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Apparently, combat owns all.

Saru Inc

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This infuriated me, and always will infuriate me. People who think, that if you stink at combat, then you stink at everything. I was minding my own business, filling those poor old Varrock guards with holes from my Adamant poision darts. Don't worry, they died fast. Then, I notice a lvl 102, thieving from guards. I said (Lvl 102 was muted FYI.)




Me: "Hey, you do know the minigame 'Pyramid Plunder'? it offers really great xp."


Noob1:"he said 2 stfu becuz ur just a dumb lvl 57"




Noob1:"hes muted moron he told me to tel u to stfu"


Me: "What's his problem? I just offered advice."


Noob1:"yea wel u cant pk crud u wana fight him? lolol hed own u"


Me: "Hmm, no thanks, I prefer skilling over combat."


Noob1:"dats cuz u cant fight nooob so u stink lolol"


Me:"Hmmm, how is not wanting to fight make me stink?"


Noob1:"u just scared dats wat lolol his (102) stats own urz"


Me:"Actually, lol, my old acc has lvl 88 mage, and 78 range, I think I'd beat him"


Noob1: "lier lolool"


Then, I went on Saruman44, and came to the spot.


Me: "Ta-da! It's me, the lvl 57."


*Lvl 102 does laugh emote, then beckon emote*


Noob1:"he says hes gonna beat u cuz u cant pk lolol"


Me: "Actually, I hate staking or Pk'ing, sorry. No fight."


*I then get back on Noes, and Pm Brainiac to come, and try to debate thier "infallible" logic.*


All the sudden, a level 84 comes on the scene, from hereon out, AKA: "Noob2"


Noob1:"hey, ______ (Noob2) is _______ (102)'s Gf...dats 1 thing u dont have lolol"


Noob2:"so is this the noob u were talking about?"


Me: "I'm sorry, how am I a noob?"


Noob1:"ur stats stink so u cant pk so u stink"


*Brainiac comes on the scene*


*Me and Brainiac start to argue about how, combat isn't the only thing in the game."




I could ramble on for a while more, with everything we say but, that'd get too long. (We argued for about an hour.)




What is their problem? There is nothing wrong with not liking combat. And how, does combat, determine the sole character of who I am? So what if I hate combat, its my opinion, and sorry, but I'm ENTITLED to it. Now, I told them "Hey, if you hate skills, that's fine, you hat skills, I hate combat" But, they refused to leave it alone. They said, basically, that if you can't PK, or won't go DM someone, that you're a "scared little girl who crys all the time lololol owned" Also, I'm not stupid. Me, a lvl 57, Vs. a lvl 102? There's risky, then there's idiotic, I have yet to cross the line. So, I offered different opportunites where it would have been a fair fight, to see who won. Maybe, the first person who fails at theiving a man. Or, just anything where we both had a fair fight. Not someone with 90 Strength and Attack Vs. me, with my (and proud of it) 45 Attack, and 43 Strength. But no, they said I was a noob because I wouldn't fight a LVL 102. But also, I tried to explain, before Brain got there, that, not giving into peer pressure means you have a stronger mind, not that your "scared" but no, they said that if I didn't fight, then I was a "***** loser" ( I think he met "sucky") Why do I have to fight? Now, I'm not a pacifist, and fighting is needed, but not in a virtual game to prove who kings of the jungle? They presented their logic, and, me and Brain picked it apart, and showed their flaws. Which meant we were "nubs".






I guess, my rant is, you don't have to be good at combat, to be a cool person. So many people in this game (Mainly Pkers) think, that if you can't wina duel, or a PK, then you, apparently, suck at life. I started to name famous 'Scapers, who didn't do combat, people like Elishot, Zzzamorak, but all they had to say was "they cant pk either lol" -.-






People need to stop using PvP as a way to determine who is good and who is not. And of course, when Pkers kill someone, usually when they are teaming on someone, they say "nice life" "nerd" or, when the other person is nice (or it may just be a habit) and they say "gf" the victor says "ty" What the hell is that about? You most likely had superior weapons, stats or TEAMATES. Don't be such a callous truculent individual please. Show some RESPECT for your fellow 'Scapers.






And that, is my rant. Thanks for reading.





I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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That's what the ignore list is for. You should've just said "Noob miniclipper" and then iggied them.






I guess, but I like to give people a chance to say what their arguement is. Then, I debate it. But, I did eventually put them on ignore lol.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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That's what the ignore list is for. You should've just said "Noob miniclipper" and then iggied them.




