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Funny Level 99 Messages


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Congratulations, your farming level is now 99!


You can now grow joints!






Congratulations, your cooking level is now 99!


You can now cook human!



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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Cool topic ::'




Congratulations, your Woodcutting level is 99, you...


...can now chop down any tree with a herring.




Congratulations, your Attack level is 99, you...


...can now duel Chuck Norris.




Congratulations, your Hunter level is 99, you...


...can now trap other hunters.




Congratulations, your Prayer level is 99, you...


...can now walk on water.

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Congratulations, your Firemaking level is now 99, you...


... are going to jail for a very very long time.




Congratulations, your Hunting level is now 99, you...


... can now cry, since Chimchompas are now extinct thanks to you




Congratulations, your Woodcutting level is now 99, you...


... can now uninstall your bot. ;)




Congratulations, your Magic level is now 99, you...


... can now go kill Harry Potter... please!

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oh got another




Congratulations, you're Woodcutting level is 99! You can now:




be attacked by thousands of hippies.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Congratulations, your Hunting level is now 99, you...


...have now killed more animals than Michael Vick






Congratulations, your Strength level is now 99, you...


...have used more "str pots" than Barry Bonds






Our corrupt athletes...... :shame: :notalk: =;

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congratuations! your construction is now 99! you can now..




...invite girls over and have a slumber party!


Noob: Can I have your sausages plz

I guess he was referring to my whip.

i hope so :shock:

Master agility-er (=/) in the making, only 29 levels to go =]
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Congratulations, your Slayer level is now 99, you...


can finally stops train that worthless skill. :XD:




Congratulations, your Prayer level is now 99, you...


can now respawn in heaven

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Congratulations, you are now 99 agility, you...


Can now dodge bullets like Neo.




Congratulations, you are now 99 thieving, you...


Are now in jail for life.




Congratulations, you are now 99 runecrafting, you...


Can now runecraft Nuclear Runes.




Congratulations, you are now 99 defence, you...


Can now stop bullets with your teeth.




Congratulations, you are now 99 farming, you...


Now know the answer to life!




Congratulations, you are now 99 hitpoints, you...


Can now get beaten up Chuck Norris and not get knocked out.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Congratulations, you are now 99 Farming, you...


... well done, but you could've stopped at lvl 83 you know since that was the last useful level. Oh well, now you know... well done and all that. Maybe one day Jagex will release a new tree or something to make all that time and money worthwhile.




n.b. that'd be over two screens lol

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Congratulations, your construction level is now 99...


...You may now take out a mortgage!




Congratulations, your firemaking level is now 99...


...You may now start Forest Fires!




Congratulations, your agility level is now 99...


...You may now attempt to jump the Grand Canyon!




Congratulations, your thieving level is now 99...


...You may now pickpocket Members of Parliament!




Congratulations, your crafting level is now 99...


...You may now craft money out of Gold Bars!




Congratulations, your Hunter level is now 99...


...You may now catch Bald Eagles!


...You may now catch Asian Pandas!


Click my signature for my blog!

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Congratulations, your mining level is now 99...




...You can now go above ground and get a tan you albino mole!

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Congratulations, your prayer level is now 99...


.. you can now out-pray Jesus Christ 8-)




Congratulations, your Firemaking level is now 99...


...you can now burn hectares of forests.




Congratulations, your slayer level is now 99...


...you can now hunt Duradel down. (<<< OMG woot!)






Great topic dude, enjoyed thinking of these 3 up ;)


Runescaper since June 2005


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Congratulations, your Agility level is now 99, you can now take a breather.




Congratulations, your Cooking level is now 99, you can now eat all of it.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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Congratulations, your Slayer level is now 99!


You can now slay gods and take their place as god of _____________!



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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Congratulations, your Firemaking level is now 99, you..


are now a tree burning pyroman!!! i hope you are proud!




Congratulations, your cooking level is now 99, you...


can now re-heat a pizza




Congratulations, your fishing level is now 99, you...


can be proud of killing a hell lot of fishes...




Congratulations, your agility level is now 99...


can now leave ape atoll and never return

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