALLY that hard to walk to the side of the bank to do it?




2. "Can I buy your cape?" Does anyone else have this cape, have you seen this cape anywhere else on F2P, do you see this cape being sold? If you've answered No to any of these questions, then your answer is "No" you cannot buy my cape.




3. Person: Free Stuff Plesae


Me: No


Person: Please!


Me: No






Didn't you hear my the first time? *adds to ignore*




4. Improper grammar. This would include (not limited to, as it includes many others):




"H3y wats up"


"Can I plz hav ur cape?"


"Wer can I lern to play runscap?" (Check the knoledge base, it's right next to your dicitonary)


"Wat is dat ur wearing?"


"Min lvl?"


"Wats your stealing lvl?"


"Wat lvl is ur armor making lvl?"


"Wat r u smiting?"


"phr33 st00f"




5. Complete nit-wits


"Where's the bank?"


"Am I in the bank?"


"How do you bank?"




6. Beggars




7. Autoers, Autoers, Autoers, Default clothing, Autoers, gibberish for Names, Autoers, low levels in mining guild, low levels in the mining guild with gibberish names, low levels in the mining guild with gibberish names and default clothing, Autoers, 30+ people at one yew tree, Autoers, Autoers at every yew tree, Autoers.




8. Want-to-be player mods


Person: Can I have your cape?


Me: No


Person: Lol! Reported Noob




9. 11 Year old kids thinking it's cool to swear


Person: Omfg man this is so *** I just got ******


Person2: Wtf hapned?


Person: It was ****ing *** totally got *** ******


Person2: just ****ing tell me!




10. 11 Year old kids making up weird combinations of letters and numbers to substitute swears (They're censored for a reason nit wits)




11. 11 Year old kids obsessed with the bodily function mainly that surrounds the bathroom. A.K.A. having names such as: Poopboy2000




Those are just a few off the top of my head.




I can actually see where the topic starter's coming from. In truth, more and more of my friends are starting to treat this like either a full-time job, or some sort of addiction. Back when it was were you weren't paying for it/making the most out of every penny, there was no pressure, no rush for goals, no nothing - it was just a game.




Too bad that feeling can't be ported over to Members. Kinda wish it could be though...




It's still just a game? I don't try to make the most out of every bite of food I eat because I paid for it. I don't make the most out of every inch I drive down the road because I paid for the gas in my car. I don't sleep in my car so I can savior every part of it because I paid for it. I paid for the game, I enjoy it, and I feel no pressure. People set goals to push themselves to succeed. People make goals to see how fast they can accomplish that goal. I tried going from 1-99 hunter in a month. As you can see I burnt myself out and never finished, but at least I tried.




Honestly, I'm in an extremely pissy mood right now, and I'm going to tell you to grow up and take a look around you. You might now like it, you might disagree with other peoples ways. This is the way we want to live and the way we want to play our game. If you don't like it then you can just get up and leave. Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of people nit-picking and complaining about my life. I enjoy what I do and I have fun doing it, so why don't you keep your comments to yourself and just leave me (and everyone else) alone. If you can't have fun on members that's your problem not mine.




Gosh I feel better.




f2p = Full of noobs.... if you fit in there, you fit in




Brutal.. but true




you know what it is right?






people not able to get members, so they complain about it, haha i did the same thing when members first came out (cause i was uh, like 12/13?? and i had no credit card or money or nothing!)




but yeah, 5 bucks, haha Psht, i can spare 5 bucks, even with my 300 dollars in speeding tickets :-X hahahaha




and members is worth it (even tho there is still autoers and even if autoers are only on f2p it still Messes up the market, argh!!!! im still angry about shark prices!!!!!)


Controversy and Chaos!!!

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Aside from the fact I almost pissed myself when I saw the topic, you have an interesting idea. In some ways I suppose your right, especily about how most of the members feels empty.




I would like to contest the fishing point though. Have you tried fishing lobsters on karamja ion the last year? Since January i've had to turn chat off when i was there (only been member for a month) for fear the conversation would rub off on me and detract from my IQ.




Oh, and RS is a part time job. I alredy have a paying one 6 days a week for 6-8 hours a day life gaurding. Why not have a 1 1/2 hour part time job too ::'

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after playing in f2p for about 2 years it got very boring and annoying. With all the beggers, scammers, autoers, macroers, chinese workers, wanna-be mods, and anything else i may have forgotten. Since i'm not a member the only way to get away from the madness is clicking the log out button, and doing something else until i can convince my dad to become a member.

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It is all in a matter of persepective. Some people enjoy having the mass space available for expansion, while some like it simpler. I personally have enjoyed both aspects. I like updates but I do enjoy things simpler as just fishing along Barb Village trying to get your level up. So much more peaceful imo, but once again, that's is my opinion. You do not have to follow my opinion.




Off Topic: This is just crap!!! You are not rounding up every single f2p player of RS and putting them in the same notion of Scammers/Autoers/etc. That is bogus. I thought you guys would be better, because each person is a whole entire different person. Because some people ruin a game, does not mean you can ruin everyone's reputation because he plays in f2p. Whatever, I really don't care anymore.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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I think being forced to play F2P is at the top of my list of things that would make me quit within 2 days.




Haha.. first I'd use the f2p time to get my mining and smithing up.. and then yeah, I'd quit.




I don't see how f2p is better in any way. Generally, there are less beggars in f2p, less autoers, less scammers, less kids cause their moms won't buy them members and they can't themselves.. I've had hundreds of intelligent conversations on members.. maybe a couple on f2p. P2P has better places, better items, better everything (including, in my opinion, people.)


I think you meant less in P2P, you said f2p. :P




Also, I could search every server on RuneScape and find but 100 people that think f2p is better than p2p. I would explain, but these great people have already done so for me.





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From the looks of your highscores, it doesn't look like you've ever been a member.




Why judge something when you havn't even tried it?


If you are referring to me then, I'm sorry, you are a moron. I am not sure that you have even read my post, and yet you somehow feel that you can tell whether or not I have been a member. If you are not referring to me, then disregard the past two statements.




I'm actually a little surprised at how many people agree with me :shock:


Golden Sun= the best game ever made?

Farming and construction are dumb. I am proud to have level 1 in both.

How to write very bad guides (B3$7 3\/4R!!!!1)

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F2P PKING FOR LIFE!!!!!! P2p wilderness is just a bunch of bs these days, f2p is were the real pkers go.




i like to come at them with a d long so they go








cause most of them dont know members stuff dont work in f2p lol

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