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My opinion on RuneScape


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I just chose a few things to respond to:



1. Another thing is the outfits people wear. People will put on their best outfit/armor and walk around entirely for the purpose of trying to feel cool. They will high alc or something along with that and simply stand out of a group so people will look at them. I don't deny that looking good is important in the game, but its not something you do only to look good and try to show off.




2. I can almost guarantee to you that 40%+ people that play are under the age of 13. I look around and most people are trying to scam. I needed to buy some dragon bones....6 people were there.....they were all lvl 3.....i trade and of course they switch them with big bones. This game revolves WAY too much around money.




3. Also, when I look around in this game, every single person uses "leet" speak such as..."lol, lolz, roflx, kk, pwned, and way more". I can understand using "lol, rofl, brb" and those, but people make them sound gay. Along with that many people "dance" with each other by following each other at the same time and I find this the most sad thing ever, 99% of people that that either do it so people in the game will think they are cool or they don't have/never have had a real life girlfriend.




4. This game is getting more and more simplified also. Everything in the game is basically at a second grade level. No thinking is required and nothing takes more skill than clicking food if your health is low or , but common sense comes into play there. I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.





1. This is a GREAT point, and it truly annoys the heck out of me. I hate it when people stand outside the banks just for attention. Get over yourselves.




2. I highly doubt that 40+% of the people that play this game are 13 or under. I really do. All you have to do is go to the trade worlds to see that about 90% of those people are adults or mature teens willing to do good business with you. As for the scamming. You stated that most people try to scam. Woah, hang on. I'd bet that 98% of the RS population hasn't EVER tried to scam. So, no.




3. Again, every single person uses leet speak??? Just because someone says w00t, or h4x, or something once does not mean that they aren't just joking around and mocking those who constantly use it. I'd bet that 95% of the population at least tries to speak normally, if not more. KK and lol aren't leet speak either, considering they were invented on things like AIM. The dancing, yeah, its annoying, but seriously, you don't see it as often as you make it out to be. I see that like once a week, and I'm on often enough to see it a lot if it happened a lot.




4. About the whole "It takes no education to play the game" thing...Try to go PKing in the wildy and NOT get killed with a second grade education. STR pures can own anyone who isn't fully prepared, so I would think a 2nd grader probably would get owned. That goes for mage pures, and range pures as well. If you aren't smart, you'll get owned. As for skills, well, if a kid is under 13, you really think he has the stick-to-it-tivness to pull off a 85+ in any non CB skill??




Finally, you say the game revolves WAY to much around money.




Um...maybe you should log off WoW and look around the real world man. The WORLD revolves around money, WoW is actually giving you a bigger escape from reality becaue it gives you no economical power. Money makes the world go round, but apparently the World of Warcraft doesn't care.




One final thing:





I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.




So how about that $15 for the WoW accounts??? You think they really care that much more. They ought to care 3x as much, and RS updates weekly. Who cares more?

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I must say NonRune, your views on RuneScape are VERY biased.




I'm not going to post my reasons why I play RuneScape because it has pretty much been answered by many others here. I particularly agree with the points Underu2000 made.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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Don't you have anything better do to with your time than to write so much trash. I didn't even get past the 2nd paragraph.




Good luck to you and hope you find better use of your time.


Nope, I just wanted to see what people would have to say about some of these. I'd love to hear why you play RuneScape.




Fun, a good nice chat, some laughter and I also make other people on Tip.it chat laugh with my blargh humor. Besides, if you don' t like Rune Scape, go to WoW. See if I care.




Oh and I love my 73 mining.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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NoRune, you're absolutely right. Lol, Runescape is so pathetic. Don't except much approval from the people here, they're runescape players after all. Post that on any mmorpg forum, and they will all agree with you. A lot of the people here don't know better than Runescape.




A) I enjoy the complex PvP system, and if you really bothered to attempt to PK someone, you'd know it's more that just a 'click-fest'.




I lol'ed. See what I mean when I say a lot of people here don't know better? xD

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NoRune, you're absolutely right. Lol, Runescape is so pathetic. Don't except much approval from the people here, they're runescape players after all. Post that on any mmorpg forum, and they will all agree with you. A lot of the people here don't know better than Runescape.




A) I enjoy the complex PvP system, and if you really bothered to attempt to PK someone, you'd know it's more that just a 'click-fest'.




I lol'ed. See what I mean when I say a lot of people here don't know better? xD




What part of 'I have tried WoW and thought it boring and pointless' don't you understand!?




And by the way I have played RPGS besides Runescape-




Kingdom Hearts






EVE online


The Matrix online




Kingdom of Loathing




Don't call me ignorant just because I enjoy playing Runescape better than WoW.




'Lol, Runescape is so pathetic.'


