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Jagex knowingly and willingly sacrificed the gaming experience of it's players for more money. Simple as that. They knew botting would come back full-force. You really think they thought making a bot company change their name was "taking down botters"?

The same could be said about removing free trade and wildy... Except it didn't make them more money, it just sacrificed gaming experience.


Bots are the lesser of two evils. So what if bots make your essence and fish cheaper? Those were never good moneymaking skills, I fail to see how a legit player would be bothered by cheaper resources.

What Jagex needs to do is add less bot-able places, like the LRC (they all gather into one crowded world, leaving every other world available for the legit players).

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People are still doing it right now, will update on the 'surprise' lol.


What's all this about a surprise?




Brackish blades <3: most money I've ever made in a day. Back to frost dragons for me tomorrow, as the blades will probably drop down to 500k - 1M. Keeping my first Brackish blade drop for frost dragon slaying.




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Jagex knows RS is dying. That's why they don't give a [cabbage] about quality anymore. It's all about wrenching every last penny from the game before they have to shut it down in a year or two.


I am really surprised they haven't resorted to selling their own gold yet. That's about the only sell-out they haven't taken.

Hmmm reminds me of something Bladewing once said. Something about idiots complaing about a game when they're on the fansite :-k

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I just love how big a deal they made free trade and wilderness returning. A giant publicity stunt, all planned, and it greatly bit them in the ass. Lawl.

what do you mean? they have way more subscribers now.

Many of them are botters, though.


That's some pretty conclusive proof you have there. You must be right. /sarcasm

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I just love how big a deal they made free trade and wilderness returning. A giant publicity stunt, all planned, and it greatly bit them in the ass. Lawl.

what do you mean? they have way more subscribers now.

Many of them are botters, though.


That's some pretty conclusive proof you have there. You must be right. /sarcasm

The number of players doesn't just jump from 150k to well over 200k because of people returning. There's not THAT many people who returned because of these updates. Likewise, not THAT many people quit when Jagex removed the Wilderness. In both cases, a large number of bots comprised the average amount of players online. And my proof is that if you go anywhere that can be farmed for money with little risk, you'll see swarms of low/mid level players all wearing identical noob gear and moving in predictable patterns. And these are just the gold farmers. There are a bunch of players now actively botting on their mains-- case in point was the guy a few pages back at iron dragons, who didn't pick up any drops (including d legs) and was using protect melee with a pony.

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I just love how big a deal they made free trade and wilderness returning. A giant publicity stunt, all planned, and it greatly bit them in the ass. Lawl.

what do you mean? they have way more subscribers now.

Many of them are botters, though.


That's some pretty conclusive proof you have there. You must be right. /sarcasm

The number of players doesn't just jump from 150k to well over 200k because of people returning. There's not THAT many people who returned because of these updates. Likewise, not THAT many people quit when Jagex removed the Wilderness. In both cases, a large number of bots comprised the average amount of players online. And my proof is that if you go anywhere that can be farmed for money with little risk, you'll see swarms of low/mid level players all wearing identical noob gear and moving in predictable patterns. And these are just the gold farmers. There are a bunch of players now actively botting on their mains-- case in point was the guy a few pages back at iron dragons, who didn't pick up any drops (including d legs) and was using protect melee with a pony.


It really is quite irrelevant what you say, All your points are based on yours and others observations and not fact. The point is, all the bot hotspots have been crowded for as long as I can remember with the only lull coming when FT was initially removed.


Yes bots exist, and they always will exist. There's still no way you can possibly know how many bots there are without Jagex actually releasing the figures themselves.


Unspam coming soon.

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Brackish blades <3: most money I've ever made in a day. Back to frost dragons for me tomorrow, as the blades will probably drop down to 500k - 1M. Keeping my first Brackish blade drop for frost dragon slaying.

korasi sword is better and you already have that.

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I like checking this thread in the morning and there being no new pictures, just a lot of arguing -____-


Few screenshots -


200 tasks (few days ago):



(also lol at the dude in total prayer boost gear)


First whip on first demon task (maybe a week ago):




Me pwning Grimy at the duel arena :P (a while ago!):




Now to finish a bunch of quests, unlock TDs and get some prayer and gear


The corp beast, is, well, just a corp beast. He doesnt even have any friends.

[spoiler=Other Quotes]tbh idk why this makes me laugh so hard

All DFS threads turn into efficiency flame wars >.>

>OP asks "why use DFS?"

>everyone says "there is no reason"

>someone says "stop bashing people who use DFS, efficiency troll ass clown"

>thread is now a flame fest


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I just love how big a deal they made free trade and wilderness returning. A giant publicity stunt, all planned, and it greatly bit them in the ass. Lawl.

what do you mean? they have way more subscribers now.

Many of them are botters, though.

Yeah and we all know bots don't pay for their subscriptions :roll:

Jagex knowingly and willingly sacrificed the gaming experience of it's players for more money. Simple as that. They knew botting would come back full-force. You really think they thought making a bot company change their name was "taking down botters"?


I don't know about everyone else, but my gaming experience has definitely taken a turn for the better since the return of free trade. Most of the bots I see now were the same bots I saw before free trade returned, anyways.

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Quality of updates is degrading since ft, and by the looks of it, isn't gona get any better.


Ever since ft? Some have been saying they have been going down ever since free trade was removed in the first place. :P


Can we get back to pictures now? I came to look at pictures but have to scroll through tons of doom posts.




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so close...

thanks for charms.


I've been to corp for the first time very recently, only for a couple of kills. Now I can't find anyone to go with, so if you ever need another person, I'm your man!


PS If Den sees the above ownership-related sentence he can take it to be false.



Capes: Dungeoneering, Dungeoneering (t), Defence (t), Attack (t),

Constitution (t), Quest, Soulwars (both), Fire, Tokhaar Kal


Massive thanks to [)en[)en for my signature picture.

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so close...

thanks for charms.


I've been to corp for the first time very recently, only for a couple of kills. Now I can't find anyone to go with, so if you ever need another person, I'm your man!


PS If Den sees the above ownership-related sentence he can take it to be false.

tbh i just find a random rsof mass.


they dont really care about welfarers, which is why im using sharks and hides

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Quite nice warped times with this team and my keying is improving daily with experience, F59 + Warmonger/Pot doors/Ghosts (3 floors around same time ranging from 19-22)




A Toad amongst Frogs? I think not Jagex!



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one to go!

Will be getting in around 2 weeks, the charms are gettable in one week but I am going on holiday for seven days soon

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Feels good :)

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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