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LEESTERS REBORN - Lost in Albion - Last page.

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PmG! He's back! Glad to see you again; your writing skills are one of the best around here, I really liked your prayer blog and this one is bound to be awesome too! Good Luck with your goals, all stats 80 and 90 will look incredible! :thumbsup:

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Don't let things slip up leesters, I'll have to do what I did to wakka's blog. *Sad memories*


I spammed wakka's blog extensively, I wager 40 pages in his blog were all my posts(go count, I dare you)




I'm only noticing this blog now, Welcome Back. \' Tip.It Legend, no, Tip.It God. O:)




Nice house btw, you'll have to give me a tour someday. ::'

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Good luck on your goals lee... not quite sure what they are, you did alot of rambling :-k


Well anyways good luck!




~~Skull Emblem~~

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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  • 2 weeks later...


(image of mutated pot pie)




This is what a true Pasty looks like~




(image of Arnie being pasty lover)




Only real men love them ~ Absolute Michigan food.




It is not a donut or a patty OMG!!! Lee you crack me up thinking it was a ketchup filled donut. Even Arnold loves them. :thumbsup:


Stay away from the donuts tonight and get a slaying you goober.




Hmmm still trying to figure out what the heck is a bear claw donut is.. :-k




Lol. My apologies for calling your ... kebab.... a mutated pot pie. But, I shall continue to do so, because its just too dang funny.




And ketchup filled donuts is mighty funny too. lol. Hun, I was well aware that they didn't ship them full of ketchup! You gooblet. lol.




And I don't wanna hear anything from you about being ignorant about MPP's. (mutated pot pies. lmao) if you don't know what a bear claw is.


Who's hungry? lol.




Sigh... That was the funniest thing I've ever read on the tif, I actually lol'd irl at that (like many others) :lol:




I really must catch up on what going on, i never knew you left 'till you came back :XD:




GL on 90 slayer, that not easy (as if im qualified... 45 slayer :-w )

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

After logging in members for the first time in over three months away from the game and away from Tip.It.....




"Great! Your new task is 153 Imperial Mages. Please come back to me


when you have finished your task."




Wait, aren't they called Infernal Mages? No, this is obviously something






So, I shout out to Edge bank, "Does anyone know where Imperial Mages






Someone replies back, "Godwars dungeon".




Now, I know that I have been gone for a long time, and have missed many updates, but the term "Godwars dungeon" sounds extremely dangerous to me.




And since I'm way to embarrassed to ask anyone exaclty where this place


is, I turn to the "Got any tips for me?" memory. I am no longer familiar


with my bank, so I struggle to find that little gem that lets me talk to


Duradel, and finally find it.




He mentions that they are located in the "caves in the ice", so at


least I know where to go look.




I remember that the Trollheim tele is 2 laws and 2 fires, grab the


runes, dress up in a fairly cheap ranger outfit, and get a full inventory of


sharks and a house tele tab, completing a foreshadowing of danger.




If it were only that simple.




So, I tele to Trollheim, and wind my way up north. I find ice. But I


went the wrong way, so the only ice I found brought memories back to hunter spots and getting lost looking for white colored kebbits and silly black butterflies.




So I pull up the trusty Runescape World Map.




Ah, I see the dungeon marker. Its just directly north of the tele spot.




So I rub the ammy, and grab some more runes.




I find my way through, after being reminded how hard the trolls hit you


when they throw those boulders at you as you walk by, I found a place I've never seen. Its blocked by a huge boulder. This must be the place.




As I wander closer, I lose a hit point. Oh goodness. That looks very


familiar to that quest that slowly lowered every single stat.


Yep, sure enough. My stats are being drained. Oh, the trusty Glory


Ammy. Back to the bank, grab the super stat restore potion, and make the walk again.




This time, I remember to range pray. Hey! I'm getting the hang of the game again! Imagine that.




So, I figure out that I'm able to actually move a boulder 1000 times my


size, and squeeze my way through.




I find the hole in the ground, and click on it.




And a quest-like text pops up under my game screen saying "Psst, over


here." Okaaaaaaaayy?




So, I walk over to some old guy sitting in the snow, and tells me to


give this scroll to Sir Tiffy. Okay, maybe later, old man.




So, back to the hole. I click on the hole, and this time, I'm


reminded I do not have a rope.