What a intelligent, enlightening post! Let's dissect it, shall we?


lol-Not in any known dictionary. Also, part of the thusly described by the topic poster 'l33t language'.


is so pathetic-Let me guess, since this game 'is so pathetic' this means you don't play it regularly, right? You perhaps play other mmorgs, even WoW more often than you play Runescape? Yet, you still use the 'l33t' term mentioned above.. Hmm.. I believe your statement has just defeated the point of Nonrune's post, that only runescape players are dumb and 'pathetic' enough to use 'l33t' terms. Also, have I used any 'l33t', no wait, even 'online-speak' terms in any of my posts? I think not. In fact, all of my spelling and grammar is precise and correct. Yet, I seem to enjoy playing Runescape more than you do.... -.-




Furthermore, your statement has no facts or references to mention. Therefore, we can assume that your 'argument' is made up purely of your opinions, like the 'argument' presented by the topic poster.




'Don't except much approval from the people here, they're runescape players after all. Post that on any mmorpg forum, and they will all agree with you. A lot of the people here don't know better than Runescape.'




Nothing but stereotypes and over-generalizations here, as well as your personal opinions twisted with 'facts'. By the way, wrong kind of except, genius. -.-




You have officially been 'owned' by the Grammar Police.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Since I am used to the game "World of Warcraft", RuneScape cannot come close to matching it in any way at all. I know most of you think now "$15 is too much" yet I bet all of you would pay that much if you had to or a lot of you have more than 1 members account. When you compare a game like World of Warcraft to RuneScape, there is no competition. Games now a days are evolving yet RuneScape is just staying the same bad graphics Java game which is getting more and more basic. I don't know how games like RuneScape are so popular when games like WoW(World of Warcraft) are around. Graphics are perfect, more freedom, it takes still, money barely matters, very friendly community that is always glad to help and lend money if needed, and much more. I am not trying to get you to play WoW though, i am just saying that RuneScape is just a Java game when other games now a days are much much more advanced.




So I wanna know why you play. Is it because you think you are good at the game, because you like the attention, you don't have real life friends to hang out with, what? I know most of you are just gonna say because you have friends that play, but what keeps you playing?





I find almost any game where there are "lvls" are filled with noobs and little kids. These games are almost all click games where skill is not needed and patience and luck is. Take a game like Starcraft, idiot noobs don't play it because they don't have the patience, brain power, or skill to mirco 50-100 units.




On the subject of WoW i wouldn't know. People who play SC and WC3 tell me that WoW is filled with noobs. I wouldn't know since I don't play it but it looking at and reading about it it just seems like a maplestory/runescape with good graphics.




And I'm not biased either.... I play WC3 and SC both made by blizzard.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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Don't you have anything better do to with your time than to write so much trash. I didn't even get past the 2nd paragraph.




Good luck to you and hope you find better use of your time.




Lol. Don't post if you don't got anything interesting to say?




To author; you bring up some valid points, especially that it takes no skill to be good in RS. Just train/play a lot, and you're good. Except for PK-ing and money making it needs a little skill, but not a lot if you ask me.


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Hello, welcome to tipit.




When you compare this game to other MMORPG games now a days, you may think it is fun but I look at it and think "How do people enjoy this game?". When I look at it, not ONE stat takes ANY skill to get up, and fighting.....don't even mention it, it's click wand wait....wow. The game in my opinion is entirely made for people to leave their real life and feel "popular" in this virtual world since they are better then other people and they get more attention. Most people don't think of it that way though, they think of it as "I'm so good at this game, I have 99 ______." I think this is pathetic because it just shows you have too much spare time in your life, feel that it makes you better then other people, that your "good" at this game, and many other reasons. High skills show nothing to me other than how much of a loser you are, I'm sorry if this offends anyone but it is just my opinion.


See, thing about runescape is that it's an rpg, which means that nothing requires skill, just time and patience. Show me one true, turn-based mmorpg that doesn't require some level grinding and I'll show you an unsuccessful game. When I look at somebody with a 99, I think "oh wow, they must have spent a lot of time and effort on that, and only because they have patience and determination I don't." Think about it, the day you get a high level, would you look at yourself and say "wow, I should have done something better all this time"?




Another thing is the outfits people wear. People will put on their best outfit/armor and walk around entirely for the purpose of trying to feel cool. They will high alc or something along with that and simply stand out of a group so people will look at them. I don't deny that looking good is important in the game, but its not something you do only to look good and try to show off.


Ridiculous. So you're saying that after spending hours and hours on a game, we are not allowed to show it off? Forget looking good, forget doing the smart thing, it's about the ego, showing that we, are in fact better than other players in yet another way. It adds to the competition in the game, making the MMO part of an mmorpg.


And I'll assume you've never worn a good brand name clothing in your life.




