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Peer Pressure?


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Anyone here ever been pressured into trying drugs, beer, or tobacco if you were underage? Any tips on how to say no for good?




Well this kid at school is always asking me if I want to get "high" with him. I tell him no but this kid wont stop. Ive tried telling him no, walking away, ditching him but nothing works. Im thinking of ratting him out to the school or parents but he says if I do he will "stab" me(he is a supposed gang member).




What should I do? Should I keep telling him no? should I snitch on him and risk getting stabbed? Im all out of options.




Give me advice or discuss other times when you have been pressured into trying something that you dont want to.

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There is no way the guy is gonna stab you, so don't be afraid of that. When you talk, you're not down dark alleys or anything, are you? As long as you don't do something stupid like that you should be at no risk if you "rat him out". And he's breaking the law, so he needs to be.


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You should really talk to your parents if you were threatened like that...(also, just keep saying no, and eventually he will give up and leave you alone, I think. -_-)






I would of just kept ignoring him but if you are being threatened I would definetaly tell someone about it.

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Answering the first question, "no", and "no, thanks, I don't want" have always worked for me.




About your problem, try talking with a school psychologist/counsellor, if you do have one, and ask him to keep it private.

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Yeah, i didn't mind drinking, but didnt wanna smoke or do drugs. Ive gave in sooner or later but if anyone tries to pressure you just tell them to sod off and if not then "stop being an arsehole" will probably be your best reply.




How olds he?

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You could actualy skip the school and parents and just take a trip to your local police station. Hes breaking more than one law there.




Heres a nice list:


-Possesion of an illegal substance


-Selling an illegal substance (if not to you than someone else)


-Black mail


-And possibly possesion of an illegal weapon (in Canada, the knife has to be less than 6 inches)




If he tries to stab you, you can ding him for:


Assult with a deadly weapon


Possibly attempted 1st degree murder




Heres a small leason.


1st degree murder - Pre meditated


2nd degree muurder - Inentional spur of the moment (you meant to do it, but it was not pre meditated)


Manslaughter (or 3rd degree) - Unitentional killing.




theres also one for say, someone holds a gun to your head, and tells you basicly you shoot him or I shoot you (and you shoot rather than be shot).




And I am NOT suggesting you get yourself stabbed so you can get someone charged with "assult with a deadly weapon".




Of course you could atttack him, proboly getting charged with "agrivated assult" which is a whole lot better than just assult (aggravated means you were prevoked), but thats a dumb idea too. Just go to the cops and get him charged with the things I listed first. And you migth want to carry peper spray or brass knuckels (though they might be illeagal), or maby just a lighter (makes your fist more effective) and car keys (a knofe you can attack someone with without a deadly weapon charge :wink: )




And no, I dont sit around all day wonder what all those legal terms mean, nor am I normaly armed with a lighter and car keys, im not a violent person. I just seem to have given this an earrie amount of thought :ohnoes:

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Anonymous tip lines ftw. If those exist in your area, go for it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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say no, wow that was hard wasn't it?? phew.




And if he comes back treat him like a spider, throw anything in your sight at him while screaming vulgar insults.




... And if you can find a vacuum cleaner with strong enough suction, go for your life boy!




And remember, the sprays don't work! It will just temporarily blind the b*stard before he runs around you in circles and JUMPS! :ohnoes:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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1st. take some martial arts lessons.


and a course on how to disarm a person with a weapon.


but what ever you do






Human weapon ftw? :mrgreen: Pull them forward, they lose balance and control of their wrist, and then move weapon back at them.




sry for OT




So..just say "nah I'm good" to them.


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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Peer pressure, for me, is somewhat a myth. As if to say, it can't force anything upon you. If you 'succumb' to it, in my opinion, you've always had a temptation to do so.




So basically, if you have zero intent on ever doing so, you've got no problem. He can say anything he wants to you, but it won't matter. Sticks and stones and all that bollocks.

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Just ignore him. It's actually really fun to tell annoying people they are annoying, I did that to someone in my senior year of high school. Figured I'd never see him again, so what the hey. The last month of school wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it would be, I wish I would have told more people they were annoying and I didn't like them.



