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What's Your Style?


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I am ressurecting an old post made by me a long time ago, to find out what styles people are mostly into these days. This mainly consists of clothes, attitude, and music. Basically, you post what your Style is. Whether you think you're grouped (as goth, or skater, whatever) or unique. Your favourite clothes and what you may be wearing now. =D




I have a favourite grey/white striped shirt and Black jeans. Though they don't go together well, i still wear them (Seperately) <3:








Note: This is infact just a new topic that I am copying from an old topic about 4 months ago, thus, shouldn't be locked.




Note2: This isn't meant to be anything sexual >=( don't think that. If some people remember back to the old post they'll get it.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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My clothing style is normal. I usually wear a tshirt from any of my friends bands or a polo shirt, jeans or jean shorts, and a hat. I cant go anywhere without a hat. My music style is punk/hardcore/grindcore/thrash. My attitude is usually somewhat anarchisty but always open minded.




So I guess I fall into the category of punk.

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I'm classified as "that weird nerdy emo chick" No idea why. I mean I guess I dress normally and what not you know.. but normally i just wear blue jeans, skater shoes, and a hoodie. Im always wearing a hoodie. ALWAYS. I wear glasses and have normal hair.. nothing terribly unusual.. except a few weeks ago i died my hair red green and blue. Im abnormal. And im into J-rock. best music EVER

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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I'm going to completely change my style, eventually. I don't want to cut my fringe. I like it long =D that's why people call me emo. And they are stereotypes. =|




When I start HS, I'ma have black hair =D

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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style..i guess is a preppy punk, even tho that really conflicts..kind of like the pirates and ninjas...




music...everything but mostly Alt, country, and punk


but as i say in music. soul-screamo


its a reflection of self.




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Um I mostly wear skate shirts, even though I haven't skated in like 3 years lol. Other than that blue jeans, skate shoes -- a hoodie on if its cold. I listen to metal though so :P .

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I listen to all kinds of metal, rock, and jazz.




I have long hair...clean shaven, though. Usually jeans and a t-shirt, a band shirt, or a polo shirt... With a black hoodie.




I guess I'm just ...Alex. But people refer to me as a metal head I guess?


It really has

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I have no sense of dress or fashion, if fashion became a law, I would be arrested and locked up :lol:




I'm a bit of a hippy who can tell someone what i think of them and then get over it and move on and hold nothing against them.




I love people from all walks of life and I'm pretty much as liberal as you can get.




My attitude in life is pretty mellow and I usually flow with whatevers going.




My music is techno, trance, meditative music, tribal music, cultural music etc




When I change my life, I change my hair colour. I express myself in tattoos and all things creative.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Clothes : My style would be.. skinny indie kid. As in, I generally wear comical/vintage t-shirts with a vintage cut (I know I said vintage twice), and jeans. I'm trying to get any remainder of the skater kid I was about 2 years ago out of me.


When I can get around to it, I'm going to make myself some metal band shirts though. With any that I've been able to find for bands I like, they're always two sizes too big (I'm XS or S. The average metalhead is XL supposably..), and their designs are crappy. So I might as well make them myself. But as I said, when I can get around to it.


Music : I like pretty much all music, but metal is my favourite, followed by jazz, folk, and indie, in no particular order.


Attitude : Positive?




But anyway, I have yet to find a niche which appropriately classifies me. Feel free to have a stab if you wish though.


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Gamer / Anime Nerd. I'm not going to beat around the bush here. Yes I have at one point worn a naruto headband around school for a week or two. I really couldnt give a crap what I wear in RL. Its the epix that count.

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Not kidding, exchange students from North-America comment that me and my friends dress "so European". I have no idea what they're getting at, but since this forum's filled with North-Americans, maybe you do :D.

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My music doesn't dertime my clothing and my clothing doesn't determine the music that I listen to. I've got better things to do than worry about that. I'm open for everything and I dress casual.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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