Also, another reason I think you enjoy this game so much is because in real life you don't get as much attention you like and aren't much of a "leader", but when you sign onto this game you love all the attention you get from people that are lower levels than you and follow you. Yet again, I find this wrong since it is just a game and your just not happy enough with the real world. This doesn't apply to everyone though, but I know it does to a lot. People say they don't like being followed and getting all the attention from low levels but on the inside, it just makes you feel more powerful and keeps you playing.


Yeah, winning is fun. A game wouldn't be a game if you couldn't be a winner. Does that give you the right to mock those who are better than you in the game? Absolutely not, whatever happens to those people are not your business, and you, I assume young, are in NO PLACE to judge others like that. Wrong or not, it's their problem not yours, don't worry about it.




I can almost guarantee to you that 40%+ people that play are under the age of 13. I look around and most people are trying to scam. I needed to buy some dragon bones....6 people were there.....they were all lvl 3.....i trade and of course they switch them with big bones. This game revolves WAY too much around money.


Perhaps, the game is aimed at young people. It so happens young people are not always mature. And that one isolated incident hardly counts as proof that 40% of runescape is under 13.




On the RuneScape forums, there are hundreds of people that make fake drop parties, say they are buying an item just to scam, and many other things. I made a rant on the RuneScape forums and it got banned within seconds even though in bold i clearly asked if a forum moderator is going to lock this, please just tell me what to remove and I will be glad to edit it. But instead it gets locked, post removed, and why do you think he locked it....because I made the game look bad and said the word "scammer" once in it. I didn't even go into the scamming topic, i juts used the word scammer in a sentence.


Scammers are idiotic morons who desire nothing more than sheer virtual profit despite the fact that it provides little entertainment at all. Don't mistake it with all runescape players, or anybody except scammers themselves.




Also, when I look around in this game, every single person uses "leet" speak such as..."lol, lolz, roflx, kk, pwned, and way more". I can understand using "lol, rofl, brb" and those, but people make them sound gay. Along with that many people "dance" with each other by following each other at the same time and I find this the most sad thing ever, 99% of people that that either do it so people in the game will think they are cool or they don't have/never have had a real life girlfriend.


Nobody uses leetspeak. Nobody. It's a stereotype that characterizes annoying players. What you just wrote is NOT leetspeak, its chatspeak. And it is used mainly to save time typing. Everybody uses it at least once, even you. And as for the people who spam it and do stupid things, you just saw a few of the immature people in runescape. It so happens the real world is filled with them too, go out and look.




This game is getting more and more simplified also. Everything in the game is basically at a second grade level. No thinking is required and nothing takes more skill than clicking food if your health is low or , but common sense comes into play there. I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.


EDIT: Woops, I skipped this.


Runescape is a game geared to a young audience, and Jagex tries its best to reduce the learning curve. I bet new players would find that many things are helpful to them because they're easy. As for difficulty, look around. Many quests require thinking, many places are much more complex than the basic tenets of combat, etc. And if you think there's nothing more to fighting than eating food, you wouldn't last long in PvP. There is more than the fair share of difficulty in runescape, you have to stop ignoring it and looking at all the easy parts only.




If you go up to someone in RuneScape and need some help, need to borrow a tiny bit of money, or anything like that, I can almost guarantee you won't get anything. This game revolves 99% around money and it is the games one major downfall that has ruined it for sure. I cannot stress on this enough, if they changed how money was used in some way them autoers would stop since money wasn't needed as much, scammers would lessen, and much much more. If they make most items non-tradeable then this game would be improved by soooo much. I was curious how bad this really was so i go up to a level 30 doing free gem cutting and give him a sapphire and guess what he does.....LOGS OUT! pathetic, and I have done this multiple times just to be curious since i have 100 + gems and every single time it is the same thing. This brings me to my next point, bans and black marks.


Did you just suggest removing trading from the game? That is a terrible idea, I hope you realize it. The game revolves around trading, so does the real world. Why don't you walk up to a random person in the street and ask for a buck? Getting rid of trading and money would eliminate autoers and everybody else who plays the game.


And if it isn't obvious, you don't trust low levels as much. They have less to lose, and I'm sure you know all this. If you find a dozen or so high levels who do it, then I'll be amazed and accept that runescape is corrupted. Until then, bad example.




Jagex claims they are doing what they can to stop autoers, scammers, and all of that but THEY DON"T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT. They might ban an account or 2, but what stops people from making a new account to continue what they are doing....NOTHING. Autoers make account after account to do what they do and lose nothing but worthless pack mule characters. Same with scammers, they will do a scam, transfer the stuff, get banned, and guess what....OH NO they lost a worthless level 3 character! I understand sometimes the main is banned but too rarely to count. If Jagex wants to do anything, they should limit the amount of accounts that can be made or do IP bans or something because at the moment that aren't doing anything to help, they are just making people madder and making them want to scam more.