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One of my friends thinks the only way you can be cool is to drink, smoke, and do drugs. Loser.




Then how is he your friend? :-s

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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1st. take some martial arts lessons.


and a course on how to disarm a person with a weapon.


but what ever you do






Human weapon ftw? :mrgreen: Pull them forward, they lose balance and control of their wrist, and then move weapon back at them.




sry for OT




So..just say "nah I'm good" to them.




lol you should have read what i was originally gonna say..but it would have started a flame for me acting idiotic...but human weapon ftw is right.




(more then likely he will try to jab you or....nvm hes in a gang..he will try whatever he can..well idk..gain control of the wrist flick that knife around and turn it on him. assuming your strong enough




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I ahve dealt with many of these people over the years and there quite a few wyas you can deal with them.




I am betting more than anyhting he is a punk that will not do anythign sicne he only keeps asking.




My first clue on this was the "I will stab you if you tell anyone".




Here is my advise:




1. Ignore the moron as he will eventually get himself into major trouble with he law down the line. When he talks to you just say this "was that the wind or am i hearing things?"


2. Carry a small blunted weapon in your pockets. Also books, writing tools, and other things that are carried in your backpack are quite useful should he try something.


3. Keep a poker face when he talks to you as any bit of interest in trying them will egg him on.


4. Study some basic martial arts. Some basic akedo or some form of budo will do, karate is inculded in this class.


5. Keep a posse of friends that are not into these things around you and he will leave you be.



Quote - Revenge is such a nasty thing that only breeds more vengeful souls, but in some situations revenge does not even need to be sought out, but only bided.

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Say no, and to be honest, it doesn't matter if he is in the gang or not, he isn't going to stab you. He is just afraid of you telling and him getting in trouble so he threatens you.




I'm not good at explaining the self-defense moves but if someone threatened me with a knife, I'd throw something like keys at them and then either try to take away the knife or simply run away parkour style.

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I'm not good at explaining the self-defense moves but if someone threatened me with a knife, I'd throw something like keys at them and then either try to take away the knife or simply run away parkour style.


I don't know many parkour peeps who are actually good enough to, while running at full speed, gather in their surroundings, pick the best path, and utilize their techniques properlly while running [away from something/someone] :-s .




It takes a while to make tricks useful. Ex: Me, when I first learned the kip-up, I thought it would be amazingly useful. Sadly, for a long time just rolling and lifting myself up (the regular way of getting off the ground quickly) was much quicker and space-efficient than a kip-up, and it's only just recently, like this month, that I've perfected the move to the point of making it fast enough (and accurate enough, for jumping in different ways) to be actually useful. I first learned the move well over two years ago. A lot of guys just learn parkour moves (and basic tricking moves) for the hell of it, thinking it will help them, but until each move reaches a certain level [of perfection] they're pretty much worthless in practical usage :-w . Sad, but true.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Just say no to cigarettes (and to heroine for that matter =P)




...and never ever get high with somebody who threatens you o.0 IF you want to get high then only with persons and in situations you feel comfortable.






You won't need martial arts...








say no, wow that was hard wasn't it?? phew.




And if he comes back treat him like a spider, throw anything in your sight at him while screaming vulgar insults.




... And if you can find a vacuum cleaner with strong enough suction, go for your life boy!




And remember, the sprays don't work! It will just temporarily blind the b*stard before he runs around you in circles and JUMPS! :ohnoes:








I just picture you throwing random stuff at that spider in your kitchen sink whilst screaming insults at it.

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Just say no. I got to a college where about 90% of students get wasted at least one a week. They always look at me strangely after they've asked me, "What do you drink?", and I've turned round and said, "I don't drink". they've still respected my decision to make that judgement though, which actually does mean a lot. Shows they ain't doing it just to look good!




It doesn't matter whether it's drink, drugs, sex or anything. If they're not gonna respect your decision to say 'no', then frankly, I wouldn't really trust them to be around you when you do try it for the firt time and dip your toes in the water. Just keep saying 'no' and don't give in. Moment you give in is the moment he feels like if he just nags enough he'll be able to manipulate you.

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