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F2P is more fun then members


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F2P=met a bunch of freinds amidst the scammers and noobs




F2P 1/2= we started getting memberships... i was last to get one




P2P= hung out more than ever, leveled like crazy, didnt bother to find more friends




P2P now= muted, best friend quit, having to use swiftswitch just to talk to people while i fish, training combat more than ever




I now have a theory to why people think the people in f2p are better, they mostly make f2p friends and when they become members they dont need to make more friends so bizam... also p2p is very fun until you get muted and your friends quit T-T probably would have happened in f2p as well

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I disagree. I was F2P for more than half of my accounts time being around (about 5 1/2 years). And F2P was fun of course, but that was because I knew I couldn't get members and have fun. I have members now, and I find it so much more fun, the people tend to be nicer. Whenever I go to F2P, all I see is people begging and whining and scamming and reporting everyone it's rediculous.




Also, I disagree with the "there's always people everywhere" I have the reason why. Members worlds are what? 3 times LARGER than the F2P map, so if you have the same amount of F2P people on their F2P map, then guess what? They occupy most of the space because there's a smaller amount. If you take the same amount of members on a member world, they're spread out over the much larger area. Population density I believe it's called.




But anyway, F2P is full of immature little children most of the time, thus sucking the fun from it. IMO.

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F2P's not bad as long as you set yourself some goals.


I went F2P for a few months during this Spring, and havign set myself some skill goals for fishing, woodcutting, etc, I found myself with not enough time on my hands. However, if you're faced with a day when you don't feel like skilling, members can offer a huge variety and you can NEVER be bored (in my experience) :)


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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well here are my thoughts:




I would rather be a non member sometimes




ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s right, I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members.




I have outlined my reasons in an easy-to-follow list format.




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)

what is so good about that? and you can really just stick around the opular places then, such as catherby, fally, ardougnde seers, there are just as many of them in p2p as members.




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?
this one really surprised me, from playing on my newb account i can tell that random spamming is at least 4x more common on f2p, then in places like catherby beach, how did you come to this conclusion?




3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.
i dont really understand how you got to this point, the goal of f2p and p2p is exactly the same, except in f2p you have a lot of people calling anyone at least one lvl below them a noob.




well thats what I think.

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2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?


this one really surprised me, from playing on my newb account i can tell that random spamming is at least 4x more common on f2p, then in places like catherby beach, how did you come to this conclusion?


Exactly. Just think about it for a couple seconds, it'll come to you.


Golden Sun= the best game ever made?

Farming and construction are dumb. I am proud to have level 1 in both.

How to write very bad guides (B3$7 3\/4R!!!!1)

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From the looks of your highscores, it doesn't look like you've ever been a member.




Why judge something when you havn't even tried it?


If you are referring to me then, I'm sorry, you are a moron.

Hey [wagon] ever heard of skimming through your highscore form? :roll: You don't post the other side of the 'member side' of this argument.




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)
Apparently you have never been to camelot or ardougne. There are constant people there. Maybe the reason you see people "everywhere" is because they have nothing better to do. You have more places, more things to do in P2P worlds. You can only do a limited amount of things in F2P worlds.




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?
If you don't like people spamming, turn your chat on to friends. It's not hard. :roll:




3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.
Looser feel? Ever see those non members with all their skills available, to 98+? I have. Go look in the top 200 F2P members thread. Not all P2P'ers strive to be the best in Runescape by playing 4+ hours a day. F2P'ers and P2P'ers can 'no life' it all depends on the person behind the computer.




Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways.
There is nothing better in F2P worlds than a P2P world. Other than the fact that you can be with non member friends in-game.
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f2p is pretty nice for just hanging out as thier is less rush to skill.




but if i had to be foced to play f2p id totally get bored of rs cause in members if im bored i can do a quest or skill without much interuptions and people in members are generally cooler and the avarage member is about 5yrs older than the f2p. cause i was hanging with my friend in f2p and everyone said they where 12 or 10 while me and him where 16 and in members most people say they are 15+........i know age doesnt go with maturity.




in general people in p2p do take the game more seriously cause thier is so much to do and not just cause we pay for it.

