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Zombie Plans-Revised


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Zombie vs. guided missiles, 50mm cannons, and rockets? I think we know the outcome of that one :twisted:


Zombies. You'd blow yourself up, in all likelihood, and if not, you'd run out of ammunition, they'd surround you and you'd be trapped.



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Zombie vs. guided missiles, 50mm cannons, and rockets? I think we know the outcome of that one :twisted:


Zombies. You'd blow yourself up, in all likelihood, and if not, you'd run out of ammunition, they'd surround you and you'd be trapped.








Well at least I'd go out in style. :D




Why go out? Just stand way back, plant mines, watch, and when you see the "KABLAM!", smoke a cigar.

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Zombie vs. guided missiles, 50mm cannons, and rockets? I think we know the outcome of that one :twisted:


Zombies. You'd blow yourself up, in all likelihood, and if not, you'd run out of ammunition, they'd surround you and you'd be trapped.








Well at least I'd go out in style. :D




Why go out? Just stand way back, plant mines, watch, and when you see the "KABLAM!", smoke a cigar.


Then steal a jet pack! :thumbsup:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Why go out? Just stand way back, plant mines, watch, and when you see the "KABLAM!", smoke a cigar.




That's Lent's job though...




Also, I have a great idea of where to hide out at, Australia, it's pretty isolated in the fact that you can't just walk there from another country (and even if you didn't need to breathe the water pressure of walking under the water would completely crush you, plus any oxygen left in your body could easily mean that area would get crushed.) Plus kangaroos are a good source of food due to their fast breeding, and the fact that they are used to the desert like areas. The best part is in the center area of Australia there is pretty much no other people, as 90-something% of our population live on the Eastern coast.

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We would laws matter in a post-apocalyptic world?I recommend the following weapons;




Remington 700+set up I posted previously.Never use hollow tips they don't always do what you want.


A sawn-off or a 12-gauge shotgun.I like deer slugs,personally,but I hear frag-12s work too.


M16's are good,provided you're on semi,not auto.


I'd go against SMG's in a zombie fight,ammo is limited,and they're useless at range.M16s are adaptable between picking off and hordes.


Beretta 9mm pistols.10's are horrid.


A hunting bow and arrows are good for when you're feeling bored and want to be authentically awesome.


Chainsaws if you don't mind dying.I would take a sledgehammer.




Or if you're rich just use Sasha.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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After what happened when my dad tried to shoot the snake that bit my dog (I'm gonna be sad if he doesn't make it, he is at the vets now) I am more inclined to use revolvers, even with a smaller clip size and slower reloads, I'm sure we could build a form of extended clip (I even have an idea right now) that would make up for the slower reloads.




I have another question: Where exactly would we be getting all these items on such short notice? If a zombie virus breaks out suddenly, we'd all be running around with crowbars and baseball bats! All the guns and such would be stolen within hours.




That's why we get them beforehand/first!

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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After what happened when my dad tried to shoot the snake that bit my dog (I'm gonna be sad if he doesn't make it, he is at the vets now) I am more inclined to use revolvers, even with a smaller clip size and slower reloads, I'm sure we could build a form of extended clip (I even have an idea right now) that would make up for the slower reloads.




The main benefit of a revolver is reliability, so I wouldnt plan much modification since it would be simpler to just go with a semi automatic. Side arms would be used to clear houses anyway, so if you emptied the revolver you could just step to the back of your squad while you reload.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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After what happened when my dad tried to shoot the snake that bit my dog (I'm gonna be sad if he doesn't make it, he is at the vets now) I am more inclined to use revolvers, even with a smaller clip size and slower reloads, I'm sure we could build a form of extended clip (I even have an idea right now) that would make up for the slower reloads.




The main benefit of a revolver is reliability, so I wouldnt plan much modification since it would be simpler to just go with a semi automatic. Side arms would be used to clear houses anyway, so if you emptied the revolver you could just step to the back of your squad while you reload.






Why use a revolver? Are normal pistols not usually better?

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After what happened when my dad tried to shoot the snake that bit my dog (I'm gonna be sad if he doesn't make it, he is at the vets now) I am more inclined to use revolvers, even with a smaller clip size and slower reloads, I'm sure we could build a form of extended clip (I even have an idea right now) that would make up for the slower reloads.




The main benefit of a revolver is reliability, so I wouldnt plan much modification since it would be simpler to just go with a semi automatic. Side arms would be used to clear houses anyway, so if you emptied the revolver you could just step to the back of your squad while you reload.






Why use a revolver? Are normal pistols not usually better?


You're never going to have a problem with a revolver jamming, and when there's zombies coming at you that's a good thing. I'd personally think a good semi-auto handgun as a preliminary weapon and a revolver in case it jams might be better though. Reloads on revolvers can be really long, especially if you're wearing gear to protect from zombies.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I wouldn't bring an m-16 for the reason of it being fairly bulky and having a history(whether accurate or not I can't say) of jamming. Having to carry 3 different ammo's also would be a little bulkier. I'd say everyone should have a revolver and probably some other hand gun though. If anyone's a good enough shot, they should probably have a fairly simple bolt-action rifle of some sort. An assault rifle would also be useful in a tight situation but everyone having one would slow things down, and they're not exactly the most efficient things for taking a zombie's head off.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Revolvers are okay. Have a lot more kick than the regular fellow is used to. Similar to the AK-47 argument. The average person wouldn't have a chance to use it as a capable weapon. Most revolvers don't use 9 mil rounds, either, often .44 or .32, which can be very difficult to find.




M-16s are a relatively good rifle. If you have access, however, look to Austrian rifles. Far better.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Simply because 2 handguns are more of a hinderance.




True, you'd need some people with a semi-automatic handgun, but you need others with revolvers for sheer stopping power.




I suppose. But I'd rather have a quick reloading, 20 shot chance-of-a-jam pistol then a 10 shot, slow reloading no-jam revolver. If its close range, a melee weapon would be ideal imo.

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Which is why people would often use both hands when firing a revolver, less recoil, well, you can bear more of it, I mean its still the same, but not as bad.




True enough the rounds can be hard to find, but its only a backup weapon. A decent rifle can take down multiple zombies if you have the skill.




Besides, our plan now is more to escape the zombies, not go into the middle of them.




And most revolvers carry 6 rounds. Face it, if we were all using pistols then we're pretty much [bleep]ed eventually if they are all jammed and no-one has the skill to take them apart and fix them quickly enough.




But we'd have at least 1 guy with a revolver (me).


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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well if a 22 pistol exists then you could use the same ammo for both of your weapons.


A .22 rifle would be horridly ineffective, at least if we're talking about using assault rifles.




EDIT: In this same context, I mean.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I mean 22 pistol for close combat 22 rifle for long range




Im sure there is a magnum calibur that is used by both a handgun and a rifle, that would be ideal if you could handle the kick


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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