They do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to stop it, short of making all runescape members. Guess what? It's not working, but at least they're trying. And how about you? Do you report or send in lists of autoers to jagex? I would assume not, with that attitude.


Short of mass IP banning, how do you resolve we stop scamming? The day you find out, the day you tell jagex.




Since I am used to the game "World of Warcraft", RuneScape cannot come close to matching it in any way at all. I know most of you think now "$15 is too much" yet I bet all of you would pay that much if you had to or a lot of you have more than 1 members account. When you compare a game like World of Warcraft to RuneScape, there is no competition. Games now a days are evolving yet RuneScape is just staying the same bad graphics Java game which is getting more and more basic. I don't know how games like RuneScape are so popular when games like WoW(World of Warcraft) are around. Graphics are perfect, more freedom, it takes still, money barely matters, very friendly community that is always glad to help and lend money if needed, and much more. I am not trying to get you to play WoW though, i am just saying that RuneScape is just a Java game when other games now a days are much much more advanced.


No, you underestimate what people can do with a little creativity, and in this case, Java. Jagex accomplished what Blizzard did with a fraction in time and cost. Granted, Blizzard is a better gamemaker company than Jagex, but it doesn't mean runescape is bad. How many times must people hear "graphics aren't everything"? Runescape rivals WoW in gameplay and game mechanics. Money barely matters in WoW because it is ONLY PvP. How can you call runescape "basic" when WoW has such a meager economy? If anything WoW has outdated graphics (for its potential), it is has severe limitations in certain aspects, and yes, it's days are numbered, just like every other game out there. And what is bad about being simple. Don't you know that is runescape's biggest success is its simplicity? Anybody can play it, anywhere, for free.


NOTE:WoW, is a better game than runescape, I agree. I just disagree with your statement that "runescape is completely useless and WoW is godly". Oh, and your statements are hypocritical and somewhat contradictory, since you talked before about how people devote their lives to videogames. WoW has a lot more of those.




So I wanna know why you play. Is it because you think you are good at the game, because you like the attention, you don't have real life friends to hang out with, what? I know most of you are just gonna say because you have friends that play, but what keeps you playing?




This was typed up quickly so it is only some of my thoughts. If i had more time, i would easily be able to talk about loads more, but this is good for now.




Please don't get this wrong, I am not trying to be mean, sound mean, or anything along those lines. I am just giving my opinion about this game and wanna hear why you play.




Sorry if I came on a bit hard, but it had to be said. You heard my reasons, your thoughts on runescape are your own still.





yeah i agree with all of his points, just a few extra:




runescape quests are amazing i love them cut scenes, good long story lines, good boss battles. its like reading a book but you actually are part of it. i suppose this applies only to the long story lines but still the other quests are really lacking in story




wow quest are go kill x plainstriders go collect x cougar skins. etc etc




also skills on rs are very good we have 23 of them, on wow you can pick 2 .


even saying all this i would still rather play wow but i'm not allowed.




i just love how jagex have made a game that rivals wow (with a multi million pound budget) with no funding . i mean i couldnt do that.




also about attitudes there are the fair share of idiots in wow dont bias them out. if you spend more time in lumby than in rogues den you are gonna come across a high majrity of noobs.




sorry for spelling mistakes

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NoRune, you're absolutely right. Lol, Runescape is so pathetic. Don't except much approval from the people here, they're runescape players after all. Post that on any mmorpg forum, and they will all agree with you. A lot of the people here don't know better than Runescape.




A) I enjoy the complex PvP system, and if you really bothered to attempt to PK someone, you'd know it's more that just a 'click-fest'.




I lol'ed. See what I mean when I say a lot of people here don't know better? xD




Lets all take a moment to be amused by the fact that, despite his opinion of "Runescape being pathetic," and "The people here don't know any better," that he himself has over 2,200 posts, HERE, on the Tip it Runescape Help Forums.




That, to me, is just clearly amazing.




With that being said, I garentee most of the people who play Runescape have played MANY other mmorpg's and yet, still, choose to play Runescape the most. Just because you have a different opinion of the game as many others, doesn't make your game superior.




I like to eat calamari, but a few of my friends don't. Should I tell them they are pathetic and idiotic for not liking the food? No. They have their ways, I have mine. That's what makes the world beautiful. Diversity.




The fact that you're prodding insults at people just because they prefer a different game over your precious WoW is a bit disgusting to me.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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This game is getting more and more simplified also. Everything in the game is basically at a second grade level. No thinking is required and nothing takes more skill than clicking food if your health is low or , but common sense comes into play there. I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.




they make it simple at low levels. pretty smart imo, because it teaches them how to play the game and then go on and do more challenging things. and also, have you ever tried the dagganoth kings, or killing any high level monster before? most likely not. they require a bit more than "clicking food when you're health is low." and also, i agree with nothing in your topic, just to let you know.

