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Is my teacher mistaken?


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In modern usage in the field of mechanics, weight and mass are fundamentally different quantities: mass is an intrinsic property of matter, whereas weight is a force that results from the action of gravity on matter.




However, the recognition of this difference is, historically, a relatively recent development ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ and in many everyday situations the word "weight" continues to be used when "mass" is meant. For example, we say that an object "weighs one kilogram"; that kilogram is a unit of mass.


I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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I know it's a force...but it just sounds so stupid to me..."I weigh 60 newtons"




You weight 60N? :shock:


He raises a good point :-k . I'm pretty sure most healthy babies weigh more than that...

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I know it's a force...but it just sounds so stupid to me..."I weigh 60 newtons"




You weight 60N? :shock:


He raises a good point :-k . I'm pretty sure most healthy babies weigh more than that...


Isn't 60N 6k kgs?


On earth that is.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Isn't 60N 6k kgs?


On earth that is.


No, it's more like 6_ kilos :P . Which is like 9 pounds or something. Hate conversions.

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reading through this thread.. i'm hoping that all we're having is some breakdown of communication and that the education system hasnt effed up that badly.




one of my physics teachers is a moron and i still manage to understand it.

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apparently nobody on this thread knows that mass=weight/volume, something that should have been taught in 6th grade :-k








I see the problem in communication here, you are an idiot.




Lol, nicely put Indy.




Since I have to add something to this post...




Mass is actually m0/sqrt(1+1/(v^2/c^2)) where v is your relative speed, c is the speed of light in vacuum and m0 is your mass while rested.

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apparently nobody on this thread knows that mass=weight/volume, something that should have been taught in 6th grade :-k
So since weight depends on, say, what planet you happen to be standing on, if I were to travel to Mars, my mass would dimish?




But since mass and energy are really two aspects of the same thing, and energy is never destroyed only transformed, that mass would have to go somewhere... Hmz... Into, for example, my speed!




I'm self-accelerating!

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Isn't 60N 6k kgs?


On earth that is.


No, it's more like 6_ kilos :P . Which is like 9 pounds or something. Hate conversions.




1 kilogram ~= 2.2 pounds




60 kilos = ~132 pounds




Assuming 60N is roughly 60 kilos (I have no idea the relationship between the 2) then that isn't an unusual mass / weight on Earth.


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Isn't 60N 6k kgs?


On earth that is.


No, it's more like 6_ kilos :P . Which is like 9 pounds or something. Hate conversions.




1 kilogram ~= 2.2 pounds




60 kilos = ~132 pounds




Assuming 60N is roughly 60 kilos (I have no idea the relationship between the 2) then that isn't an unusual mass / weight on Earth.




The relationship, as has been stated a few times in this thread, is that 1kg = 9,8N since the gravitational force is roughly 9,8 m/s^2




That's what's way off in the quoted text.

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apparently nobody on this thread knows that mass=weight/volume, something that should have been taught in 6th grade :-k








I see the problem in communication here, you are an idiot.




Lol, nicely put Indy.




Since I have to add something to this post...




Mass is actually m0/sqrt(1+1/(v^2/c^2)) where v is your relative speed, c is the speed of light in vacuum and m0 is your mass while rested.




Pft, relativistic effects are negligible on earth. :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought that when you measured something in Newtons, it was how much gravitational force you had on the ground. Then thats why your mass is still the same on whatever planet your on but your Newtons may become smaller if you were on the moon....or larger if you were on Jupiter.

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No, it's more like 6_ kilos :P . Which is like 9 pounds or something. Hate conversions.




1 kilogram ~= 2.2 pounds




60 kilos = ~132 pounds




Assuming 60N is roughly 60 kilos (I have no idea the relationship between the 2) then that isn't an unusual mass / weight on Earth.


It's 6 kilos not 60. Which, in my error, is more like 13 pounds.








To the metric system America!

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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No, it's more like 6_ kilos :P . Which is like 9 pounds or something. Hate conversions.




1 kilogram ~= 2.2 pounds




60 kilos = ~132 pounds




Assuming 60N is roughly 60 kilos (I have no idea the relationship between the 2) then that isn't an unusual mass / weight on Earth.


It's 6 kilos not 60. Which, in my error, is more like 13 pounds.








To the metric system America!




The best thing to do is keep your imperial and metric measurements separate. Don't measure your weight in pounds if you are going to use it in a formula, which only uses metric (SI) units. Only use imperial to compare with other imperial measurements. The best thing to do is not to try to convert one into the other, because you end up multiplying with awkward decimal numbers, so if you need to, measure yourself twice, one in metric and one in imperial. If you have a weight scale which only measures in imperial, it's too old and impractical in science. If it measures only in metric, it's too impractical for domestic use, unless it is only used in scientific work. If it simultaneously measures metric and imperial (but not by conversion from one to the other), use it. Avoid conversion at all costs.




And Potter_Pkr is right. You weight is a force exerted on the surface of the object you are standing on (In the vast majority of cases, planet Earth). Since it is a force, it is measured in Newtons. Newtons are defined as 'The force required to accelerate an object of mass 1kg at a rate of 1m/s^2.' They are linked, but there are dodgy conversions from N to kg, so again I suggest that you weigh the object again for weight and mass separately. There is no harm in repeat experimentation.

~ W ~



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...Since I have to add something to this post...




Mass is actually m0/sqrt(1+1/(v^2/c^2)) where v is your relative speed, c is the speed of light in vacuum and m0 is your mass while rested.


Oh, come on... The poor guy is trying to understand the difference between mass and weight, and you are explaining him relativistic effects of high speed to mass? That's a mean thing to do. :shame:

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Newton or N is the force of gravity pulling down on something IE and apple is 5N or 5 Newtons ( no i didnt weight it just exampling)


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Point is, I've lived for 10 years of my life In Europe. I have NEVER heard someone say "Oh...I weight 80 Newtons, how about you?" in Europe.







SI doesn't mean European.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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mass=the actual ammount there.




When you step on a scale, it shows you your mass based on your weight (your mass affected by the gravity of earth). But people always say it's their "weight" when in reality it is their mass that they know.




So when a persons say they weigh X kg/lbs, they are not wrong, its just they are using the wrong word, they should say their mass is. Doesn't really matter though, its one of those things that unless your talking about science, its really no use.


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Well, nobody says "It's 273 degrees Kelvin outside!" in Europe either. . .
Not in summer anyway.


No one ever says degrees Kelvin. It's just Kelvin.




EX: 273 Kelvin = 0 degrees Celcius


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- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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when you step on a scale, you measure your weight, NOT your mass. It is physically impossible to find your mass...


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