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Rule 15: Odd One Out?


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Hah. I don't know if this counts as blocking, but... unplug my internet (dsl) and plug it back in, refresh page, and all the adverts will usually have that "This plage cannot be displayed" crap on them. 8-) I that's breaking the rules... (I used NO software to do this for me, none at all!) :uhh: :-$ :-s :anxious: :ohnoes:

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The worst ads in the entirety of RS are those damn Zwinky ads with the half naked girls. I even saw a tv commercial of it once. I was like "What the Hell?! Also like the guy above me sometimes they don't load, which im not gonna complain about.




NOTE: If you don't wanna see ads without breaking the rules, downlaod the RS client (works awesome, quicker access, no internet bars, all around great), put your computer in 800x600 resolution by right clicking on your desktop, going to settings, and moving the resolution bar. on the login screen, scroll all the way down. And there you go, full-screen, adless gameplay!! (your welcome)




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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I pay for members on three different accounts, I don't pay to look at their ads. If I wanted to sit there and play free-play, then you deserve to look at ads, but, they should install some form of cookie-type tracking system so members are not shown the ads, since they already make money off of us.

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I pay for members on three different accounts, I don't pay to look at their ads. If I wanted to sit there and play free-play, then you deserve to look at ads, but, they should install some form of cookie-type tracking system so members are not shown the ads, since they already make money off of us.


I like your idea, the only trouble is you would still have to view the ads until you logged in a members world...




On The Topic: I only realised this rule existed about a month ago. When I read the rule I realised Ad-Blocker Plus and No Script had been blocking the ads for as long as I can remember. :oops: .


Strange thing is I've never had a single black mark or message regarding it. :-k .


BTW. I'm P2P.




PS. anyone know how long this rule has been been out for?


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i think its just there to show the people that buy addspace on runescape.com that they will actually be checked, helps in pursuading to buy addspace i guess


bet that rule is picked on by the other rules!!

Take your time to post on my blog please!


Open up your hate and let it flow into me, madness is the gift that has been given to me...

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This rule is completely stupid, it's only there to make the advertisers happy.


Totally true, and i actually think it insulting to be told that i must not block ads.


- Honestly i didnt know about this rule until now, but when i was f2p half the times i tried to logon the ad interfered with the game.




Call me cynical but rule 15 is only there to benefit the company whereas the others actually benefit the game.

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There are options located within "Internet Options" that can block the advertisements. I do NOT use this though. I hope I don't get banned for "blocking" the flash advertisements because Flash Player causes a BSOD because it requires 128 megabytes of RAM. Not 64..


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You know, you can just hit the "stop" button at the top of IE while the ad is loading to stop the ad...




Also, Is this what Jagex has become? "Banning" players that don't provide money for them? I really hope that they have some other, however strange, reason for this other than for money. If not, than Jagex has truly been corrupted.


^Clicky for Q Cape Blog^


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no more f2p = no more little kids! Everybody block the adds!




**I am not saying f2p are little kids. I'm saying that most little kids aren't willing to pay for a game they dont check out first, because 5$ is a lot for them.




Will you and select a use please stop trying to trash f2p'ers? This is the fourth thread I've both you and him make some off hand remark about them... What the heck guys?




Even with your whole **-wait i don't wanna get flamed again part- it still shows that the first thing you think when something like this pops up is something against f2p'ers... you started out as one... everyone did... jeesh <.<



New sigzor^^

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Why should ads be such a big deal? I hardly ever notice them.


Just block pip-ups and the rest won't bother you at all.




And a side note: P2P has as much bots, beggars and pre-teens as much as F2P.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Well most likely they can. Because you're most likely using some kind of third party software to block the adverts. But, why would they have the rule if they couldn't detect it? The only reason I could think they'd say it is to scare people into not blocking the advertisments.




Wrong I actually accidentally found a way around them, that is legal. When you have the window up, game running (have to be on Firefox, only place I tested it), you can hit the back button, once the ad disapeers, hit the stop button and you can game without looking at the horrible flashing ad!




I think the ad is there for more of a safety persuasion then anything. If they didn't have the rule then there wouldn't be anyone there to tell them not to block the ads. It's more of a fail safe then anything.



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I never see advertisements, whether it be in SS or Mozilla, I just don't. Maybe it's because I'm just about always on Members and it's used to that way?




You must see adverts - you just con't take notice of them. Even members see adverts - there is one on Jagex homepage, one of high/low detail chouce screen and one on world select screen






Not if you have FireFox! =D>



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Im f2p and I always block the adverts, so far they havn't caught me and I doubt they will. I dont use any third party sites just change in the internet settings.




The community is so small-minded nowadays. I remember when people used to urge each other to click on the ads so that Jagex would have some revenue for f2p. Now I see a ton of people boasting they play and cheat Jagex of their rightful revenue from their free service. Shame!




Why should ads be such a big deal? I hardly ever notice them.




So true. People should be more generous especially if they are f2p.

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It's strange, I've never seen an ad, ever. Except for those on the update pages, but they're all blank white.


I look for the spaces for ads, but my gameplay screen is a neat fit into my browser, and no scrolling space for ads. Same goes for the mainpage.


On detail select there is just a blank black area between the detail select and Java version select. I think the ads are scared of me.


Either that, or NoScript is doing a better job than i thought. I mean, no trace or hint of ads at all.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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ive never seen one of the adds. i guess i had an add blocker i never knew about :P i do go on nonmembers a bit, so dont say "coz ur a member"

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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It's strange, I've never seen an ad, ever. Except for those on the update pages, but they're all blank white.


I look for the spaces for ads, but my gameplay screen is a neat fit into my browser, and no scrolling space for ads. Same goes for the mainpage.


On detail select there is just a blank black area between the detail select and Java version select. I think the ads are scared of me.


Either that, or NoScript is doing a better job than i thought. I mean, no trace or hint of ads at all.





I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Just a side note, in case no one has noticed... Jagex is effectively committing a crime with rule 15 in conjunction with their TOS. A simple analysis that should put the point across:




By having ads on screen, Jagex is actively making people vulnerable to malware/spyware. This, no matter what country you are in, means that Jagex is liable for any and all computer damage in relation to those, no matter what their TOS says.




So, either they can follow their TOS, or they can follow their Rule 15. But they can not follow both and get away with it. Especially with the number of their servers they have in the USA. They are royally vulnerable on this front of the issue. I suspect this is why we've heard no bannings of those in violation of Rule 15.




So, folks, you'd better put a nice ad-blocking setup into place... before that malware gets you. Once it does, the only thing that will get it out is a format of your hard disks and load of your last system backup. Gee, I hope you keep your data saved safely, and backup often enough.




'Nuff said. I think someone should put a lock on this topic. (Personally, I am surprised ~and annoyed~ anyone brought this up again since the "Rule 15: Order 66" topic of some time back!) <.<




~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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