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Ok, that's your opinion, and I respect that...(Well, not really, but I don't want a flame war....) But RS is a game(Man, a lot of people seem to forget that these days...), it was intended to be FUN. I view rs as a place to hang out, meet people, and mess around with friends. Either way, it's better than playing Halo 2 all day long, at least you have to interact with people here.... But basically, if you don't like it for a reason like that, don't play. It just shows how much YOU care about it that you bothered to: A: Sign up for TIF membership. B:Make this thread. and C:Still play Runescape.






I bet someone just found WoW and is thinking 'p0meg0d t3s i5 t3H ub3r 1e37n33s! R00n 3sc4pe is t3|-|n00bz0r5!!11!shift1!

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Lets all take a moment to be amused by the fact that, despite his opinion of "Runescape being pathetic," and "The people here don't know any better," that he himself has over 2,200 posts, HERE, on the Tip it Runescape Help Forums.


Lol, personal attacks, desperate much? I don't play Runescape since a very long time.


I have 2k+ posts on a lot of forums, I couldn't care less, my 2k posts show that I was here for a long time, when I used to like Rs, lol. I don't see how 2k posts show anything, it's very easy to get, many people would agree >:3




I had a VERY crappy computer before, Runescape was the only game my computer could handle.

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Well, this is my personal opinion about the game RuneScape. Many of you probably won't like it because it is against RuneScape but if you feel that way, just don't read it.




When you compare this game to other MMORPG games now a days, you may think it is fun but I look at it and think "How do people enjoy this game?". When I look at it, not ONE stat takes ANY skill to get up, and fighting.....don't even mention it, it's click wand wait....wow. The game in my opinion is entirely made for people to leave their real life and feel much more popular in this virtual world since you can be a whole different person in this game and be better than many more people. Most people don't think of it that way though, they think of it as "I'm so good at this game, I have 99 ______." I think this is bad because it just shows you have too much time in your life and you waste your life on soemthing like this. In this game you can easily feel that it makes you better then other people, that your "good" at this game, and many other reasons. High skills show nothing to me than a lot of time wasted on worthless stats on a game that has no productivity. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but it is just my opinion.




Another thing is the outfits people wear. People will put on their best outfit/armor and walk around entirely for the purpose of trying to feel cool. They will high alc or something along with that and simply stand out of a group so people will look at them. I don't deny that looking good is important in the game, but its not something you do only to look good and try to show off.




If you go up to someone in RuneScape and need some help, need to borrow a tiny bit of money, or anything like that, I can almost guarantee you won't get anything. This game revolves 99% around money and it is the games one major downfall that has ruined it for sure. I cannot stress on this enough, if they changed how money was used in some way them autoers would stop since money wasn't needed as much, scammers would lessen, and much much more. If they make most items non-tradeable then this game would be improved by soooo much. I was curious how bad this really was so i go up to a level 30 doing free gem cutting and give him a sapphire and guess what he does.....LOGS OUT! pathetic, and I have done this multiple times just to be curious since i have 100 + gems and every single time it is the same thing. This brings me to my next point, bans and black marks.




Also, another reason I think you enjoy this game so much is because in real life you don't get as much attention you like and aren't much of a "leader", but when you sign onto this game you love all the attention you get from people that are lower levels than you and follow you. Yet again, I find this wrong since it is just a game and your just not happy enough with the real world. This doesn't apply to everyone though, but I know it does to a lot. People say they don't like being followed and getting all the attention from low levels but on the inside, it just makes you feel more powerful and keeps you playing.




I can almost guarantee to you that 40%+ people that play are under the age of 13. I look around and most people are trying to scam. I needed to buy some dragon bones....6 people were there.....they were all lvl 3.....i trade and of course they switch them with big bones. This game revolves WAY too much around money.




On the RuneScape forums, there are hundreds of people that make fake drop parties, say they are buying an item just to scam, and many other things. I made a rant on the RuneScape forums and it got banned within seconds even though in bold i clearly asked if a forum moderator is going to lock this, please just tell me what to remove and I will be glad to edit it. But instead it gets locked, post removed, and why do you think he locked it....because I made the game look bad and said the word "scammer" once in it. I didn't even go into the scamming topic, i juts used the word scammer in a sentence.




Also, when I look around in this game, every single person uses "leet" speak such as..."lol, lolz, roflx, kk, pwned, and way more". I can understand using "lol, rofl, brb" and those, but people make them sound gay. Along with that many people "dance" with each other by following each other at the same time and I find this the most sad thing ever, 99% of people that that either do it so people in the game will think they are cool or they don't have/never have had a real life girlfriend.




