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I haven't played since october well unless you count the 2 times i logged in in february to sell the santa and rebuy it






am i pro?

50milish gain from 1 santa dood.


Yes you are freakin pro.


What sort of timespan are we talking here?



There are 3 sales on that pic, he said he logged in twice in feb, I wanted to know how long he's been playing around with that santa.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Since that Runescape song was so popular, I thought I'd share my own find :P





... wait wat?


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Hmm, well I know it's not a major drop of anything, however, this is my last slayer task until I attack 90 smithing with the long arm of the lava staff. Been around 6 tasks dry of a granite maul from these things. Which is especially odd as almost all of those 6 tasks were 220+ kill amounts.




87 smithing now, and as stated, 90 is now atop my goals list. Right next to the "Buy a mothers day gift" goal. Speaking of, short break from runescape to best buy..

-=EB World=-

-Sara - 13 hilt 43 ss

-Bandos - 1 BCP, 1 Hilt

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ive seen pictures of 3 of the new dung bosses, thats one of them and another looks very similar to that, but then the 3rd looks like a mutated freaky gluttonous behemoth/ bulwak beast thigny

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Spot the lulwut. Advertising.... 11ak107.jpg



Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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I <3 today. :D








That makes 4 99s. Maxed melee, 99 constitution. Also got quest cape. :P


I'm not sure what my next goal will be, probably just slay, maybe range a few tasks or do some soloing. I'll have to see what lies ahead. :D

Slayer; it's just what I do.
Thanks Hugger 88 for the awesome siggy!

Click show if you want to see achievements.

Achievments: Maxed/Comp'd 7th of August 2012. 120 Dungeoneering sometime early december 2011. 99 Slayer achieved October 22nd, 2010. 99 Prayer achieved September 99 18th 2010. Summoning achieved September 14th 2010. 99 Defence achieved May 8th 2010. 99 Constituton achieved April 24th 2010. 99 Attack achieved on January 29th 2010 at 8:00 PM. Questpoint Cape on August 30th 2009.99 Strength (11:47 P.M. August 17 2009).

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Spot the lulwut. Advertising....[hide] 11ak107.jpg[/hide]



This advertising is pretty old, like, it's been around forrrr ages

One has to question wtf you're watching on y/tube though


Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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I <3 today. :D








That makes 4 99s. Maxed melee, 99 constitution. Also got quest cape. :P


I'm not sure what my next goal will be, probably just slay, maybe range a few tasks or do some soloing. I'll have to see what lies ahead. :D


Grats. :3 Defence is such an awesome cape too.


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I <3 today. :D








That makes 4 99s. Maxed melee, 99 constitution. Also got quest cape. :P


I'm not sure what my next goal will be, probably just slay, maybe range a few tasks or do some soloing. I'll have to see what lies ahead. :D


i agree with what curtiskushh said...he is yo daddy.

and veal. lols.


I like getting hard when I PK


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I <3 today. :D








That makes 4 99s. Maxed melee, 99 constitution. Also got quest cape. :P


I'm not sure what my next goal will be, probably just slay, maybe range a few tasks or do some soloing. I'll have to see what lies ahead. :D

missed it again >.>



61,358th to 99 range on May 23rd, 2010.

100,927th to 99 def on February 13th, 2011.



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15M cash for the first time. After that the only thing I thought was:



"It is time for a harvest..."


*Cookie for you if you know where that line is from.*

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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am i pro?

If you hadn't flipped it you would've made 200k more :thumbdown:


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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am i pro?

If you hadn't flipped it you would've made 200k more :thumbdown:

mhm, can't go wrong investing in masks/santas after leaving for months

they always go up and everyone buys it for that reason, then everyone thinks its gone too high, goes down for 2 updates, gets bought out again, goes higher than before, repeat

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15M cash for the first time. After that the only thing I thought was:



"It is time for a harvest..."


*Cookie for you if you know where that line is from.*


Nod Harvester ;)



There you go :smile:

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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