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What would you do if you had a week left to live


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Do all the usual fun stuff people want to do in their final week and then go out with a cunning bang six days into my week.




Way I see it is I want to be remembered like most people do and what better way is there to be remembered than some intricately laid suicide that ends in a big bang and some flying body parts?

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Well my best friend for the last 7 years of my life died 2 days ago, Hes bin suffering from a brain tumor for the last 4 months and last week he was told he had a week to live so this topic came to my mind to make




so basiclay what would you do if you had a week to live.




Me and my friend went


> base jumping


> bungee jumping


> rally car driving and other random small stuff


> for the last 3 days he just chilled with family and friends in his house




If i had a week to live i would


> go paragliding over the dublin mountains


> plane flying lessons


> just go to a pub and relax with my friends


> on my last 2-3 days i would just relax with my girlfriend, friends and family. No s?x with my gf, no messing about, just relax and talk, no time wasting




so people tell me what you would do


i'm very sorry for ur loss.. :(

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

Medical Doctor-2018?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon-2024?

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Day 1:


1. Cocaine in the afternoon


2. Get really drunk and have sex in the evening




Day 2:


1. More sex


2. More drugs...possibly different kinds




Day 3:


1. Gluttony!!!!!!!!


2. Eat all the good stuff I couldn't eat because of the (lack of) nutrition




Day 4:


1. Play World of Warcraft


2. Stay up and play more World of Warcraft




Day 5:


1. Have sex while playing World of Warcraft.


2. Get to level 70 on World of Warcraft.




Day 6:


1. Have the final sex with the hottest girl I can find.


2. Smoke/snort/inject the best drug I had the whole week.


3. Get drunk


4. Light fireworks and do shrooms




Day 7:




Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Okay, I'll be the unimaginative boring one once again and go for plain reality.




I'd spend my time wishing they hadn't told me it was my final week.




I don't think I'd be able to enjoy anything. Ultimately, you're just waiting and nothing you do makes any sense anymore. So I'd just arrange my finances, send out goodbye messages, clean up stuff, go and choose a coffin so my mother wouldn't have to do all that stuff. I'd also shy away from the people I love, because I wouldn't have the heart to tell them. Seeing them, keeping them in the unknown and just thinking goodbye, would really mean a complete breakdown. And they give you such massive headaches.

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Okay, I'll be the unimaginative boring one once again and go for plain reality.




I'd spend my time wishing they hadn't told me it was my final week.




I don't think I'd be able to enjoy anything. Ultimately, you're just waiting and nothing you do makes any sense anymore. So I'd just arrange my finances, send out goodbye messages, clean up stuff, go and choose a coffin so my mother wouldn't have to do all that stuff. I'd also shy away from the people I love, because I wouldn't have the heart to tell them. Seeing them, keeping them in the unknown and just thinking goodbye, would really mean a complete breakdown. And they give you such massive headaches.


But isn't that like life usually is? In smaller scale ofcourse.




I read this book some time ago. It was a "memoir", or what it's called when you write about your life? Well, anyways, the guy in the book actually did live a year like it would be his last year: travelled alot, spend time with his friends and family and did every thing he ever wanted to I quess. Gotta try that kind of thing some time.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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7 days to live huh




day 1: go skydiving + bungee jumping


day 2: go paintballing, then rob a bank


day 3: buy a very expensive car, speed boat, 7 drums of petrol and some home explosives


day 4: chillax with the family and friends


day 5: give the rest of my money to various charities, go and punch that reporter from today tonight in the throat


day 6: massive party


day 7: massive party at about 2pm, hop in the car block off the surrounding streets and drive at 250km/h into the speedboat and fuel, while family films it, sends it into some television company and gives the money it makes from it to a charity



Started new account: flipflop v2

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Sell everything I own, go around and give my money out.




$100 to the young boy who has the guts to play his flute in the middle of the city mall for pocket money.




Buy a few homeless people some hot dinners and clothes.




Tip very generously to people I remember from customer service.




Stuff like that.

That's the best answer yet.




It's a waste to spend your money on someone who won't be alive in a week. Instead see it as an opportunity to give your belongings to people that deserve a better life. People living in poverty just because they're born in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, you'll always have this opportunity but it would probably be easier to give something away, when you know you won't be able to use it anyway.

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Ultimately, you're just waiting and nothing you do makes any sense anymore.




But isn't that like life usually is? In smaller scale ofcourse.




I've discovered that I'm a bit of an optimist in spite of my cynical moments. So no, I don't believe that that is life. Because you have a future, or believe you have a future, and you give sense to your life, by having goals, choosing a job you want to go for, or a partner, or children, or sports, whatever.




If you only have one more week before winding up in a wooden box, all planning and looking to the future is gone. If you still have a year, you can still accomplish things. But in one week? You have to make choices at a time when the choice has already been made for you. I think I'd fall into complete inertia. Actually, I'm pretty sure I would. Therefore: I'd rather not know...

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Say the things to people I never had the guts to say, then do something that will make sure people remember me.




Pretty much sums it up.






Very sorry about your friend, at least it sounds like he enjoyed the time he had left.

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Thanks for the words










Saddest thing is his girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and he was so looking forawrd to being a dad, he cryed with happieness when he found out he was going to be a dad




still havnt properley realised hes gone

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on the last day I'd go up to a gangster and shout "white power" haha




Just because It's something I've always thought about :P


**note: this is for the hell of it

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Ultimately, you're just waiting and nothing you do makes any sense anymore.




But isn't that like life usually is? In smaller scale ofcourse.




I've discovered that I'm a bit of an optimist in spite of my cynical moments. So no, I don't believe that that is life. Because you have a future, or believe you have a future, and you give sense to your life, by having goals, choosing a job you want to go for, or a partner, or children, or sports, whatever.




If you only have one more week before winding up in a wooden box, all planning and looking to the future is gone. If you still have a year, you can still accomplish things. But in one week? You have to make choices at a time when the choice has already been made for you. I think I'd fall into complete inertia. Actually, I'm pretty sure I would. Therefore: I'd rather not know...


I understand what you are saying about goals and accomplishing things. But the truth is that you could die tomorrow. I would like to know, so I could tell my family and friends and say proper goodbyes I quess.




By the way, I'm not afraid of dead at all but still this topic makes me feel a little :boohoo: .

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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