This game is getting more and more simplified also. Everything in the game is basically at a second grade level. No thinking is required and nothing takes more skill than clicking food if your health is low or , but common sense comes into play there. I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.




Jagex claims they are doing what they can to stop autoers, scammers, and all of that but THEY DON"T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT. They might ban an account or 2, but what stops people from making a new account to continue what they are doing....NOTHING. Autoers make account after account to do what they do and lose nothing but worthless pack mule characters. Same with scammers, they will do a scam, transfer the stuff, get banned, and guess what....OH NO they lost a worthless level 3 character! I understand sometimes the main is banned but too rarely to count. If Jagex wants to do anything, they should limit the amount of accounts that can be made or do IP bans or something because at the moment that aren't doing anything to help, they are just making people madder and making them want to scam more.




Since I am used to the game "World of Warcraft", RuneScape cannot come close to matching it in any way at all. I know most of you think now "$15 is too much" yet I bet all of you would pay that much if you had to or a lot of you have more than 1 members account. When you compare a game like World of Warcraft to RuneScape, there is no competition. Games now a days are evolving yet RuneScape is just staying the same bad graphics Java game which is getting more and more basic. I don't know how games like RuneScape are so popular when games like WoW(World of Warcraft) are around. Graphics are perfect, more freedom, it takes still, money barely matters, very friendly community that is always glad to help and lend money if needed, and much more. I am not trying to get you to play WoW though, i am just saying that RuneScape is just a Java game when other games now a days are much much more advanced.




So I wanna know why you play. Is it because you think you are good at the game, because you like the attention, you don't have real life friends to hang out with, what? I know most of you are just gonna say because you have friends that play, but what keeps you playing?




This was typed up quickly so it is only some of my thoughts. If i had more time, i would easily be able to talk about loads more, but this is good for now.




Please don't get this wrong, I am not trying to be mean, sound mean, or anything along those lines. I am just giving my opinion about this game and wanna hear why you play.




So how much of this do you agree with or disagree with?




If there is anything against the rules or you want removed, please just tell me and I will be glad to remove it, please warn me though.




You mispelt "something" in the first paragraph.

Pretty much done with rs now

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Lets all take a moment to be amused by the fact that, despite his opinion of "Runescape being pathetic," and "The people here don't know any better," that he himself has over 2,200 posts, HERE, on the Tip it Runescape Help Forums.


Lol, personal attacks, desperate much? I don't play Runescape since a very long time.


I have 2k+ posts on a lot of forums, I couldn't care less, my 2k posts show that I was here for a long time, when I used to like Rs, lol. I don't see how 2k posts show anything, it's very easy to get, many people would agree >:3




I had a VERY crappy computer before, Runescape was the only game my computer could handle.




It shows that you care about a game that you have so aptly named it and it's players 'pathetic'. If you don't like this game anymore, why do you stick around..?





You mispelt "something" in the first paragraph.




You misspelled 'misspelled'. :XD:




Games now a days are evolving yet RuneScape is just staying the same bad graphics Java game which is getting more and more basic




Have you been under a rock for the last few months? Jagex has been updating the graphics a lot lately... How are the graphics getting, 'more and more basic'? Did you just pull this out of your [wagon] and expect people to support it?


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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A lot of the things you say are true. People do walk around wearing expensive armor and train their stats for attention, sometimes, and scammers are common, and yes, all I have to do is click to cook an inventory full of food. The macro's are also enough to make me sick to my stomach, but hey, it gives me a war to fight, something to unite with others against.




Still, I love this game. Not because I don't love real life, but because it is a place where I can meet people from around the world and escape some of the presures of real life, if even for a little while.




It gives me something to do when I'm done with homework, other than play other video games which I've already beaten. You said that it never changes. I firmly believe that you are wrong. New updates are added all the time and new players join the Runescape experiance every few minuntes. Every new player I run into changes things up a bit. Every new item I acquire improves my mood a bit.




Graphics don't bother me much. I don't think Runescape graphics are bad at all. It's not pixely, I can tell what a tree is. I don't need much more than that. I still play Nintendo 64 even though I have a wii because the games are more fun. For me it's about content, not graphics.




Now I can see you now going "It's about content? What content?". I have an answer for you of course. I personally like the simplicity of it. I feel like I'm accomplishing something while I talk to the other users and such. The skills are fairly easy to master, nothing that takes hours of tutorial, or hours of gathering supplies to do. I can establish a rythem and make it fun for me.




It's hard to define fun for other people. I can't possibly know what's fun about soccer for some people, yet they love it. They can't possibly know why I enjoy runescape. Who are they to tell me that it's boring and who am I to tell them that they can't possibly enjoy soccer, just because I don't like it. See what I mean... I think it's fun, and I tried to tell you, but it's difficult to explain.




