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Monday Poll: Have you ever been scammed by a friend?


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Yeah, I really don't trust anybody. Not even friends from over two years ago. I don't give out anything I can't bear to lose, which is evrything, so I've never been scammed...ever.

It is impossible to exaggerate the unimportance of almost everything.

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Yep, most important item I lost was a red party hat, my favourite item, stolen on my 16th birthday =/




ouch...ouch!.....OUCH! damn, man! you could've been a billionare if you sold it now! :x



"Hey, I can't help it if I was born this cool." Adell, Disgaea 2

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the closest I've been scammed by a friend is buying a green dhide legs for the price of a full set.....flash forward a few months, and he wants membership on my secured credit card! not gonna happen.




as for people I met on Runescape, but not in person, yeah, I've been scammed by some of them. in fact, I'm going to put a few of them on ignore right now, now that I think about it.... :evil:



"Hey, I can't help it if I was born this cool." Adell, Disgaea 2

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Yes I have Misplaced. I thought I could trust certain friends, but after a while they scammed me. I wonder why it's so hard to find friends who won't back-stab you.






I feel the same way #-o


Well, I guess people don't care about others that much online :shame:


Well, one day I'll find someone that I can trust :roll:



F2P for life :D

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Got scammed for like 10mil worth of stuff. Not that fun considering my total bank value.:( Well, I ruined her reputation on tip.it and now she don't even play RS anymore. For what I know :o

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well..im 18, and my brothers 11. our 2 cousins play. one is 13 other is 9. they found out how to keylog....they told my brother to go to their site and fill out their poll. they did and it asked for his username and pass...they scammed him. i simply told them if they ever did it again....well i just told them to not do it agian.

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i feel sad you guys get scammed by friends. I personally don't believe in scamming, though i do have bad friends who jacked me of a few things. When i was a beginner it hurt but now i look at em with pity. Its sad to know you can rarely meet people who you can loan something cheap like a random scimmy to. Sometimes clan members can't even be trusted, i can only trust 12 people out my my 300 people clan !!!!! Very sad, and we were thinking of adding newer divisions.




Anyways im always trustable. 8-) . The good thing about me is i won't ask for anything and if you want me to cut a gem or w/e and i don't know you, im many of the few people who won't rob you.




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I pretended to scam a friend, and this comes with a story.


We were funning at the duel arena. He's a little higher level than i was/am and I decided to put up my dragon square, while he, feeling confident, put up his santa hat. Well, I decided, near the end of the duel, I preferred to live/win and ate (which seems to be a grave offense at the duel arena <.< ) and I ended up killing him. We're in the same computer lab (we're both in high school, thought I'd pretend to be a little less mature and have some fun) and almost immediately logged out. One of our friends in the lab (free player mod) starts laughing his head off; I look over at him and he's got this blank, scared face on, when I say "I'm just kidding..." and log back on to give it back to him.


It's not his Santa, a friend of his lent it to him when he quit, on the condition that friend 1 would give it back if #2 ever started again. If it was #1's, he might not have cared as much, and I might have a santa today... :wall:


also, around school, i've made several jokes about scamming to my mod friend, just to see his reactions, lol


never anything real, though

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Yes I have Misplaced. I thought I could trust certain friends, but after a while they scammed me. I wonder why it's so hard to find friends who won't back-stab you.






I feel the same way #-o


Well, I guess people don't care about others that much online :shame:


Well, one day I'll find someone that I can trust :roll:




the only friends I trust are my high school friends. I don't feel anyone I meet randomly in the game i can ever really trust without knowing them in real life. Of course, if they do end up scamming me, I can always give them what they deserve in real life instead... and they know not to mess with me, otherwise... actually, I probably shouldn't say, in case they are reading this...




the only time i, myself, have ever been scammed was, after the great brain robbery came out, and anchors only cost 70k-ish to repair but drop 230k when u get pk'd, my friend said he'd kill me and give me the 230k. well, after he killed me, he claimed he'd accidentally teleported out too quick and it was still on the ground. I quick tele'd to edgeville and waited at the exact spot for several minutes and lo-and-behold, it wasn't there :ohnoes: This was a former clansman that i felt had grown to be quite as close as two people who've never met face to face could actually become :cry:




speaking of which, i just got a PM from a friend i know irl (i don't know him that well) that's asking me for money... :|

