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Mother has sex with her 2 kids.


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Oh.. My.. God.. :shock: That's just completely disgusting and immoral in every way possible. =;



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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Silly canadians, sex is for kids! O:)








Disturbing... :-k


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But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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Oh.. My.. God.. :shock: That's just completely disgusting and immoral in every way possible. =;






A teenager having sex with a 30 year old adult. Who wouldn't hurl?




Pamela Anderson recently turned 40. (Well, not that recently, but whatever.) That is a completely invalid argument.


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Oh.. My.. God.. :shock: That's just completely disgusting and immoral in every way possible. =;






Exactly. You can't prove that any action is actually right or wrong unless you believe in a source of absolute morality. Since that isn't true for most of this forum, it's impossible to classify this, or any other action, as wrong.

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Oh.. My.. God.. :shock: That's just completely disgusting and immoral in every way possible. =;






Exactly. You can't prove that any action is actually right or wrong unless you believe in a source of absolute morality. Since that isn't true for most of this forum, it's impossible to classify this, or any other action, as wrong.




I think you could argue that:


(a) there may be constructed but ultimately beneficial if mutually agreed upon forms of morality that are just as legitimate in classifying something as right or wrong


(B) some people believe there may be rational (not godly) sources of absolute morality - from your statement, I couldn't tell if you were trying to exclude this possibility or not.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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if they were older then 16, i'm pretty sure it's legal =/


atleast in most states




The Criminal Code does not now criminalize consensual sexual activity with or between persons 14 or over, unless it takes place in a relationship of trust or dependency, in which case sexual activity with persons over 14 but under 18 can constitute an offence, notwithstanding their consent. Even consensual activity with those under 14 but over 12 may not be an offence if the accused is under 16 and less than two years older than the complainant. The exception, of course, is anal intercourse, to which unmarried persons under 18 cannot legally consent, although both the Ontario Court of Appeal(3) and the Quebec Court of Appeal(4) have struck down the relevant section of the Criminal Code.




http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/libra ... b993-e.htm


Interestingly enough searching "Age of Consent" brought this up first... lol why are so many people looking at the Canadian law :XD:




Anyways, to make sense of it, It is legal for a person between 14-18 to consent to sex with anyone over 14 as long as it is just a social relationship. If it is a relationship of "Trust or dependency" (Like a manager at work with a young worker, or PARENTS) then it is deemed illegal. Thus, the mother did do this in a relationship of dependency so she did break the law.


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Whats the big deal? if the boys consented to it I wouldn't punish the lady, if it was rape them sure. How old were these boys? Regardless of age there should be no punishment if there was consent from both parties.




They were intoxicated and the woman was their mother. Even with consent, the boys weren't in any position to make that kind of decision, and the mother was unfit to care for them. What kind of mother wants to have sex with their 16 year old sons (and does it too)?

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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In my opinion it is immoral. I just don't like teenagers having sex with 30 year olds that they trust.


Imitating Defender is generally not one of the wisest things to do.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Anyways, to make sense of it, It is legal for a person between 14-18 to consent to sex with anyone over 14 as long as it is just a social relationship. If it is a relationship of "Trust or dependency" (Like a manager at work with a young worker, or PARENTS) then it is deemed illegal. Thus, the mother did do this in a relationship of dependency so she did break the law.




Canadian law is a little different than US law. In the US each state has it's own minimum age, and that is the cutoff no matter what. Varies between 15-18. If the two+ people are from different states, then the minimum is 18.



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:oops: : Did you have sex with mom?




:cry: : Yea.




:cry: : Did you?




:oops: : Yup....




:cry: : Dude, your freaking sick.




:oops: : But you did it first!




:cry: : Exactly, don't you see where I'm going with this? 8-)



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Whats the big deal? if the boys consented to it I wouldn't punish the lady, if it was rape them sure. How old were these boys? Regardless of age there should be no punishment if there was consent from both parties.




They were intoxicated and the woman was their mother. Even with consent, the boys weren't in any position to make that kind of decision, and the mother was unfit to care for them. What kind of mother wants to have sex with their 16 year old sons (and does it too)?




you do realise that the boys are the ones that wanted to have sex with their mother right? them and their mom being drunk helped get them into sex

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Whats the big deal? if the boys consented to it I wouldn't punish the lady, if it was rape them sure. How old were these boys? Regardless of age there should be no punishment if there was consent from both parties.




They were intoxicated and the woman was their mother. Even with consent, the boys weren't in any position to make that kind of decision, and the mother was unfit to care for them. What kind of mother wants to have sex with their 16 year old sons (and does it too)?




you do realise that the boys are the ones that wanted to have sex with their mother right? them and their mom being drunk helped get them into sex




It's semi-common for pre-teen/teen boys to have fantasies of their moms at one point or another. Even drunk, the mother should have stopped it (the report showed her to have iniciated the sex). I've been drunk quite a few times, but even drunk I've still said no to sex I didn't want and/or I thought was wrong. You can't blame it on the booze. There's blame to share, but I think most of it falls squarely on the mother's shoulders.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Whats the big deal? if the boys consented to it I wouldn't punish the lady, if it was rape them sure. How old were these boys? Regardless of age there should be no punishment if there was consent from both parties.




They were intoxicated and the woman was their mother. Even with consent, the boys weren't in any position to make that kind of decision, and the mother was unfit to care for them. What kind of mother wants to have sex with their 16 year old sons (and does it too)?




you do realise that the boys are the ones that wanted to have sex with their mother right? them and their mom being drunk helped get them into sex




It's semi-common for pre-teen/teen boys to have fantasies of their moms at one point or another.






I guess you learn something new everyday.. I haven't and never will. Boys are weird :XD:





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