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Save 3000 strangers OR 1 person you love?


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Depends on who the loved one is....









If you have to make that distinction they aren't a loved one.












I personally wouldn't save my mum, but that's just me.

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I'd save the 3,000 people.








To save the one person you love is really selfish. Besides, how could you (or even more so your loved one) live with yourself afterwards knowing you were responsible for 3,000 deaths.








Also, what if in the long term things didn't work out with your loved one, and you stop loving. What a waste of lives it would be if you ended up not even with your loved one in the end.








saving the 3,000 is the obvious choice in my opinion.

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a loved one, for all i know one of the 3000 strangers could be a serial killer.








One of them could have a solution for world peace or the cure for aids :P








I'd still choose the loved one. I'm selfish.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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The 3000.




Of cource, I cannot have a choice like that because if something were to happen, it would happen. No matter what I prefer.








The only reason is, Thousands are diying in Iraq/Palistine..etc right now, and no one cares except for the 1 solder that was injured...








I mean, Why have a huge biography on one solder if all those other people are really people...its not like they arnt human.

ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThe media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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I find it funny that no one has placed themselves as a member of the group of 3,000.








You'd say something along the lines of "While you're incredibly romantic for choosing to save your loved one, YOU'RE FREAKING INSANE FOR LETTING THE OTHER 3,000 OF US WITH FAMILIES WHO LOVE US DIE!!!!! ".








I find that rather unusual no one's done that.








Once again, I'd save the 3,000, and any loved one I have would easily understand and accept that decision.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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If I chose the loved one, the rest of the world will not like what I have done, but I still would save the loved one.

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I find it funny that no one has placed themselves as a member of the group of 3,000.




You'd say something along the lines of "While you're incredibly romantic for choosing to save your loved one, YOU'RE FREAKING INSANE FOR LETTING THE OTHER 3,000 OF US WITH FAMILIES WHO LOVE US DIE!!!!! ".




I find that rather unusual no one's done that.




Once again, I'd save the 3,000, and any loved one I have would easily understand and accept that decision.


If I were part of the 3000 then I wouldn't expect the chooser to choose anything else than to save the loved one.

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I find it funny that no one has placed themselves as a member of the group of 3,000.




You'd say something along the lines of "While you're incredibly romantic for choosing to save your loved one, YOU'RE FREAKING INSANE FOR LETTING THE OTHER 3,000 OF US WITH FAMILIES WHO LOVE US DIE!!!!! ".




I find that rather unusual no one's done that.




Once again, I'd save the 3,000, and any loved one I have would easily understand and accept that decision.


If I were part of the 3000 then I wouldn't expect the chooser to choose anything else than to save the loved one.




And you would expect that because that's what you'd choose or because the general population is selfish?




Loved one. Loved one has done for me what 3000 strangers never will.




They never will because they're dead.




I think "One death is a tradgedy, a thousand deaths is a statistic",




It sure as hell isn't a statistic to the families of those 3000.




If the situation were merely a choice that I had to make, but was not the cause of any of the factors leading up to it, I would choose a loved one. Choosing the loved one wouldn't be condemning the 3000 to death, it wouldn't be your responsibility, it wouldn't be your fault they died. The only thing you would be responsible for is saving one persons life.




I somewhat disagree with that. On some level, it would be your fault they died. Just because you didn't kill them, doesn't mean it wasn't at your cause. I know the wording of that gives an affect it shouldn't. What I mean to say is, It's your fault that they died rather than being saved because you choose to save the loved one.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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I elect to not do anything, so everyone dies, and my loved one is not jealous of 3000 that would live, and the 3000 are not jealeas of my girlfriend that would live.

Mizzou is ballin'!

Illini are fallin'!

Kansas is dead.


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@ zaquierming


Not gonna bother with all the quotes.




3000 strangers means you have never met them, and out of the billions of people in the world it's a slim chance you ever will meet them.




For the statistic thing, yeah, three thousand families sad sucks, hows that gonna effect me? It won't, but my family being sad because a loved one died will effect me.




I agree with the fault thing, but it would also be your fault if your loved one died to save 3000 people.




There's no point in trying to sound magnanimous on an internet forum and 'show off', not impressing anyone. If given the choice in real life, more of you would choose the loved over 3000 lives because we only care most about ourselves, deny it as much as you want. Even when you act selflessly it takes thought and discipline, your first reflex, yes reflex, is always to look out for yourself.

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For the statistic thing, yeah, three thousand families sad sucks, hows that gonna effect me? It won't




I envy the fact that you're emotionally numb to tragic events that occur such as war, WTC, etc.




And I know the definition of stranger. You said your loved one has done what 3,000 strangers never will. I do not understand how you could choose the loved one based on that factor. In fact, I'd think such a factor would base the opposite decision. If you choose 3,000 strangers to die, they will never have the chance to do what a loved one has done for you.




Yes, I understand that there's a slim chance that you will meet them, but not one that can be ignored. Besides, I'd say theres an even slimmer chance of meeting them if they're no longer alive, right?




Yes, the fault issue works both ways. And I guess it boils down to what you'd rather have, being at fault for the death of 3,000 or the death of a loved one.




Honestly, I'm not trying to sound like a completely selfless sweetheart to any of you. Furthermore, one that is questioning the chance of meeting 3,000 strangers shouldn't be bringing up the fact that the option I choose now may not be one that is chosen if such situation was to arise.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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@ above


Again, not gonna quote and congest this thread.




I'm not emotionally numb as emotionally guarded. It gets down to the fact that the deaths of three thousand strangers will hurt me less in the long run than the death of a loved one. Of course this could vary from loved one to loved one but on average, it'll bother me knowing I 'killed' three thousand people for a long time. However it will hurt me, personally, more letting a loved one die.




Well even if I meet one they may turn out to be an a**, of course on the contrary they could turn out to become a saint, but refer to above on why I won't take that chance.




Once again, above ^.




The last part was not directed at you, more at some other people who decided that suddenly they are they bestest people in the world and would like to save everyone, then prompts to write a long sentimental speech about how they just want world peace and such.

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1 person < 3000 people




thing is you save the 3000 you will become loved by so many more people...and have more loved ones...yes it would be really hard to decide but the thing is 3000 people all from 3000 diffrent familes that would be a heck of alot more than the 1 person and theyre family.

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Definitely 'loved one > strangers'.


That's why wars are fought.




I think you just hit the nail on the head.




People go against all reasoning, logic, and foresight in order to get what they want. They lack empathy. They do not realize that they are worsening the human condition (we are all here on this earth, trying to live). That is why people fight, why others do nothing, and the reason that conflict exists. There is a difference of desires, each perpetuated by an inherently selfish human nature.








Someone please give me a good reason to save the "loved" one. A reason that makes sense.




And yes, vanity is the reason I am typing this right now...if it weren't for it, I suppose I would be off in Africa somewhere, dedicating my life to helping others.




But no, I am selfish. Then again, perhaps it is that my reason for living is different than those people who do dedicate their lives to such causes. My reason for living? Only that it is a better option than suicide, for it seems that I am here only once. Grim, but truthful.




Now that I've thought this...I suppose I can't blame anyone for much of any decision they make...because most people simply lack some piece of knowledge.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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