How would that have made you any different from the person that went on about how much better he was at PvP? Honestly that kind of attitude is what I'd consider worse than someone who kept on talking about their combat level, or called me a noob or nerd.




It'd have been nice to just ignore him. That's all that need be done with players of that caliber.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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i know how annoying this is, though im 100cb now (yey) i still get called "nooby level 100" by people that are 100 them selvs or 101 etc, so they are calling them selvs a noob (doesnt bother me) but what really grinds my gears is when they keep on at it and say things like "ha i pwn ur ttl lvl nub"... great... whats yours then? 90+ fletching and wc no doubt? maybe cooking, its all great and well to have high skills to prove you play more and want to be the best but theres no need to be an arse about it.


so i have lots of friends who are level 30-70, so i do drop parties of rune things and enjoy doing it, so i can kick your arse because i happen to like defence more than strength. Its how we choose to play and no one should be able to tell you to do it any differently, prove your point, batter them with intelligence because near enough no one on rs (minus many tipiters) is smart enough to come up with a response except noob or stfu. Be happy you're one of the few in the world who may grow up to do something wondrefull with your life and have many friends because you choose not to be an arse ::'




if it wasnt on topic.... i dont really care i made my interpritation(sp?) of what you said lol, hope it helped :XD:





MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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Those guys are idiots even though combat is a major part of runescape some people seem to live without it.




The ignore list is your friend

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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i'll agree with you there and pin out a few things:


1)judging from your replay, he has the grammer of a 5yr old.




2) knowledge is worth more then experiance or levels, i have 6 years to back that theory up.




3) i agree with your staking opinion. i wanted to challange a lv 91 who called everyone noob because they wouldnt stake against his dragon boots ops, i ment slippers. i told him id beat him to shut that arrogant mouth up and because most of my money investment was in my whip i wasnt dumb enough to stake it and he went on and on about no stakers are noobs etc.




4) combat isnt everything. you could have all cb stats decked out to 99 but hey, for the skillers who have done double the amount of skills, double the amount of exp and some very costly they make ALOT in the end. i belive 99 rc on nats gives 200m estimate from last time i talked about it. now i dont think combat offers that unless you stake, but how can you stake with no money? =O




side note, i was called a t00b. wtf is that? a tuba noob? :-s




to wrap it all up there just immature kids who will struggle in the real world, proberly dumb enough to think working at a cafe' is noobish. :XD:


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Wearing bunny ears shuts them up.




Anyway, I can understand how you feel though they were just acting childishly. The absolute best actions you can do when you encounter people like this are:




Use big words,


Be sarcastic,


Make them look like idiots in an assertive way,


Put them on your ignore list as you'll probably never see them again...

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.

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And that pathetic display of immaturity actually infuriated you? :?




I do agree though, there is more to the game than one persons narrow minded view. I find thieving particularly difficult myself, even at Pyramid Plunder. You wouldn't put me down for that, so I find it strange why some people do when it comes to combat.

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i'd say it's the idea that combat is worth more than noncombat to most is what he's ranting about.


it's quite common around pvp areas, even when their egos get crushed by a loss. one of the most annoying aspects of the game is that someone at 100+ combat and less than 1300 total can usually get on better than level 50- with 1200+ at most of the game. the 100+ could have a quest cape and access to valuable drops such as godsword pieces and dragon equipment, the low level can't even access monkfish, and probably can't alch his or her goods.


the game's built on combat, someone good with weapons is revered more than someone nearly maxed out who has never touched one.




~i'm glad my character is ruined for pvp to most, takes the pressure off that.

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as soon as they strat with some of that "you cant pk so im better' garbage, i put on ignore, because it just really gets annoying every single day.




My ignore list has been full for some time, and have to delete people at the top every so often to add more to it. Just shows you.. this game is riddled with people who can't play without putting someone down.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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It's on of the cases where you can but the abuser fairly acuratly into a little cattogory box..... I am probaly mostly correct if I say the following:




American male, between the ages of 16-17, unstable relationship with his father possibly caused by a devorce around 3 or 4 years ago. Underachives in school due to lack of motivation, he feels the only way he can get people to like him to to insult everybody eles. He lacks empathy and is unable to see somthing from another persons view point.




The important thing to remember is as long as you can recognise that what he is doing is not right.... you are a better person than him.






Combat levels; whilst important; are not the only focus of the game. And player killing is definatly more of an extra than actuall game play...... I have gone 3.5years without ever killing a player and my account is not lesser as a result of it.

