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Christmas-What do you want, what will you give, and more!


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As some of you might know, this Sunday of Nov 25 marks the first week of advent, four weeks before a busy time of year where we all panic and wonder if we're done shopping and 4 weeks later there shall be one day where we of the world are [semi]peaceful.




I had several things flowing through my mind about Christmas so I think I'll post them then continue reading Night for school.




What Do You Want For Christmas


What are you going to ask of your spouse, children or parents? Could be material or abstract, but what ever it is(as long as its reasonable) I'm sure you NOT DESIRE IT!!!! No just kidding...




My Wishlist:


-Some Wii Games


-Heavenly peace in the World just for one hour.




I really don't want much this Christmas.




What are You Giving This Christmas


True I could be talking about giving to your family but I'm really aiming at charity. Not to be bugging you, but please remember to give tp the less fortunate this Christmas season, not everyone is as lucky as us. Maybe help at a food bank, give toys or clothes, or even just be a little kinder to that person who isn't exactly your best friend; the service to others is a reward in itself, you'll find out when you do it.




True Meaning Of Christmas


I think each Christmas is becoming too materialistic, sure you can want stuff and ask for stuff but we are losing sight of the real meaning... The birth of Christ (or for the atheists who celebrate Christmas, family togetherness) and unity. I would take a unified Christmas over any commercial one.




"But remember, when someone tells you Happy Holidays remember to look 'em straight in the eye and say 'Merry Christmas'." (alot of priests say this, which I believe is right, don't say happy holidays when your talking to one person, say your holiday unless you specifically know theirs.)








Well feel free to discuss anything else and for anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas, have a Happy Holiday.




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I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I can't really think of anything I "really" want for Christmas.






I mean, games? I keep up with those usually so no need, I'll have gotten all the ones I've wanted before christmas. A Wii would be nice, but its a little expensive and it's going to be impossible to find them this christmas lol.






Gadgets? I don't really need anything, I have an iPod and for my DS I ordered a R4DS so I'll be able to have whatever I need on that...






Computer parts? Aside from the 9000 series card I want when they come out from Nvida (which is prob going to be out next year) there really isn't anything I want nor need. I've got a pretty damn decent PC otherwise y'know?






I really can't think of anything, hah.








Not sure what I'll be giving, no clue what everyone in my family wants :XD:

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Amen to that, rob! :thumbsup:




I'm wishing for an X-Box 360 with a couple of games. Plus a few other things. Stocking stuffers too. It's gonna be a great Christmas! :D




I'm definitely going to be getting my good friends and my parents gifts. Gotta start soon, though. :wall:




I think the true meaning of Christmas is good feelings and love all around. :)

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I just want a book, and maybe the new Fire Emblem game for Wii.






I'm unsure of what to get for my family, but I've got a few good ideas.




My favorite thing about Christmas is when everyone comes over and we have a nice dinner. Afterwards we spend time talking about stuff and me and my sister end up staying late into the night playing video games :).

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As per usual for the Christmas season, I can't think of anything.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.




That's communism in action right there.




I'm not that big on Christmas. The consumerism, the shops forcing everything down your throats, the ads, the crappy hollow Christmas television - it really starts to piss me off after a while. I like the family part but half of my extended family won't be at this one so that just sucks.




Having said that, a 360 and a new bass amp would rule.

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i usually get 2 or three things i ask for, the trick is to get a few cheap things and some expemsive things :twisted:




but this year u want a wii plain and simple while my idiot cousin is here is trying to get DDR, a desginer kit, clothes (she has clothes that fits but she doesnt wear!!!), and some crappy bratz game

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Advent Sunday is the first day of the Liturgical year in the Western Christian churches. It also marks the start of the season of Advent. In both the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches the celebrant wears purple-coloured vestments on this day, and the first purple Advent candle is lit at mass.




