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How was your halloween?


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Halloween was fun, hung out with my girlfriend and some friends. Saturday was a big Halloween party which was really fun. Mischief night kinda sucked though, I hit a bicycle cop with an egg by mistake.. and yeah got arrested. But other than that, not bad.

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The party I was going to got called off due to a lack of people being able to go (I would have been fine with just the hostess and me and lots of alcohol :D ) so I dressed up as a zombie - thriller style. I then blasted loads of extreme metal and had some fun with people who came to the door. I was really disappointed with the trick or treater turn out - there were only 4 groups who came round who were under 12 and dressed up. We got three large groups of chavs and one little group of kids not dressed up at all.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I handed out candy and scare the bejesus out of some little kids. I was a grim reaper. I just stood inside the door (and outside a couple times) playing statue. When they'ed ring the dorbell i'd look at them before moving. Got most people, though a couple really little kids didn't think it was as funny as I did.




Once it was really dark I hid by the rose bushes a couple times or was a driveway statue (would just move my head as they went by). Basicly I aim to scare.

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Halloween wasn't that active this year. Only 92 kids came around my house, or so I'm told. Which is quite low compared to the 2k kids who came four years ago, or the 2k who came before that year.




Kind of depressing...Anyways, I went to hand out candy at another friends house, which we handed out to like 7 kids, then I left to another friends, and I'll keep it G-Rated. Overall, pretty good. ^_^

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I'll write this down to get it off my chest.




Halloween party, our sixthform was hiring a bar to party in, so all my friends and I bought tickets to go. Main reasoning was for the girls obviously- that place was full of them. It was a fancy dress, and I was a vampire.




So anyway 3 hours before the party my best mate comes over and says that its a good idea to relax and have a little drink before hand, I didn't have any at my house at the time so we went into asda (supermarket) and I stupidly bought a litre of Smirnoff vodka for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10. Thinking that me and my mate were manly enough to tackle the bottle between us.




We come back to mine and I get some food out of the fridge which was some cheese and a cucumber, and we settle down to have a couple of shots. Man that [cabbage] tasted awful but we just kept on going with the shots and in no time we were through half the bottle. By this time we become really drunk - start laughing on the floor, dancing like nobheads etc.




Anyway it comes 7.15 and we think that it's time to head off to the party which started at 7.30. We were so drunk we couldn't even walk in a straight line and we still had half a bottle of vodka left which I put in the asda bag and we set off.




Going there I said hello to every person I could see, and we laughed so hard at some stupid things that I remember me rolling on the floor with laughter.




Anyway we come to the party and no one is there yet because we came at 7.30 on the dot. Now this is were it gets bad, I start to feel ill and sleepy. I put my head down on the table and start to sleep, the people on the door are laughing at us because we're already so drunk. I put my head up and people I know start flooding in asking what was wrong with me and if I was okay..?




I can't even see them, they're just a blure, I can't speak properly so I do hand genstures.




Mate X: mate is everything fine?


me: *thumbs up*


Mate Y: lol lets put him in the fish tank, or put a fish down his arse.


me: *thumbs down*




That's how I communicated until I felt really sick and headed for the exit, I sat on the steps with my head in my hands - then I was sick - bad all over the steps. The cheese and cucumber came out of my nose and everything.




However that did make me feel better, and more sleepy. So I head back to the party and start sleeping on the table again. Then I get the urge to puke again and run outside. This happens 3 times until I had enough and head home. By myself. On the way there I throw away the half full bottle of vodka (some tramp must of thought he was in heaven when he found it), I get angry at my cape because it is restricting my movement so I throw it against a wall and leave it there. My mate who originally came with me was in exact same situation but he went to sleep by some other people and he was sick 8 times.




So I somehow get home, run up to the toilet and puke again. I go to my bed and fall asleep to be waken up by a phone call from my mum (who is away seeing my grandma)




Mum: where have you been I was worried.


Me: I warrszz Atsz tha partii


Mum: Ok, well grandma is fin...


me: mUUm I jsrt wnaa go tru sleeeeeeep *me hangs up*




Then I remember that my mate was originally meant to come to my house for a sleepover at mine, I go downstairs and see him in his costume asleep face front on the couch. I get a spare blanket and put it on him. Go back upstairs and sleep for a solid 9 hours.




Today at school I looked and felt like [cabbage] to say the least. Everyone was laughing at my stupidity which is just what I deserved.




Never drinking again ( well at least not that much)

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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