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Is God real post your thoughts!


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And logic has absolutley nothing to do with it.


That's probably why I'm not a religious person. I need evidence and facts in order to believe something. (religious texts don't cut it for me) I need for things to add up and make sense for me to believe them, that's just the kind of person I am.




Also: Has it occurred to anyone else that the Judeo-Christian God (and Jesus) could easily be explained by aliens?




Moses on Mt. Sinai and all other accounts of a voice from the heavens - Loudspeakers from spaceships


Transfiguration/Angels/Annunciation - Star wars style hologram communications with Moses/Abraham/Whoever, Jesus took off his human "disguise" for the actual transfiguring/glowing part


Resurrection/Lazarus/All related healings - Nanotechnology


Water into wine/Feeding of the 4000 (or 5000?) - Matter replication


Walking on water/Parting of the Red Sea - Tractor beams? :P


Speaking in tongues (Pentecost, was it?) - Farscape style translator-microbes


Christmas Star - A spaceship..duh :P


Immaculate Conception - Mary was taken into the ship and artificially inseminated (Could also result in the dreams Joseph and Mary had about what to name their kid, for Joseph not to stone Mary, etc.)




I do believe I've made a major breakthrough in religion/theology here. :lol:




Do I get over 9000 cookies for having a picture of Tom Cruise/Scientology flash in my head when I read that? 8-)




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Do I get over 9000 cookies for having a picture of Tom Cruise/Scientology flash in my head when I read that? 8-)




Can you guess what movie I'm watching right now? :P




Ohh! I've seen it on tv years ago but I didn't ever bother to catch the name :cry: . Normally, I never miss any sort of trivia given to me, I do remember the movie vividly, though :thumbsup:




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And logic has absolutley nothing to do with it.


That's probably why I'm not a religious person. I need evidence and facts in order to believe something. (religious texts don't cut it for me) I need for things to add up and make sense for me to believe them, that's just the kind of person I am.




Also: Has it occurred to anyone else that the Judeo-Christian God (and Jesus) could easily be explained by aliens?




Moses on Mt. Sinai and all other accounts of a voice from the heavens - Loudspeakers from spaceships


Transfiguration/Angels/Annunciation - Star wars style hologram communications with Moses/Abraham/Whoever, Jesus took off his human "disguise" for the actual transfiguring/glowing part


Resurrection/Lazarus/All related healings - Nanotechnology


Water into wine/Feeding of the 4000 (or 5000?) - Matter replication


Walking on water/Parting of the Red Sea - Tractor beams? :P


Speaking in tongues (Pentecost, was it?) - Farscape style translator-microbes


Christmas Star - A spaceship..duh :P


Immaculate Conception - Mary was taken into the ship and artificially inseminated (Could also result in the dreams Joseph and Mary had about what to name their kid, for Joseph not to stone Mary, etc.)




I do believe I've made a major breakthrough in religion/theology here. :lol:







Omg!! How'd you know! I've been waiting for someone to figure this out!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:




Well, what I meant was, people in general, tend to throw around the word logic, but not explain it. Logic can be anything, you can't say that logically, the earth is flat, because if it was round we'd all fall off. Thats the kind of logic people are using, they just throw out "logic" and tell everyone to shut up. God is a logical God, it may not be the logic you're looking for,but it's there. And if you're genuinely questioning, and you really want to get to know him, but just aren't sure, he'll show you. There was this story in the Bible of a guy who needed to make sure God was talking to him. He said that if God was, that hed lay a sponge on the ground, and the sponge would be wet but the ground dry. He went to bed, woke up, and the ground was wet and the sponge dry, he still wasn't sure, so he reversed it - the ground was wet and the spong was dry. If you REALLY want the 'empiracle' evidence, then look for it. It's all around you, you guys just don't want to see it.




In other news: This guy in my class is a scientologist. :lol: :lol:

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I'm gonna' step in a provide a brief lesson on logic for a moment.




"Humans have lungs. Lungs are necessary for breathing on land. Therefore, humans can breathe on land." is a logically valid argument. "Fish have Christmas trees. Christmas trees are necessary for breathing on land. Therefore, fish can breathe on land." is also a logically valid argument. Why? Because logic is only concerned with how an argument is formed (If the conclusion follows from the premises), not whether an argument is actually right or wrong.




It'd help it people actually understood that before using the word logic.

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He raises a good point though, I see it happen a lot. If you add the word "logic" to your reasoning it doesn't automatically mean you're right. If you ask me, that's just taking the easy way out.

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"Fish have Christmas trees. Christmas trees are necessary for breathing on land. Therefore, fish can breathe on land." is also a logically valid argument.






A better example would be


Chuck Norris is godlike. God is godlike. Chuck Norris is God.




I have a book. Bible is a book. I have a bible.




But fish do not have christmas trees, right?










Do we really need God? I don't.

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Does life get more fun with a god? Not for me, church is boring.




That's nice but you're only speaking on a personal level. First off, some people love going to church. Take a look at those gospel people. ;) Secondly, belief in God doesn't necessarily mean you have to attend a church or have a certain curriculum of how you should worship.