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i ahve been scammed by a friend once. i had gotten my first whip ever after rcing over 10k laws to buy it *note this is when whips were 2 milish*. l8r on my friend told me he had merched full drag and offered to get me full drag but he needed cash to start merching. so we went to W2 fally garden, and took my whip rune t pl8, rune t skirt and logged after 2 mins. found him l8r at seers at the yews. asked him for ym stuff back, he put up in trade accepted then declined. logged off and on again then acted liek a hacker was on his acc. ran off and havn't seen him since. since then i've lost 4 whips 2 to scams, 1 to sell for MTA and 1 i still have.




also the only people i ever trust trade is my p mod friends and my bro.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

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I once got scammed for 50K from a friend. He said he needed to borrow it, and he never came back. It's sad that he was a level 102 when he stole it from me. I will always treasure friends over pixels though. My 1 friend needed to borrow 1M, so I gave him it. He later paid me back with 1.1M! He decided he was going to pay interest. My other friend let me try on his Blue Mask. He was very shaky about the whole thing. I tried on the blue with a couple of outfits, and gave it back. Just to say, I looked hawt! :D




So, never scam on Runescape..it's worthless. Friends are more important than pixels. Trust is more important than pixels. If you care to get money on Runescape by purposely making others unhappy, you have failed as a person. Sorry for the long post!

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When I was lower lvl, I let my friend borrow 200k. To me now, it doesn't mean much but back then it was a whole lot. Anyway, he "quit" right after and sold his account in a month. I hate scammers. They all should just fall in a black pit and die. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:





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No; I dont loan valubles (might be because I dont have any single item thats worth over 2mill and most of my good friends consider 2mill to be a fairly small sum of money). If I give something to a friend its normally under the assumption ill never get it back. The odd free herb for a quest or an item at slightly lower than market value (how I have gotten several quest items, d med, rune boots, and almost d legs)

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I had a friend scam me near my beginning membership days... Took my d med and dragon skirt, which was 1.4 mil at the time. However, he had a change of heart and gave me back 1.5 mil 3 days later. He then proceeded to pay back everyone he ever scammed, despite having his account hacked 3 or 4 times. We're still pretty good friends on Runescape, and I was just chatting to him at Dags. Great guy, really.




On a more negative note... Some guy stole 700k I loaned him... Can't even remember what prompted me to loan it to him :\


Look at my evidence of geekdom... MWAHAHAHA!

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No, I remember when i was like 10 or 9 i watched Scarface. Tony Montana said something along the lines of Who do I trust? I trust me. 6 years later that has sunk into my head. I even have a poster of it :D




I think i lent my obsidian shield to a good friend of mine once, I got it back though.




My poster ::'





^Click Siggy for Blog^

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No, I remember when i was like 10 or 9 i watched Scarface. Tony Montana said something along the lines of Who do I trust? I trust me. 6 years later that has sunk into my head. I even have a poster of it :D




I think i lent my obsidian shield to a good friend of mine once, I got it back though.




My poster ::'






How random...




I'm proud to say I have never been scamed by a friend.

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I'm gonna say, ive never been scammed. some of this stuff is horrible :ohnoes: i hoped you all recoverd :D the only friends i would trust are my real friends, and considering im poor, i dont have much to lend.


Played runescape for about 2 years!

I love SSBB!!!

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ive been hacked for a santa, if u ever see "youregr3t" the pure tell him he'll get that back in life, and later on i met a new friend i thought was different, asking to wear my santa, i didnt want to risk it so i sold it and bought infinity and some other junk, i let him wear some for a pking video and pow! theres another 20mil+ hax in the sack, and yes that is is "falcon07" . in all ive lost 40mil more or less from friends, ive learned my lesson. if you dangle a rare item infront of them, theyll do bad things,even if u love them or have known them for 4years *cough*cough *youregr3t* :twisted: =;

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