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Game-crazy teenagers "lose sleep"


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I have problems going to sleep when "normal" people do. Not just problems, serious problems. I can wake up at 7am and still be up at 5am the next morning having slept zero hours and not feeling tired at all.




You can imagine the pain when you should meet somebody or go to a regular job at 9am then, and the sleep starts kicking in, it strangles your brain... You could easily become dependent on semi-drugs like taurine, drinking tons of it in the form of red bulls, battery, etc. just to stay awake.




I went to a doctor for it when I was 17, I couldn't take it anymore. Know what? This wasn't something I could control, this was something in my genes and heritage, they found out by the medical records my father has had this, and he'd told decades earlier his father had this too. I can't remember the exact term for the 'disorder'.








If you are excited by your TV/PC/Phone, and go to sleep at 11pm instead of 10, you need to have the willpower to control yourself. That's nothing serious.




If you really can't sleep until it's like 3-5am (or just don't fall asleep at all) even though you woke up early, seek medical advice. It's rare, but it can happen to anybody. Even me, I thought all my life it was true when my mother said "I'm just lazy in the morning". Turned out that wasn't the case.

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I have problems going to sleep when "normal" people do. Not just problems, serious problems. I can wake up at 7am and still be up at 5am the next morning having slept zero hours and not feeling tired at all.




You can imagine the pain when you should meet somebody or go to a regular job at 9am then, and the sleep starts kicking in, it strangles your brain... You could easily become dependent on semi-drugs like taurine, drinking tons of it in the form of red bulls, battery, etc. just to stay awake.




I went to a doctor for it when I was 17, I couldn't take it anymore. Know what? This wasn't something I could control, this was something in my genes and heritage, they found out by the medical records my father has had this, and he'd told decades earlier his father had this too. I can't remember the exact term for the 'disorder'.








If you are excited by your TV/PC/Phone, and go to sleep at 11pm instead of 10, you need to have the willpower to control yourself. That's nothing serious.




If you really can't sleep until it's like 3-5am (or just don't fall asleep at all) even though you woke up early, seek medical advice. It's rare, but it can happen to anybody. Even me, I thought all my life it was true when my mother said "I'm just lazy in the morning". Turned out that wasn't the case.




insomnia? :)


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@Tigra: Eat when hungry, sleep when tried, do not use stimulants. A dozen of so stints of 60h+ of no sleep should have you powerthing through 20-21hrs of a day rather than the standard 16 or so :P




When you eat when hungry rather than the standard 3-meals a day junk, you aren't running on empty by the time it's end-of-day, so you generally have energy left to go for another 4 or 5 hours at least before you require a short sleep to recharge, at which you wake to a meal - since it would've been close to 8hrs since the last one - and the process starts again ;)




I do all of the above, actually. :P Though, sometimes I do force myself to sleep 'cause it seems abnormal being up so late, but yea...I never use stimulants, and I eat like 8 times per day (when I'm hungry, in other words :P). Workin' out and all. :P

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I sleep whenever i want to. Usually from ~6am till ~5pm. Sometimes it's completely different though, like 10pm till 5am. I feel most energized and creative during the night hours, when everything is quite (well everything but me). When i'm working on something i usualy do that in the hours from around midnight till i go to bed at 6am. I couldn't imagine doing anything serious during daytime, although i'd rather feel like ordinary work when it's light out there. So ordinary things = daytime, creative things = night for me.

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Me? Lack of sleep? As if. Unless I have school the next morning, which cuts back on it, I get an even 10-12 hours of sleep a night :mrgreen:




No way. 10-12 hours? Damn, I honestly cannot sleep for more than 8 hours. I think it's something about my body-clock, but i'll tend to wake up exactly 8 hours after I've gone to sleep, almost to the minute. After that I might just lay there and semi-doze, but getting back to sleep is near impossible.

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What a load of Rubbish, sorry I get a perfect amount of sleep thanks, and seeing as I share a room, we have 2 Pc's, 2 walkmen, 1 minidisc player, 2 mp3 players, ps2 a 360 a TV two Radios (Which i use to listen to Metal -It helps me sleep :XD: ) BTW I'm not boasting it's just to point out that I am surrounded by electrical devices.




If the teenager doesn't know when they are tired that's their problem, and I shouldn't be restricted because of an overload of Pixel junkies.




Personally, I usually go to bed around 10 each night but i am usually awake until around 12 am I wake up dead on time :) I go to bed earlier if i need time to think (I think alot), and sometimes get up at 5 am, my brother is the same. It all depends on your own body's preferences and your diet, sure we all need a good amount of sleep but how does electrical equipment cause sleep deprivation? As long as each person maintains a good healthy sleep pattern, what's the problem? and even if said person doesn't sleep healthily then that's their problem, isn't it.




Edit: I'm back, Sorry about the rush.




I was going to say that at random points in my life i suffer from insomnia, but only if I have a huge amount of stress etc... and I actually sleep worse if I don't listen to some music before bedtime, My father is the same he watches TV. Some night's I get up and read a book so umm nope the computer isn't the cause, besides i turn off the juice at the wall i like it dark and there are millions of LED's. :x

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I Dont get tired from playing games and such, I dont play alot at night anyway




Normally I get very tired from going clubbing at night, Im normally fine the next day but the day after I think it catches up with me and i get Very tired

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Why dont they put one of those things one their childrens consoles that times how long they can be on there for?