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Does life get more fun with a god? Not for me, church is boring.




church is fun and we play footy or soccer after <3:




Also it is very youth orientated, even some of my non-christian friends go there, they love it! The older people are very active. Unfortunately there are no churches like it in the area, and it is 1 of 2 Apostolic churches in the state.

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born of a virgin on december 25th


had thwelve brothers who followed him around preforming micacles such as healing the sick walking on water and turning water into wine


was know as the truth, the light, the lamb of god etc etc


interestingly he was also betrayed by one of his diciples was burried for three days and was reserected





I know this post was a while ago, but this part is completely wrong.


Isis (horus's mother) was not a virgin, horus didn't have 12 brothers, etc.


Unless you are talking about someone/something totally different then i am thinkinh



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First off, some people love going to church. Take a look at those gospel people. ;)


They enjoy having fun together, this can be achieved without god. I think atheists should have these weekly shows too. I'd propably enjoy gospel, if god didnt have to be involved.






Here is my reasoning to why I do not need God, or do not want to have him around.




God's most recognized jobs are: he created the world, he decides what happens in it and he offers eternal life with him after we die.


First, who cares if he did create the world? It doesn't change anything if he did or if he didn't, it simply doesn't matter.


Then, why do we want that life should have some special reason or that God wants things to happen, because it's a part of his master plan? If he had a plan, and he would succeed no matter what, why do we have this illusion of free will? I don't want someone to have an upperhand, to be allowed to break or make the rules as he sees fit.


And last, who wants to live forever? Why do I need to see my relatives and friends after I die? Why isn't the time I have now enough? What if I get bored in heaven? What is eternal happiness? I'd rather cease from being than be thrown around by a superman.

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Pera's post made me wonder why he thinks we care. No offense, but they are personal beliefs.




I think atheists should have these weekly shows too.


Nobody can match an all-black gospel choir. Have fun with your lack of awesome! Bwah.




Pera's post sorta made me think, God could be seen as a dictator of sorts :?.


God could be seen as a bird. God could be seen as an M&M. God could be seen as the Tip.It forums. Once again. Personal belief.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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First off, some people love going to church. Take a look at those gospel people. ;)


They enjoy having fun together, this can be achieved without god. I think atheists should have these weekly shows too. I'd propably enjoy gospel, if god didnt have to be involved.






Here is my reasoning to why I do not need God, or do not want to have him around.




God's most recognized jobs are: he created the world, he decides what happens in it and he offers eternal life with him after we die.


First, who cares if he did create the world? It doesn't change anything if he did or if he didn't, it simply doesn't matter.


Then, why do we want that life should have some special reason or that God wants things to happen, because it's a part of his master plan? If he had a plan, and he would succeed no matter what, why do we have this illusion of free will? I don't want someone to have an upperhand, to be allowed to break or make the rules as he sees fit.


And last, who wants to live forever? Why do I need to see my relatives and friends after I die? Why isn't the time I have now enough? What if I get bored in heaven? What is eternal happiness? I'd rather cease from being than be thrown around by a superman.




It does make a difference, if He didn't create it then we wouldn't exist, because He made us too. You are right about Him always succeeding with his plans, but we do have a free will. If we keep telling God that we do not want to do this for Him, He will find someone else to do it. I am positive that this happens in the Bible too. As for the last one, I am 100% sure that God will make sure that we will never be bored in heaven.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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First off, some people love going to church. Take a look at those gospel people. ;)


They enjoy having fun together, this can be achieved without god. I think atheists should have these weekly shows too. I'd propably enjoy gospel, if god didnt have to be involved.






Here is my reasoning to why I do not need God, or do not want to have him around.




God's most recognized jobs are: he created the world, he decides what happens in it and he offers eternal life with him after we die.


First, who cares if he did create the world? It doesn't change anything if he did or if he didn't, it simply doesn't matter.


Then, why do we want that life should have some special reason or that God wants things to happen, because it's a part of his master plan? If he had a plan, and he would succeed no matter what, why do we have this illusion of free will? I don't want someone to have an upperhand, to be allowed to break or make the rules as he sees fit.


And last, who wants to live forever? Why do I need to see my relatives and friends after I die? Why isn't the time I have now enough? What if I get bored in heaven? What is eternal happiness? I'd rather cease from being than be thrown around by a superman.




Wow. You're so epic.Tell me how to have gospel without God, I'm so eager to know.




1. the teachings of Jesus and the apostles; the Christian revelation.


2. the story of Christ's life and teachings, esp. as contained in the first four books of the New Testament, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


3. (usually initial capital letter) any of these four books.


4. something regarded as true and implicitly believed: to take his report for gospel.


5. a doctrine regarded as of prime importance: political gospel.


6. glad tidings, esp. concerning salvation and the kingdom of God as announced to the world by Christ.


7. (often initial capital letter) Ecclesiastical. an extract from one of the four Gospels, forming part of the Eucharistic service in certain churches.


8. gospel music.


adjective 9. of, pertaining to, or proclaiming the gospel or its teachings: a gospel preacher.


10. in accordance with the gospel; evangelical.