A few more things -




You mentioned that Runescape is for people who can't feel good about themselves in real life, so they have to have high stats in runescape. You are completely wrong, and somewhat dissing yourself. Some people have no lives and completely just play runescape, but pleanty of others, like myself and even Zezima (if you read his interview) just do this in our spare time. It's like a hobby. World of Warcraft may have better graphics, but in essence, people can become addicted.




Also, World of Warcraft is not all that different than runescape if you strip it down to the bare basics.




Both games focus on training stats.


Both games incorparate combat.


Both games are easy to get addicted to.


Both games have rulebreakers.


Both games have bots.


Both games have immature players.


Both games have people who love it to death, and those who hate it.




I also like Runescape because I can still play even if I can't pay for membership. In fact, thats most of the time. I am a career F2Per, and proud of it. I am no noob, and I report any rulebreakers, including bots, that I see. I am happy to lend a hand so long as it's not too big like "Help me make 100 million gp!", and I hand out free items here and there. Most players are like that once you find the right spots to look. A lot of haters opinions on the community come from their initial log in into Lumby.




I won't deny, Lumbridge is bad, but I challenge you to explore the other areas. Go into the ice dungeon by Rimmington. You will find a completely different breed of player there. Players who are veterans, who will block the ice wariors for the lower level players to get blurite in a quest, players who pick up the other players full rune when they die and return it. This is only F2P, the "scum" of the Runescape world. We're not so scummy when we give you that last pice of coal you need or a crafting apron to help you out. Sorry, kinda off topic...




For me, Runescape is a hobby. Something different than building model airplanes or woreshipping a favorite band (if you wanna talk about pathetic...) or doing drugs. It's something to do, a place to meet people, a place to gain knoledge and to build character. It has actually. People on this game have influanced me a lot, in good ways too. Since playing I think more before I speak, and I look for ways to make something work other than shoot it down. It has also given me lots of typing practice and a new respect for the English language. (Rofl nubs u stink lke p! is somewhat difficult to read/motivation to fix my own grammer and spelling mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I still make mistakes, a lot, but I'm not using leet speek, far from it.)




I almost forgot... bans, black marks, and forum rules.




In my honest opinion, if you got a ban or a black mark, you were doing something you shouldn't have been. Even if it isn't completely covered in the rules, there are still things that NOBODY should say. Most of the stories people tell about how they were innocently banned are false. I have faith in Jagex. They wouldn't ban an innocent person on purpous. That is money, or potential money, down the drain for them.




No. They are looking out for their players by giving out punishments, wheather some feels they are offensive or not. In my School people go around saying the F word all the time. In australia people get fines for saying it in public. It's all about perspective and Jagex is just trying to find the perspective that offends the least people. I applaud them for that.




Also, this last bit may seem a bit harsh but you said one of your threads got locked for saying something bad about the game and mentioning scammers. The mods did what they felt was the right thing to do. They didn't mean you any harm but they were trying to uphold the rules. Everyone knows enough of them are broken. They just didn't want an all out "lets flame jagex" type thing to start. They were protecting the game. You said yourself scammers and rulebreakers run rampant. They do, but when you break a rule, even if it's on the forums, you think it should be allowed?




You may not have broken a rule, but it's all about keeping a decent atmosphere. Not to mention, its a matter of pride that Jagex dosn't want THEIR game to be dissed on THEIR site. Rant about their content all you want, but at least it's not the entire game. Which one seems more fixable to you if you were looking for feedback on your game?




"The new mining emote makes me look weak."




"The whole game is terrible. Especially the people who play it."




Yep, you guessed it, the first one. For the second one, what do you do? How do you even begin fixing something as major as that? What are you supposed to do about the community? Throw them out? Then what good are you 300 staff members, 140 servers and 43 forums?




There are problems with the game. Just like there are problems with my English homework. You made some valid points and I am glad you decided to ask why we still play it. It shows that you value our opinion, even if we play what is in your opinion a worthless game. You seem like a mature person.




If I could tell you to fix one thing from the entire thread it would be the part where you dis people who play the game. Basically calling them no lifers. Insult our ingame attitude but please don't call us a no lifer. That hurts... and can also be twisted the other way towards you. Also, the bit about getting a thread locked can be removed without remorse. It's a tad bit over reacting. Locked threads are no biggie.




All in all, decent thread, decent points. I look forward to your response to my post.




- Dragon

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Lets all take a moment to be amused by the fact that, despite his opinion of "Runescape being pathetic," and "The people here don't know any better," that he himself has over 2,200 posts, HERE, on the Tip it Runescape Help Forums.


Lol, personal attacks, desperate much? I don't play Runescape since a very long time.