I think they enter a certain amount of time, and after that amount of time the console shuts down or something.




What happens if you can't save it until a certain point, then suddenly the game console shuts down just before your first save point comes up?




It just won't work.




I really doubt parents care about your save points being missed. It teaches the kids to watch the clock and make sure he saves a few minutes before it shuts off.




I mean I've known a few games where you CAN'T save until a certain point. You're system shuts down just before you save. That's not fair at all.

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I mean I've known a few games where you CAN'T save until a certain point. You're system shuts down just before you save. That's not fair at all.
Give you some mighty fine practice at doing it faster each time though, right? :ohnoes:
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My day-night rythm is pretty warped - I only have 10 hours of classes each week, and the earliest start at 11am. This really affected me weirdly when I got a job for a month in May. I'd go to bed at 2am, get up at 7am, come home from work at 6pm, crash, wake up at 9pm, eat dinner, then go to bed at 2 again.

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Me? Lack of sleep? As if. Unless I have school the next morning, which cuts back on it, I get an even 10-12 hours of sleep a night :mrgreen:




Lucky... It has nothing to do with my videogames, but I tend to not be able to sleep past 7 or 8 in the morning. If I pull an all night and go to sleep at 9 I don't see why I couldn't get 22 hours of sleep though... hmmm... think I'll try it. :D

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My day-night rythm is pretty warped - I only have 10 hours of classes each week, and the earliest start at 11am. This really affected me weirdly when I got a job for a month in May. I'd go to bed at 2am, get up at 7am, come home from work at 6pm, crash, wake up at 9pm, eat dinner, then go to bed at 2 again.


Sounds like fun. Anyways, I usually get 10 or so hours of sleep (really more lik 11) unless I have school (then it's about 8). I've found that I can get very little sleep but still go through my whole day without feeling tired, without the use of caffeine. I dont know how many straight days I can keep this up for, though.


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School can cause me to lose more sleep than video games.


But it's usually the other way around...Still, if my parents tell me to stop playing, I stop playing.


During the school year, my typical day is wake up at 7, school, walk home, an hour of computer games and homework (Multitasking FTW), practice piano, and computer games until 5-6, TV/reading/games for the rest of the day. I can easily end at any time. Yet I usually go to bed between 11 and midnight...Not that much sleep for my age, but eh...It doesn't affect my schoolwork, so my parents don't really care. If it gets to a point that they do care, sure, I'll just stop whenever they want me to.




Both parents and the kid need to take care of the problem. The kid should be able to control themselves, and the parents should reinforce it. If not, they have no right to complain.




(Anyways...During vacations/days with no school, I alternate between playing games, TV, reading, and random walking around for the whole day. I usually stop playing games around midnight, and maybe read an hour. I wake up after 10, so I guess it makes up for the lost sleep of the school year.)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Maybe I'm just used to it, but I simply can't sleep more than 9 hours without feeling extremely tired after I wake up. I normally sleep around 7-8 hours when going to school, and around 9 on holidays, and I've never had problems like feeling sleepy in school or the like.

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I usually go to be around 11, wake up 6:30 before school.




But I almost always forget to turn my phone to silent...and receive a lot of calls/text messages in the middle of the night.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Wow, I really like how this article tries to blame electronics for all of our sleeping/teenage problems. Sleep deprivation has existed for ages - electronics are just one of the means of distraction. But really, seems like some phony stats if they want to figure out how many kids fall asleep WATCHING TV, listening to music, or with electronics on. Heck, I fall asleep with the radio on seven days a week, but that doesnt mean the TV keeps me up late awake...


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Heh, I work a fulltime job, play video games (WoW) for 6 - 7 hours a day and still get "enough" sleep. I say it like that because I get my 8 hours.




Yet I'm always tired, at the weekend when I've got no work and no alarm clock I tend to sleep for the duration my body needs. It could be 5 hours it could be 14... I've still not figured out a perfect amount of time yet. One of my workmates gets 6 hours a day regardless and always feels fine. Then again, he's had time to experiment being just over twice my age. :lol:




As for 'teenagers', if they're under the age of 18 their parents should be telling them when to get to bed and get up in the morning. I remember going to bed at my bedtime but staying up with a torch and a book... Yes, not very technological. I got in trouble a few times when my mum or dad seen the light through the bottom of the door. So it does really depend on the parents and if they care enough about their children to help them. After they're 18, I think they should know by now how much time to play games/watch tv for. At least I got the choice. Then again, I had a full time job by the age of 18. :-k


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That is so wrong.




I can play Game all day and still have a good sleep.




So now excuse me, I gotta go find a reason why I'm feel very sleepy in the middle of afternoon. :-w



Stunner is in the house! Make some noise please?

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That is so wrong.




I can play Game all day and still have a good sleep.




So now excuse me, I gotta go find a reason why I'm feel very sleepy in the middle of afternoon. :-w


The hot afternoon sun hypnotises you. :wink:




I do perfectly fine sleeping from 10/11pm/12am to 7am. Amazing I do that for weekends and not feel tired, yet waking up 1 hour earlier for school days makes me real tired, but a shower easily clears all that fatigue. Oh, and I have a record of playing games for a total of 16 hours once.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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