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I would rather be a non member sometimes




ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s right, I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members.




I have outlined my reasons in an easy-to-follow list format.




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?




3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.




Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways.




I apologize if a similar thread has already been started on this topic, but I'm pretty sure one hasn't. Tell me what you think.




Ill agree with number 3...




When I get members, (I only get it every few months), I feel like its something I need to do, need to play, because Im waisting my money. On FTP, its like, Yeah, whatever, gonna go mine some whatever, and whatnot...




Id like to stay members forever (like some people can) but, school and parents wont allow it, so, yea.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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i have been f2p for a year and a half, and bought a month of membership in march. Members is a hell of a lot better. Its less repetitive to train combat (pest control vs. 1k lessers) and its easier to make money (fleching, sharks, herblore, mage trees, runecrafting, slayer, monster killing, even hunter). I easily earned 3 mil in the time i was a member, vs. the 900k i have earned in the year of f2p




members i more fun i think



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From the looks of your highscores, it doesn't look like you've ever been a member.




Why judge something when you havn't even tried it?


If you are referring to me then, I'm sorry, you are a moron.

Hey [wagon] ever heard of skimming through your highscore form? :roll: You don't post the other side of the 'member side' of this argument.




. . . What? I know my stats, I don't need to look them up if that's what you are suggesting I do. I'm al little confused on that point. Why would I do that? This is my opinion, I don't need to show both sides of the argument. Again, not quite sure what you are getting at here...




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)
Apparently you have never been to camelot or ardougne. There are constant people there. Maybe the reason you see people "everywhere" is because they have nothing better to do. You have more places, more things to do in P2P worlds. You can only do a limited amount of things in F2P worlds.




You don't say? You appear to have read my reasoning, even going so far as to quote it, and yet I have already addressed your concerns in the original post. "Nothing better to do"? I seriously can't tell what you are trying to say...




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?
If you don't like people spamming, turn your chat on to friends. It's not hard. :roll:




Again, you have missed my point completely. I don't see the point of restating myself as you have already shown a refusal (or inability) to read before flaming.


3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.
Looser feel? Ever see those non members with all their skills available, to 98+? I have. Go look in the top 200 F2P members thread. Not all P2P'ers strive to be the best in Runescape by playing 4+ hours a day. F2P'ers and P2P'ers can 'no life' it all depends on the person behind the computer.




I am obviously going by an average, not making stereotypes.




Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways.
There is nothing better in F2P worlds than a P2P world. Other than the fact that you can be with non member friends in-game.


I would refer you to the following:


I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members.


I don't know how much clearer I can be, short of teaching you how to read...




I realize that as far as gameplay goes, members is superior. I am just suggesting that F2P has a lot of features that make it funner to play.


Golden Sun= the best game ever made?

Farming and construction are dumb. I am proud to have level 1 in both.

How to write very bad guides (B3$7 3\/4R!!!!1)

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I see pros and cons with both F2P and P2P:






Cons: The majority of people there are like total noobs. Everytime when I walk around like whether I'm going from Lumbridge to Varrock, I kid you guys not, I have like 2 or 3 lvl10-30 people asking me "Can I have free money plz?" Questions like that, I am nice enough to tell them to raise their skills to make their own money. Now if it's something like "Can you be my bf because I need a rich bf to support me?" Pfft...for all I know, it's probably a dude in disguise trying to gain money, I mean some noobs are sad sometimes. And also, it's still fun yes, but it's slower raising skills.




Pros: Not very many...Except the fact that because there is less to do, you don't have to worry as much like "Omg! I need to get my fletching up! Omg, I forgot to complete my Slayer assignments!" etc. Also, F2P PKing is real fun. It's pretty much all melee fights without your super-advanced Ancients or Mage bows or Barrows and whatever. The other day, me and my friend was chilling in Lumbridge cuz she was showing off emote and a lvl3 came up to us started talking, he was actually mature. It's cool to see that not all F2Pers are immature.