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i know how annoying this is, though im 100cb now (yey) i still get called "nooby level 100" by people that are 100 them selvs or 101 etc, so they are calling them selvs a noob (doesnt bother me) but what really grinds my gears is when they keep on at it and say things like "ha i pwn ur ttl lvl nub"... great... whats yours then? 90+ fletching and wc no doubt? maybe cooking, its all great and well to have high skills to prove you play more and want to be the best but theres no need to be an arse about it.


so i have lots of friends who are level 30-70, so i do drop parties of rune things and enjoy doing it, so i can kick your arse because i happen to like defence more than strength. Its how we choose to play and no one should be able to tell you to do it any differently, prove your point, batter them with intelligence because near enough no one on rs (minus many tipiters) is smart enough to come up with a response except noob or stfu. Be happy you're one of the few in the world who may grow up to do something wondrefull with your life and have many friends because you choose not to be an arse ::'




if it wasnt on topic.... i dont really care i made my interpritation(sp?) of what you said lol, hope it helped :XD:










That's what I was thinking.




i'll agree with you there and pin out a few things:


1)judging from your replay, he has the grammer of a 5yr old.




2) knowledge is worth more then experiance or levels, i have 6 years to back that theory up.




3) i agree with your staking opinion. i wanted to challange a lv 91 who called everyone noob because they wouldnt stake against his dragon boots ops, i ment slippers. i told him id beat him to shut that arrogant mouth up and because most of my money investment was in my whip i wasnt dumb enough to stake it and he went on and on about no stakers are noobs etc.




4) combat isnt everything. you could have all cb stats decked out to 99 but hey, for the skillers who have done double the amount of skills, double the amount of exp and some very costly they make ALOT in the end. i belive 99 rc on nats gives 200m estimate from last time i talked about it. now i dont think combat offers that unless you stake, but how can you stake with no money? =O




side note, i was called a t00b. wtf is that? a tuba noob? :-s




to wrap it all up there just immature kids who will struggle in the real world, proberly dumb enough to think working at a cafe' is noobish. :XD:




LOL. And yea, he called me an "English teacher wanna be" for using grammar.




you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Hmm, I hope you're being facetous. And, tons of players do not know about Pyramid Plunder. I think, to be honest, it was simply that time of the month for him. :x Also, I love it when people give me advice, because it shows that they care about someone besides themselves.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Happens a lot to me, mostly when i'm at places like castlewars where a lot of people are fighting each other. I get teamed and they have friends chat on while they tell me i'm "owned".




I was killing ankous once when a lvl 101 comes in and starts calling me a def noob because I was wearing a granite plate while he was wearing a fighter torso. So for about an hour he alternates beetween "rofl", "lmao" and "sad def noob". It's pretty sad considering after ignoring him his friend comes over and does the rasberry emote, while saying "why u so dum mighty".




Dang it feels good to call them a noob after they're ignored and they can't fight back though lol.




Personally, I don't feel combat or skilling is better then the other, combat enables you to do the more dangerous quests, and provides the thrill of getting a random item as a drop. Skilling on the other hand has the potential to make you rich and some skills such as hunter and construction are enjoyable to train/have high level in.

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Gotta hate people like that...


But don't write them off as noobs so quickly... I know a lot of people who would start kissing up majorly to a high combat levelled player even though they own his Non combat skills.




that was sorta OT but still yeah i don't like it when people higher than me try to get me to go away from "their" spot in hunter (not them having higher hunter them being higher combat...) but then I just stay on purpose... which results in all my traps being stolen by their friends and all the area filled with box traps...




Ah well, life goes on O:)

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




But when someone nice enough to give you advice BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT comes along and they're a lower level than you, you're going to blow them off, correct me if im wrong....




(glad i had a second look at this thread lol)





MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




But when someone nice enough to give you advice BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT comes along and they're a lower level than you, you're going to blow them off, correct me if im wrong....




(glad i had a second look at this thread lol)








If I asked, I would gladly accept their advice, however if they just come and say it as if they know better, then yes, I will decline.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Uhh... Stupid people. Some stupid person on World 71 in castle wars (Was wearing my thieving cape) Came up 2 me and i said "hi?" he replied "hi". I said to 1 of my friends "im only 13 levels off 1650 Total, Woo! :P" He said "Ye right" I replied "I am. Search my highscores if u want" -He searches highscores- "Ohwell i can still own u" -I search his highscores.- 91 str. 74 attack other stuff = rubbish. "Yup sure u do." "Lol come wildy i'll prove it" "Naa im k" "Lol 2 scared? Afraid ur gonna lose ur stuff?" After that i just added him to my ignore list and chat to my friend again :P

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