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Embarrasing moments


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I was told that we were having a boardys day which we would come to school in what ever you take to a day at the beach i have always forgotten casual days which we are out of school uniform and always show up in uniform which is to say the least a bit frustrating but non the less a problem. So i had to remember this time and sure enough i did so i took out a snorkel, long flippers, board shorts and a t shirt it was not the most comfortable thing but at least it would be funny. I went on my way to school and came to the busy road i was waiting for around 5 minutes for a gap in the traffic and got a little bored so i attempted to run across the road half way between each side my flipper bent and i twisted my ankle i kind of dived over to the next side and limped my way to school non the less very painful. I was a little late and opened the door in a rush to avoid getting a late pass and noticed not a single person in beach gear. I slowly sat down with everyone staring at me and nudged the person next to me "isnt it boardys day?" "urmm... that is tommorow" . I was at school out of breath - a twisted ankle - in a pair of flippers, snorkel and board shorts




....So what is your most embarrassing moment ?

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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I've told this story at least 15 times, so I'll just give a brief synopsis.




I was feeling sick on my way to my 7th grade winter band concert and my mom told me it was just nerves. I got out onto the court where everyone could see me from the bleachers and threw up everywhere.




That is the highly condensed version anyways

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I don't have any huge embarrasing moments in the past, the occasional mis-up of words and such. Although now I don't have any anymore since I learned to accept the fact we all make mistakes.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I would actually never speak to them again if that happened.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Lucky for me that it's a sin to masturbate anytime in my state. If you do, you get it lopped off.






The most embarrassing moment? Hmmm... My car has a major blind spot. I can't even see over my left shoulder to see any oncoming cars, so I looked (No use), looked out my mirrors and started switching lanes. A car was right next to me and I saw it in time to pull back over. The people freaked out and I felt like such an arse. :(


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Of course, they do afterall call Las Vegas the morality carwash.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Government of Nevada == Catholic Church?


Apparantly so. Anyways, today i got the tie from my ROTC uniform caught in the door to the Quarterdeck #-o . Yesterday during Air Rifle practice I forgot to close the bolt before firing #-o #-o . Not sure what happened, but it was a thundering boom and I found the pellet next to me all crushed. And then once I tripped going up to the front of my History class for a project -.- :uhh:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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When I was in choiur pratice and we were singing I came in a measure too early. Everyone turned around and laughed at my faulty counting #-o

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670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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Another of my was when i sat down at my desk at school i was rummaging through my pencil case to find a calculator and i turned around to see a spider around 9 Cms of length but it was the black ones that look like they will kill you and it was around 15 Cms from my face *cough I live in Australia* and while this was all happening there was 3 classes all copying off a board in pure silence.




I got up from my seat backed off which looks kind of bizarre when there are about 100 people in seated in a class room hard at work. The teacher said asked me a question off the word considering i was standing i started muttering. She asked "what is wrong with you? " more muttering came back from me...




it did really happen like that but kind of it was kind of funny then embarrassing ... :XD:

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Bahah. I was in Global studies and this girl was giving a presentation (our class was overloaded that day so some of us had to sit on the counter) so I tried to hop down from the counter to go get a drink, and the whole desk came crashing down and scared everybody. Not really embarassing, just funny seeing everybody jump from their seat, and my friends cracking up :lol: .

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I was in the choir, and the teacher told us to sing.


He frowned and told half of us to sing.


Then he told a group of five people, including me to sing.


Then three of us.


Then two.


Finally me....


Everyone started laughing. I said I quit and walked away.


Never joined a choir again.

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Hmm too many but my most recent one was throwing up on my brother's, girlfriends's grandmother while she was yelling at me, telling me I'll go straight to hell for saying the word "bloody".




Good shot =D>



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Then don't post.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Not mine, but one I observed.




I'll set the scene, its the first day of university, scholars from far and wide have come to study. Parents are driving their children to the halls of Mansfield college, Oxford (see sig). The Dean, the Principal, The Proctors and even the Vice-Chancellor are there all welcoming students as there parents park their cars on the gravel surrounding the Quad (a Quad being a piece of grass surrounded by buildings).




Then, in drives a parent, who decided to park their car on the quad itself - an area that you get fined ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 for treading on (unless your playing croquet in the summer admittedly) whilst her poor poor son sees his reputation be smashed to pieces before he said a word.




Now that's embarrassing.

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Then don't post.
Practice what you preach boy




Even more so for you boy.






I had an embarrassing moment when I was thinking about math so I wrote numbers along with French words in French class. People were really confused. Then, I tried to erase it with my finger, but it was one of those smart board kind of things.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Probally someone getting hold of my take on 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. I'm normally fine with people taking this micheal with my cover songs - I know they are bad - but this one was beyond bad. This one was terrible and it was presented in a way that made me seem like a total moron in front of a group of people who weren't close friends and didn't appreciate the funny side of its awfulness.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Then don't post.
Practice what you preach boy






Anyways, once last year, i was called up on stage at school to recieve an award, when I walked off i accidentally walked down the stairs to the concert pit instead of down the stairs to the seat.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I saw this topic on another runescape site which I'm not going to name now. Well my most embarasing moment was back in 8th grade. I was feeling sick all day and just stayed in school. During the last period, 10 minutes before the bell rings I throw up all over this girl sitting next to me.

range: 64/80/80

mage: 61/84/82

atk: 46/77/60

str 41/82/99


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