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The New Year Update


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Deutsch version:


Zu guter Letzt wollten wir euch noch mitteilen, dass sich am Horizont etwas sehr, sehr GroÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¸es abzeichnet. Im neuen Jahr erwartet euch ein umwerfendes Update, mit dem wir so zufrieden sind, dass wir euch eventuell in den nÃÆÃâÃâächsten Wochen einige versteckte Hinweise geben werden...






From google translator a more cleaner worded one:


"And finally, we wanted to notify you that on the horizon something very, very big business. In the new year you a stunning update with which we are so pleased that we will possibly in the next few weeks some hidden clues ..."




Okay, here's a translation back into English from a native German speaker:


"Last but not least we want to inform you that something very, very big is looming on the horizon. In the new year a stunning update awaits you, one with which we are so content that we might possible give you some hidden clues during the next weeks..."




The places where the German text differs from the English one do so because of idioms that just work differently in German. I still say there are no hidden messages here.

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Im guessing one of 2 things. A new skill mabey...im not sure but a new skill would be great as well. Or a new continent to the east. Just what im thinking though...who knows only time will tell.




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



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When they said "something on the horizon" I interpreted that to mean they would introduce a seafaring skill or a new continent to the east.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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I just had an idea: so far lots of people have suggested Kudos Island or a new continent (which could be combined into one huge update - with Kudos Island being an island off the coast of the new continent...) but why aren't we looking westward?




Yes, the Elven Lands!




We've long waited for the day when the gates to Prifddinas and the regions north of it open up - that might already be a huge update. But there is more: leading up to the GWD release, some hints were dropped that were contained in a dwarven explorers journal (there was a thread about this on tip.it but I am seriously too lazy to look for that now) which also mentioned said dwarf going on an expedition into a poisonous swampland... which is what the Poison Wastes south of Isafdar are. So there are actually two directions into which the Elven Lands could be expanded - with an area easily as big as Asgarnia!




Imagine: Jagex release a new quest in the Mourner storyline, which not only advances the story lots of players have been clamouring for but also opens up both new areas - north and south of Isafdar... I think that would deserve to be called a massive and "stunning" update.




All of the above, of course, being idle speculation 8-)






After reading this I hope you're right. :P



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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i think its a skill of sorts. The new skill interface, and yes i saw the one that was leaked. It has been a long time since a new skill, and there is starting to be alot of players maxed out. Or maybe, just maybe they found a way to remove the caps..... :pray:






Is this a new leak I dont know about or just one with the German Knowledge Base article?

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for what its worth the update has been leaked already...








They are making the GUI screen bigger.




Get the hint, "HUGE".




Whats your source?


I seriously doubt thats what it is, their cs would fill with complaints so fast if thats what it is.




that would be pretty cool, full screen rs


but i usally have rs on the right side and forums on the left so i can do both




edit: i just looked at the jagex website and heres what i found




Our aim for 2007 is to continue to develop and improve RuneScape, while at the same time taking RuneScape into other non-english language markets following Germany. And to develop the game further using our technologies.

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i think its a skill of sorts. The new skill interface, and yes i saw the one that was leaked. It has been a long time since a new skill, and there is starting to be alot of players maxed out. Or maybe, just maybe they found a way to remove the caps..... :pray:






Is this a new leak I dont know about or just one with the German Knowledge Base article?




Its the german one, just have a feeling they added in a skill since they knew it was leaked and say they are always working on a skill.

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Maybe it's some huge revamp of the interface, or updating the ways players look. I mean that would be a HUGE update with all the wearable items having to be changed.




From what Jagex wrote, I'm guessing that it's going to be a surprise, not something obvious like a player update.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Runescape 4D. Duh.






No but really, I'm hoping for some sort of graphical update. If you're a member the content on RS is already so much I think they can not update it for a year and most people would still have quite a lot to do still. RS is already superior to most MMO's with gameplay, so I think graphics is the only thing that it needs for true awesomeness.




Or perhaps they'll go nuts and stop using java and team up with Valve and code RS using Source and deliver it through Steam. Maybe.