Cons: Too much to keep track off. There's so much frickin armor, I swear...You got Dragon armor, you have Barrows armor you have to fix from time to time, too many quests (not really a bad thing, but kinda frustrating...unless you're not a quester that is) and so forth. Some high lvls still call you noob for no reason. One time I was training my mage in the Wizards Tower and some girl was like "Rofl 85 nub" (I'm lvl90 atm, this was a month ago) for no reason whatsoever...She was a lvl101 too...




Pros: It's funner, I won't lie, and you can make cash easier that way (flax, fishing guild, P2P PKing if you can get some Whips or Barrows armors) and at least more of the people are more mature than P2P.




I really don't know much to say about P2P, cuz I've been P2P only for one month...I don't mind F2P, but I get irritated sometimes about hardly anything to do. Lol

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Man, I remember playing F2P a long time before all the noobs and autoers arrived (I started playing RS a short time after RS2 was released). When I went on hiatus for almost two years, I decided to reignite my RS career and do so as a member to boot. I logged into members and it seemed almost the same as F2P... until I went back to Lumbridge F2P to check it out.




Everyone was either:


+ PMing me claiming to be a mod and demanding my password


+ PMing me demanding phree stoof


+ asking around for a girlfriend


+ asking others for free stuff


+ standing around absentmindedly in default clothing because apparently some smart cookie dropped a trail of yews to the hobgoblins




Now the only time I return there is when I want to earn some imaginary whistle points (Newgrounds' member regulation and reporting system uses "whistles" to denote helpfulness). I think it'd be easy for someone to earn a Pmod-ship by sacrificing hours of game time to report the hundreds of scammers and impostors in F2P Lumbridge, one at a time... :roll:

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f2p = Full of noobs.... if you fit in there, you fit in




Your a jackass. Go look on runehead for the top 200 f2p, you can't call everyone in f2p a noob, its like assuming everyone in a group of muslims is a terrorist.




on topic: I just got members back after a 2 month f2p stay, and I was about to quit tbh.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I've been P2p then went back to F2p, then went back to P2p and back to F2p again. I've experienced both sides and both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. In F2p, if you get a 99 range or something you have bragging rights. If you get 99 range in P2p, people will assume you PCed most or all of it. PKing is much more fun in F2p IMO.

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Yeah, it's a matter of perspective. Some people like to work where the resources are limited & it's more challenging to work within that space.




Whereas, other people like to expand their gaming experience by having more options available to them via more skills, vast map, minigames, quests etc.




In the end, it comes down to how you want to play the game, whether you want to play where there are a lot of options available or you just feel content playing within a certain space.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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Yeah, it's a matter of perspective. Some people like to work where the resources are limited & it's more challenging to work within that space.




Whereas, other people like to expand their gaming experience by having more options available to them via more skills, vast map, minigames, quests etc.




In the end, it comes down to how you want to play the game, whether you want to play where there are a lot of options available or you just feel content playing within a certain space.




Yeah but the thing is f2p aren't content, i see so many "f2p DESERVE *insert update*".

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OMG!! UR A M3MB3r!!! Phr33 St00f PlzzzZ!!! Y NOt?? eph U, U EphIN EPh!!!


RoFLMaOOL!!!!1!!!!!!eleven111!!!! Itim SCAmm3R!!!! R3p0rt3d!!!! u Lvel 87 N00b!!! Mi ma1n w1ll Pk U A** 1n da w1ldy!!!!! ItS Lvel 200!!! n3wb!!!






That right there is F2P in a nutshell... -.-

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I have only 3 problems with f2p




2)I miss out on the awesome members conten :cry:


3)whenever i train people come up to me and yell at me




"you n00b don't use that spell u suck range is better but im betterer then range which is better than you whats your total don't bother i'm members i'm so much better than you" lvl 30 wanabee exit stage left




everything else i can deal with, i might get members when i'm done with f2p which means once i hit a pretty high level on all my stats... so never.




:uhh: I guess I'm a newb too. :ohnoes:

Rs name: bionicl00 (00 is 2 zeros)

F2P forever! All my F2P stats are currently at or above 30.


Wow... I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.

87.964% of all statistics are made up.

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