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Free-Player Poll


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This is a direct quote from a recent update:





This week sees the first poll that is only available to Free Players. It is not, however, the first poll we have opened to Free Players - in fact, we have opened the polls up to Free Players on five occasions since the new poll system was released.




To find out who can vote in each of the weekly polls, look under the title of the poll on the RuneScape front page. For example, this week's poll has 'Vote in this poll (Free Only)' underneath the poll's title. Every week, on a Monday, a new poll will open to one of three audiences: Members, Free Players or both. In this week's case, if you have a free-to-play account then you are eligible to vote!




Free players will not be able to vote in anything that directly affects the content of the game - only Members will be able to do so.




One must wonder, what's the point of these Free Player Polls? Jagex clearly said that Free Players "will not be able to vote in anything that directly affects the content of the game "... So what exactly is it we're going to be voting about every third week that they have a Free Player's poll, eh? I'm amazed at the shere stupidity of Jagex's thinking on this matter. So only members can vote about game content? LOL. Have they noticed that F2P takes up the vast majority of the Runescape population? :roll: I find that hilariously funny. I can't wait to see what our next poll is... "Why do you play Runescape?" Oh no wait, that's related to the game.. Hold on -- "What's your favorite type of pie?". Now that's more like it. Seriously... What exactly is Jagex thinking when they make these idiotic statements? :lol:




Before you post, please read the following quote of a post I made:




The main point I'm trying to make is: How many more poll options are there that aren't game related? I mean honestly.. They say they're going to give F2P a poll every three weeks. How many topics that aren't game related can their be? They've used up all of the possible questions about memberships and such.. So what else is there? It's just a pretty stupid idea in the long run. :|



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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So, whatever happened to "We arent ever going to do updates for f2p" thing?

I bet it's some totally awesome 20-stringed, dragon shaped instrument that doubles as a flamethrower/laser phaser. Or some really lame Chinese bamboo thing.

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They are trying to get info on how to better market runescape to f2p, who make a large percent of the rs community. It is the natural thing to do, jagex isn't a day care company, they're a business trying to make money. What do you want from their lives?


Look at it this way: if jagex actually let f2p decide on an in-game update, 90% of the p2p community would start yelling "they don't pay". If they don't let the f2p do anything decisive, they STILL get people complaining and bad-mouthing them. What do you want from them?


And contrary to prankster king's ridiculous statement, they aren't money [seekers], they're doing the smart thing: making more members.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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well yeah they want money! they are a company and their goal is to make money off of their product, is it not? they want to know why people don't pay for/quit members, so they can make it more appealing to become a member. they are doing consumer research( i think thats what its called, don't flame me lol).

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i think they dont want f2p votes to effect the game because then f2pers might be like "yay i cant wait if this thing happens cause i voted on it" then when it comes out its members only and the f2pers go :( and are disapointed. idk maybe thats y.

Fisher 4 lyfe.




86,674 to 99 cooking

36,414 to 99 fishing! (7/31/10)

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I think you are taking this 1 step farther than it needs to be.




The only updates that come out are to benefit P2P (99% of the time). So what they are refering to are the guaranteed result polls that have to due with achievement diaries and other updates.




So what they are getting at is if it doesnt effect F2P, why should they be able to vote for it?

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That wasn't the part that shocked me the most.






I took the poll, since I'm F2p. Now mind you this is a F2P ONLY QUIZ, and the question was " Do you currently own a Runescape members account "






Over 30% said yes. :notalk:



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Jagex never said that F2P would never get new updates, the graphics, quest graphics, holiday items, and stronghold would contradict that quite blatantly, wouldn't it?




The party room being placed in falador was part of Jagex's ongoing attempts to quell scamming, this time with fake drop parties that plague f2p.




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I'm amazed at the shere stupidity of Jagex's thinking on this matter. So only members can vote about game content? LOL. Have they noticed that F2P takes up the vast majority of the Runescape population? :roll:
And so what if f2p is in the majority? They are the majority that aren't paying for the game. Its not stupidity, it is smart to disadvantage f2p, so that they might want to become members.
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This isn't really related to game enhancements. Jagex wanted to see the current status of their f2p public. 30% of them apparently have member accounts, which may not look very good for f2p.




We'll have to see what they do with this info, because my money is on it changing f2p a lot...

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2 syllable word: re-search. maybe to find some things benefitial to non-members. i for one would be shocked if they released a mini-game for F2P. make a giant revolution.


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They want more members and they want to know why people aren't paying.


I know the problem Jagex has right now :anxious: :-$ they made a great game that stands alone as f2p and p2p is just an extension. The simple fact is a lot of people are happy with f2p and don't want to switch.


There are only 2 things Jagex can do to make players pay:


1) Make P2p so awesome people just have to play it (by far the best of the two)




2) start making f2p less appealing (ie cutting stuff out "fishing is now p2p only" :ohnoes: )




I just hope they won't start downsizing f2p...

Rs name: bionicl00 (00 is 2 zeros)

F2P forever! All my F2P stats are currently at or above 30.


Wow... I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.

87.964% of all statistics are made up.

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I must agree with you that it seems a bit strange that Jagex releases a poll for just F2P. But I also thinks that it's good that Jagex shows some intrests in what their free players thinks about the game.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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It's not really a 'F2P Poll'. The questions are mainly based on Ex-Members who are now F2P or F2P accounts with A P2P account. Having a proper F2P poll with better questions instead of 'Have you been a member?' would be the way to go.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Smart thing to do. If you are paying to keep something running, then yes, you should have some say. They simply made this F2P only poll to help with marketing, etc, and so they have something to queit down whiners. I would be quite happy with Party Pete moving to Fally, that was pretty nice. :)




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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That wasn't the part that shocked me the most.






I took the poll, since I'm F2p. Now mind you this is a F2P ONLY QUIZ, and the question was " Do you currently own a Runescape members account "






Over 30% said yes. :notalk:




Thats not surprising to me. Many people having multiple accounts and not all of them have p2p.

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<.< I currently own about 4 f2p accounts (I get bored a lot...) and I can't vote on any of them. Apparently I have to be f2p even though I already am...




So after trying those 4 accounts I went to my last account and I haven't played 12 hours on it yet. Ugh... <.<




It also won't even let me see the results. wtf. -.-

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I find this stupid. The reason why I think this is because what about things that affect the F2P world? P2P members will have to vote on things that affect F2P... Don't they understand they will get biased votes?


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The poll isn't really valid as long as all the answers are pre-filled.

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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