Rofl, yeah.... A company that delivers FPS games would team up with a company that delivers RPGs. :boohoo:




Uh...Valve has loaned the Source engine to several RPG's. It's even used in racing and puzzle games.




Rofl, owned :D




I think it will be new big chunk of land.

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Im starting to think we won't have updates to locations, Jagex are already doing that, they've been updating everywhere slowly but surely already.




We could have an overhaul on our own characters to be more in line with the new style of design that the NPC's have, but then again, I doubt that with the recent-ish addition of new hair styles and clothes for our characters, if they were doing a overhaul that would come within the next year, they would of probably just held off that bit longer for the clothes and hair.




Honestly im not sure what they could be up to. But I doubt it's going to be graphics related for locations and characters, perhaps just a new continent, and possibly skills could be used in different way's there? Like where you may need level 90 slayer to kill Dark Beasts currently, on this new continent, you may need 90 slayer to kill a different monster?




Ah I guess we'll begin to piece it together in a few weeks time :wall:




Ermmm oh em gee Summoning and a sky with clouds that actually move!! Except no sky for lo-res players. :anxious:




*edit* Maybe they will make a new game client?

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Has anything thought of adding a sky AND the Astronomy skill that was mentioned in that new skill suggestions thread on the RSOF? Note, they used the words 'very, very big' (planets, stars?), and 'horizion' (sun rising over the horizon?) We know how Jagex are always implemting hidden messages into everything they say nowadays....

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maybe a new skill =P~ maybe a super kool weapon =P~ ooooooooooh maybe a super bank update =P~ =P~ =P~ OOOOOOOOOOH maybe a anti-noob device =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~




Has anything thought of adding a sky AND the Astronomy skill that was mentioned in that new skill suggestions thread on the RSOF? Note, they used the words 'very, very big' (planets, stars?), and 'horizion' (sun rising over the horizon?) We know how Jagex are always implemting hidden messages into everything they say nowadays....




look some people in rs dont know what a sky is not even the sun. some of them haven't seen it in weeks. come on now that would just cause a riot of all those people. right?.....


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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There was another thread around here the other day that I posted something on that I was going to quote ... can't find it though :?




I'll have to write it from scratch again. For something to be classed as a stunning update, in my mind that means it must be a lot more than just a new skill. Even if the skill is absolutely great, a single skill will never be stunning.




To be stunning, I'd expect the update to attack a few things at once, such as new skill, updates to existing skills, bank update.




In terms of actually guessing what it might be or consist of (in order of likelihood):


1) Big quest, opening up a new skill and a huge new area/continent


2) Bank update


3) Major updates to a lot of existing skills


4) Significant interface update (larger game window, more side panel options, customisation options)


5) Major clan support

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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Runescape 4D. Duh.




No but really, I'm hoping for some sort of graphical update. If you're a member the content on RS is already so much I think they can not update it for a year and most people would still have quite a lot to do still. RS is already superior to most MMO's with gameplay, so I think graphics is the only thing that it needs for true awesomeness.




Or perhaps they'll go nuts and stop using java and team up with Valve and code RS using Source and deliver it through Steam. Maybe.




Rofl, yeah.... A company that delivers FPS games would team up with a company that delivers RPGs. :boohoo:




Uh...Valve has loaned the Source engine to several RPG's. It's even used in racing and puzzle games.


Or maybe they are forming an aliance with Blizzard and create a morph game between RuneScape and WOW.




They would call it:


- "WOWScape"


- "WOW ... RuneScape"


- "RuneWOW"


- "World of RuneWar"




<.< :-#

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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I believe that "Horion" is the key word here; we're getting a sun, day and night time!!!!




GO JAGEX!!! \' \'




Can we stop it with the speculation posts, already??? Maybe there ought to be a sub-topic for speculation....

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem

of innocence inside of you that makes you want

to believe that there still exists a right and wrong,

that decency will somehow triumph in the end.

--Lise Hand

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When they said "something on the horizon" I interpreted that to mean they would introduce a seafaring skill or a new continent to the east.


Ship building and sailing have floated around on the RSOF for a long time. Perhaps this could be it. It is something to think about.

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