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99 Smithing AHCIEVED!

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ive been watching your progress from this for a long time, just havnt made an acc before this cause i couldnt remember old username -.-




grats, glad to see you finally got it! :D




:XD: O:)


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massive achievement, and one of the harder ways to go about it ::'


now go buy a phat :-w


32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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I took 1 week break once but i played 14 hours a day until i started doing some rune stuff for people. I made 98.87M total profit.




OH....MY....GOD! :shock:




Smell some fresh air please=p.




I'm worried about your health. :lol:

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Very amazing. Have fun with all the cash you get, and have fun getting 99 mining. Congratz =D>






Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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GRATZ! Even though you flame everyone's topics (hehe) its still an amazing acheivement!!!! Buy a mask set with the profit!!!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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wow. amazzing. 9/10. get 200mil xp smithing...




do cballs take a llong time or sumthing? i mean i am f2p so idk. i hear there is a cball mould and u take 27 bars and a mold? can someone explain?

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Thx guys




I love all you guys <3:

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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Why'd I get my post deleted... It wasnt against the rules...and this isnt flame either.




Show us the 400m that you said you would make once you got 99 using cannonballs. That will prove that you did it purely on cannonballs which I am doubting right now and I kind of hope you didn't considering how many hours you would have to do that at 12k xp per hour.

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GRATZIZ!! That is a very nice 99 to have and requires a TON of determination. Ever since your blog, i've been thinking of copying you(sorry!). I need a goal, amd it would give me the cash for 3rd age mage robes and I think 99 mage too. Phr33 r00n p1at3ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç pl0><?

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Awesome job master smither! Wanna race to 99 minning?

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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