I have 2k+ posts on a lot of forums, I couldn't care less, my 2k posts show that I was here for a long time, when I used to like Rs, lol. I don't see how 2k posts show anything, it's very easy to get, many people would agree >:3




I had a VERY crappy computer before, Runescape was the only game my computer could handle.




It shows that you care about a game that you have so aptly named it and it's players 'pathetic'. If you don't like this game anymore, why do you stick around..?





You mispelt "something" in the first paragraph.




You misspelled 'misspelled'. :XD:




Precisely. 2,000 posts on forums is a LOT, I don't really care how you try to twist it around. Unless you're posting one sentence posts, it's very hard to achieve that many posts while contributing something of substance to the thread.




That being said...if you've stuck around long enough to get that many posts and say that each and every one of them is of substance, then clearly you don't think Runescape or its players are as pathetic as you lead on.




My opinion: If you really hate it so much. Leave it. There's no need to torture yourself and only cause annoyance to those here.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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I play runescape maybe 3hours a week MAX. I play here and there and I still like to play. You make it sound like everyone who plays is some nerd who does nothing but waste weekend after weekend clicking just so he can get a piece of armor to wear it and show off... I like my character to look good but I don't do it to show off, and I have given away over 10mil in stuff since I started playing because I play runescape for fun not to be better then the best. You make it seem like every high lvl has no-life, I'm 93 and it took me 2.5years and I go out almost every weekend and I'm quite popular at my school.




You really wasted your time writing that essay if you don't like Runescape, stop bellying aching if all your going to do is play a game and then complain about how bad it is.




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Norune, do yourself a favor. Find a new game to play, because you obviously arnt having any fun with this one. I have played more then a few MMO's in my time, and the reason I like runescape is that I think it is more fun then most. The higher levels show you put in your time due to an arduous level curve (WoW on the other hand has a pathetic level curve they plan on making easier) but you can also get decent rewards at lower levels.




The runescape economy is doing fairly well right now (I think JagEx needs to find a sure fire way to get money out of the economy constantly, but its not too bad right now) better then some mmos, worse then others. The skills in RS are very varied with all kinds of things to do. This is more then you can say for some MMO's, though others are just as good as RS, maybe better.




Most importantly for me though is the fact that quests are not just "go kill this, go get that, make this for me" quests that so many MMO's have. While many quests do involve these elements, there is also quite a bit of lateral thinking and puzzle solving. But thank God, no platforming. I hate platforming. I will forever hate gutsmans level in Megaman, but thats beside the point. Quests have flavor, and really descent (but not over powered) rewards.




I think your attack on the player community is silly. In the real world, most people would be happy to make a fast buck off you, but if you look you will find good honest people who would try and help you out. If you asked me for help (I dont mean you ask for stuff, sometimes I do hand out less valuable gear like steel and iron picks I get of HAM and mith axes I can make to people who need them, or if someone asks a question I usually answer it if I can. I can be a jerk sometimes like everyone else, but I try to be a nice person) I would be happy to give it to you with in reason. If you want good people, as in any game find yourself a good community, for me that was GUILDS. Runescape also has a steady stream of new content, something you cannot say for many MMO's which have new content only once in a blue moon.




But Runescape does lack in many areas. Combat is a joke. All it is is your levels and gear, plus how you eat. Thats it. Little to no skill involved. DnD combat is more interesting, since you actually have spells and abilities. PvP is stupid as far as I am concerned. Combat mini games can be fun, but its still random numbers that are far to gear dependent. The way money works like you said can screw up the game, but really real life works this way as well so I dont see how JagEx can change human nature. As with anything if you look at it to hard the flaws get to many to see the good, so I really only named my biggest two pet peeves. Its easy to find more if you try.




So relax no rune, and dont mock people who play this game. If you would have more fun playing Vangaurd, WAR (when it finally comes out), WoW, or something else quite RS. But dont mock those who enjoy it. Let us have our fun, and we shall let you have yours.

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i have stuff to say about runescape too


the ways it is bad and the ways it is good


i find that runescape is a bit annoying but i still play it because its fun


i would love to play WoW for a month to see how fun it would be


and WoW is more of a game that people have no life in


i been told people quited thier jobs ignored they life and famliy just to play Wow


other then that on the news once some idiot locked his dumb [wagon] in a room with a computer and wow


but yet that idiot forgot to put food or water in the stupid room he was in and died because of that


dont belive me


check some old news or something


now when did u ever hear anyone quit thier whole life to play runescape or even died playing ???


also what do u think WoW is its still a click base game if u dont know all games on on computers and online u NEED TO CLICK


rarely ever check forums.

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We play RuneScape because it's great to get away from the *real* life som times, you don't need to think to play, therefore it's a great distraction. I got to know about 150 persons that I never would've met if I weren't playing RuneScape, that's why I still play.



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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