Here we go again.




Bank, get rope, walk back. And of course, the noob feeling is now to a


exponential level. I gave the scroll to the Tiffster and read the long


reply, without it giving me much help. Just finding out that there's a


new sword. Ah, I am starting to see. This is a new boss place. And I


realize that Jagex did it again. I foreshadow future hours of mastering a new boss, as I make way back up to the dungeon.... again.




Put the rope on there, and go in the hole.




BAM! Even without lag, the new screen loads, and I'm already down to


half hit points. Good God! So I start gobbling sharks, and while I'm still


taking 20's I turn on melee prayer. Which helped a little, but not


much, because I'm getting bombarded by all three combat styles.




And I'm eating sharks as I'm running around a huge cave with 100's of


yellow dots, all with ridiculously powerful attacks.




I find a corner with level 125 Imperial Mages, and funny looking birds


and trolls shooting things at me, hitting me, and who knows what thing is


maging me. I'm getting freakin hammered.




I try to turtle into a corner, but it doesn't help much, and I try to


attack the mages, switching my prayer, and getting hammered even more. At one point I was down to 10 hitpoints, gobbling sharks, when I finally smarten up, and ask myself "what the heck am I doing down here??" and click the house tele tab.




As I stand in my house I haven't visited in months, I'm thinking to


myself that I'm going to kill Duradel. Slowly. Manually cut out his heart.


With a dull spoon. How dare he casually send me into that death hole


without a warning! That dirty #&^@*$$* !!!!




So, taking my magnified noob feeling to the fishing guild, I fish for






At least I still know how to do that.














Time to go to Burthorpe to trade in my task...


The dueling ring does not take me there. Noob.


Ah, games necklace... I know have some in here SOMEwhere.


I end up at the Burthorpe anvil. Noob.


I find whatshisname, and he gives me 30 Banshees.


So, I grab fighting stuff I'm familiar with still, grab my nosepeg, and head


on out.


Ouch. Nosepeg for Banshees? Noob.


I lick my wounds, heal my stats, and get the earmuffs.


First kill, mystic gloves. Jagex wants me back.


After the task, I see my bank is overfilling with junk, and decided to try


out the Exchange thing.


Very cool, and i dump six junk items in the boxes, and prepare to get my next task.


Where the heck is the spirit tree now?


After losing energy twice I finally find it inside the the Exchange thingy


place, and realize it really hasn't moved. Noob.


I use the tree, and stare at Gnomeland.


Yeah, you use a Spirit Tree to get to Chaeldar in Elf-Land Lost City. Noob.


I go back, and head to the fairy rings. At least I found that easy.


You need a staff to use the fairy rings. Noob.


I get a new task of Iron Dragons. 30 of them.


I stand in a bank for 5 minutes, tickling the banker at least 20 times, trying to remember how to do this. Noob.


I actually dress correctly, with antifire shield, cash for Sarafew, and axe


to get in.


I remember to use the black mask, antifire potions, everything... I did




Whoops. I get to the point where I'm ready to pot up, and realize that


those are NOT antifire pots.


They are super restore pots. Noob.


Man, thats a long walk back.


With the black mask, all potted up, those Iron Dragons melt faster than


I remember. I'll never mage them again. Fun!


Fifth kill, dragon skirt. Yep, Jagex wants me back.


I get a clue.


After the task, I do the clue, and get a Zamarok (forgot the name of


the robe thing that looks like a big tie). The luck has my eyes rolling.


My junk sells. On its own. Without me spamming World 2 and getting a


headache. I love this place.


I put six more junk items in, and figure out how to buy Dragon Boots!




Next task is Abberent Spectres. Cool, I recognize these. I'm feeling


better now.


And I'm shredding through them very fast, having fun. Feeling strong.


Getting the rust off.


Two lava sticks, a mystic robe bottom, and a clue. Figures.


Next task is Nechreals. More slaughter.


First kill, rune boots. Uh huh. Of course.




I played for like six hours straight.




230k for a slayer level, and I'm not stopping until I get it. Level




Then I'm camping at Dark Beasts and getting that bow.




The bow that I've never seen.




The Noob is Back.





A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Glad to see you're back!




The funny thing is, you had more luck in about six hours drop-wise than a typical RuneScape player has in about two weeks...






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