Advent Sunday is the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day. This is equivalent to the Sunday nearest to St Andrew's Day, 30 November, and the Sunday following the Feast of Christ the King. It can fall on any date between 27 November and 3 December. When Christmas Day is a Monday, Advent Sunday will fall on its latest possible date.




Advent Sunday falls on the following dates:




* 2007: 2 December






Is advent Sunday not like you said.




Anyway i have had everything i want early and don't exactly agree with Christmas being a time of receiving everything except for celebrating the birth of Christ which wasn't even in December.


Yes im all for gifts but who actually cares about the true meaning. Very few people. They done this so it was something to celebrate about in the dark times of the year.


Anyway that said i think the true meaning is to celebrate the birth of Christ and have fun with your family.

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What I want, well, for me, it's Christmas and Birthday rolled into one, my birthday is Xmas eve, which sucks, but hey. And to top it off, it's going to be my 21st. Having a huge party in Feb along with a good mate who will be 21 in March.




For my 21st I want a Digital Camera and a nice watch. For Xmas just some clothes and new shoes.




What to give, I have absolutely no bloody idea. Might have to pay a visit to the mum idea thread, haha.

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For christmas I'd like my defacto to hurry up and ask me to marry him.




Or to fall pregnant after god knows how long of trying :?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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For christmas I'd like my defacto to hurry up and ask me to marry him.




Or to fall pregnant after god knows how long of trying :?




Or you could go against the grain and propose to him? It would be a hell of huge surprise for Christmas.




I'd love to ask him to marry me but I know his personality very well and I beating him to asking me to marry him would take away his manliness haha




I just really hope for a miracle to be able to have children, I'm not very fertile and his sperm count is extremely low so the chances are extremely slim, especially since we've been trying for nearly a year. That would be the best Christmas present, ever.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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For me? I don't know. I'm just gonna go shopping during boxing day sale :)




For my siblings, I'm considering proposing to my parents that I'll chip in on the Wii so that we'll pay 50% each, and I'll also pay for the games.




For my SO, I'm getting her a jewelry box and a bracelet




I don't know what to get my parents

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Probally the chance to pimp up my old guitar. A nice HSS set of Seymour Duncans would be brilliant :D Maybe a new strap as well. I know for a fact that I'm getting socks though :(


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I hardly ever know what i want for christmas or my birthday (considering its coming up on the 5th december), so i generally ask for nothing. I don't need stuff and i hate knowing that friends/family are trying to find me something when i can't even think of anything i want.




I suppose for christmas i'll ask for vouchers for stuff or just money, so i can get something i truely want when it takes my fancy. Walking around and finding something i like the look of + just buying it is better for me than getting a bunch of presents i'll hardly use..like my xbox360. :o

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Er, well, I have a couple of things I would appreciate as a gift.




An iPod (possibly Touch...right :P), my good ol' nano has some problems


Having my own computer would be nice... so em, a laptop <.<


A Wii maybe :)


a PSP to add to my collection of handhelds (GBA, Gameboy Color, Ds lite)




I would be happy to have any single one from that list alone. <3:




I'm a big selfish jerk, so not gonna list the things I wanna give. :)

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For christmas I'd like my defacto to hurry up and ask me to marry him.




Or to fall pregnant after god knows how long of trying :?




Or you could go against the grain and propose to him? It would be a hell of huge surprise for Christmas.




I'd love to ask him to marry me but I know his personality very well and I beating him to asking me to marry him would take away his manliness haha




I just really hope for a miracle to be able to have children, I'm not very fertile and his sperm count is extremely low so the chances are extremely slim, especially since we've been trying for nearly a year. That would be the best Christmas present, ever.




I don't know much about Human reproduction but good luck with that, whats more selfless yet rewarding and miraclous then human life?


Pro-Life ftw




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I'm thinking about asking for a DigiTech 100 Whammy-Wah effects pedal for my guitar. Or at least I might buy it for myself about that time, Christmas always seems to make buying things more special, or at least more of an event.




Damn, Christmas shopping, another thing I need to do.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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