11. of or pertaining to gospel music: a gospel singer




All the defintions of Gospel. Now think about what you just said.




And, you gotta understand,God wants what's best for us, he KNOWS whats best for us. Have you ever had something almsot awful happen to you? But by somewierd quirk it didn't? Ever think that was God looking out for you? Once, I was supposed to ride the school bus home, in 1st grade, but my mom just happened to be near the school, so she picked me up, and we went home, an hoiur later, we found out the bus had gotten into a crash, and rolled a couple times, and many kids were seriously injured. People think that because you're Atheist God hates you. You can't comprehend, no one can, that's it, NO ONE can comprehend how much God loves us. God loves Muslims, Emos, Satanists, Atheists, Agnostics, Gays, Lesbians, Adulterers, Pedophiles. Sure, you may be punished for what you did, but only because God is looking out for you. Just like, when yuo were a kid, did you ever get spanked, or grounded? Your parents did that because they knew if they didn't punish you, you could think you could do whatever you want. And you'd be screwed over. And God's mercy is new each day. You guys call him a Dictator? C'mon, why do you think axe murderers go to heaven? because God says "hey, you screwed up, really bad, but you're really sorry, and I love you, so I'll forigve you." And he never brings it up again. Noe sure, you're still gonna have to go to jail, or be executed, but God will NEVER turn away a hungry soul. And tbh, I'd want to live forever, imagine being able to hang out with your cloests friends whenever you want? Heaven isn't supposed to be a chore, but a reward. Also, it matters A LOT if he created the world, he knew who you all were, before your great grandmas were born. He knew you, before you existed, and he loved you. And he'll always love you, so I don't know why you call him that.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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And, you gotta understand, the Pink Elephant wants what's best for us, he KNOWS whats best for us. Have you ever had something almsot awful happen to you? But by somewierd quirk it didn't? Ever think that was the Pink Elephant looking out for you? Once, I was supposed to ride the school bus home, in 1st grade, but my mom just happened to be near the school, so she picked me up, and we went home, an hoiur later, we found out the bus had gotten into a crash, and rolled a couple times, and many kids were seriously injured. People think that because you're Atheist the Pink Elephant hates you. You can't comprehend, no one can, that's it, NO ONE can comprehend how much the Pink Elephant loves us. The Pink Elephant loves Muslims, Emos, Satanists, Atheists, Agnostics, Gays, [bleep], Adulterers, Pedophiles. Sure, you may be punished for what you did, but only because the Pink Elephant is looking out for you. Just like, when yuo were a kid, did you ever get spanked, or grounded? Your parents did that because they knew if they didn't punish you, you could think you could do whatever you want. And you'd be screwed over. And the Pink Elephant's mercy is new each day. You guys call him a Dictator? C'mon, why do you think axe murderers go to heaven? because the Pink Elephant says "hey, you screwed up, really bad, but you're really sorry, and I love you, so I'll forigve you." And he never brings it up again. Noe sure, you're still gonna have to go to jail, or be executed, but the Pink Elephant will NEVER turn away a hungry soul. And tbh, I'd want to live forever, imagine being able to hang out with your cloests friends whenever you want? Heaven isn't supposed to be a chore, but a reward. Also, it matters A LOT if he created the world, he knew who you all were, before your great grandmas were born. The Pink Elephant knew you, before you existed, and he loved you. And he'll always love you, so I don't know why you call him that.




You better not say that paragraph sounds weird, or you'll be insulting my religion and my beliefs. Praise be to the Pink Elephant, lord of us all.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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why do you think axe murderers go to heaven? because God says "hey, you screwed up, really bad, but you're really sorry, and I love you, so I'll forigve you." And he never brings it up again.




That's a new one.. Who goes to "hell" (or gehenna, which is the original biblical hebrew word used for a 'burning pit') then according to christian theology? Not a lot of christians would agree with you that every person, Hitler and 'casual mass-murderer' alike, can just utter a few words of repentance to make up for countless destroyed lives, years of torture... Your pastor is misintepreting his faith if he genuinely believes so & teaches it openly.




Christian universalists believe God will save any soul regardless of their actions through faith and repentance, it represents an extremely small portion of the total theological believer base of christianity though.

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Yea, my pastor didn't tell me that, the Bible did. God WILL forgive any sin as long as you're truly repentant.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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why do you think axe murderers go to heaven? because God says "hey, you screwed up, really bad, but you're really sorry, and I love you, so I'll forigve you." And he never brings it up again.




That's a new one.. Who goes to "hell" (or gehenna, which is the original biblical hebrew word used for a 'burning pit') then according to christian theology? Not a lot of christians would agree with you that every person, Hitler and 'casual mass-murderer' alike, can just utter a few words of repentance to make up for countless destroyed lives, years of torture... Your pastor is misintepreting his faith if he genuinely believes so & teaches it openly.




Christian universalists believe God will save any soul regardless of their actions through faith and repentance, it represents an extremely small portion of the total theological believer base of christianity though.




When I was like 5,I was in a Christian (or Catholic?) school,and I was told you pray for OTHER people to go to heaven.Or maybe memory is screwing me deep.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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