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how strict are other forums you frequent?


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Like different countries, different forums have different policies. I'm just curious, how strict/lenient are the other forums you visit?




Using Tip.It as a comparison:




Strict in: Rules against censor bypassing, spamming, and potentially offensive material


Lenient in: Users are rarely banned (compared to the 2002-2003 era)


Overall: Average




Some of the other sites I go to are:




RuneScape official forums (current)




Strict in: Enforcement of Jagex rules (many violations result in instant bans); many things are censored, such as politics and discussing scams


Lenient in: Allows users to create multiple threads of the same subject, provided that there isn't already a sticky; user is not banned as a person (you may create a new account if you're banned)


Overall: Strict








Strict in: Rules are very precise as to what is allowed to be posted (for example, party posts require a screenshot)


Lenient in: Allows some controversial topics that are not allowed on other forums, such as some 3rd party software


Overall: Somewhat strict








Strict in: Very strict policy against censor bypassing and illegal material; users get moderated for the smallest offense


Lenient in: Allows topics that would be considered spam on sites like Tip.It, such as personal messages ("@John Doe: I made this pic for you!") or random silliness ("My dog is wearing a pink skirt!"); users are not banned as a person unless (s)he is a known troublemaker


Overall: Lenient








Strict in: Rule enforcement is tough (I once got a three-day ban for breaking a small rule)


Lenient in: Very little censorship (in terms of profanity), allows controversial topics


Overall: Somewhat lenient




3D Realms




Strict in: Policy enforcement


Lenient in: 3D Realms allows many topics, and few people have been banned, but then again, most people there are very mature


Overall: Lenient




Various forums on MySpace and Facebook




Strict in: Depends on forum admin


Lenient in: Depends on forum admin


Overall: Depends, but overall lenient





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Something Awful Forums












Basically, don't be a moron and thread-[cabbage]. Unlike here, you actually get probation (temp ban) for no content posts.




Don't post warez, don't post while high, don't derail threads, actually have some content in your post (no +1s, minless quoting), don't image leech etc. Also, you get permabaned if you die in real life, heh.

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Dunno If I can say the forums I go to, but let me just say that there ARE NO RULES :)I bet you can all guess what that is.




The only other ones that I some times frequent are the GameFaqs forums and some times Eyes on Final Fantasy forums (very rarely actually). These forums are a bit more loser then TIF, but they are aimed at an young adult range of users.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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RuneHQ is more strict. :( It has to be a certain image size only. No links other than Runescape.com... similar to RuneScape Official Forums really.


I just checked out their forums.. what a stupid rule. I remember the old days of RHQ when it was called Runescape Central. The founder was a nice guy, he was a lot more reasonable.




Most other boards I visit are about game programming, where I'm usually the youngest and least mature poster. :P Those boards are often very lenient.

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offtopic.com - strict enough. There's a lot of rules, and a lot of mods, and more rules for certain sub-forums. And their mods know when to be strict and when to step back a bit and yea... overall - rather well balanced




darkwebz - eh...

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Newgrounds is strict. My first post was on a spammy thread. All the high posters were saying all this crap and swearing so I post 'Yeh, good one.' I get banned for a week for posting on a spammy thread


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Basically, don't be a moron and thread-[cabbage]. Unlike here, you actually get probation (temp ban) for no content posts.




Don't post warez, don't post while high, don't derail threads, actually have some content in your post (no +1s, minless quoting), don't image leech etc. Also, you get permabaned if you die in real life, heh.




The best thing is that catchphrases and "4chan speak" is probationable. Also threads are very rarely locked by the staff members. So basically if you post a [cabbage]ty thread, expect to have people make fun of you for it, and often in hilarious ways. Well, hilarious to us anyway.




Red Hammer Week is awesome.


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Basically, don't be a moron and thread-[cabbage]. Unlike here, you actually get probation (temp ban) for no content posts.




Don't post warez, don't post while high, don't derail threads, actually have some content in your post (no +1s, minless quoting), don't image leech etc. Also, you get permabaned if you die in real life, heh.




The best thing is that catchphrases and "4chan speak" is probationable. Also threads are very rarely locked by the staff members. So basically if you post a [cabbage] thread, expect to have people make fun of you for it, and often in hilarious ways. Well, hilarious to us anyway.




Red Hammer Week is awesome.




Yeah, I've been on a few forums like that. There, staff members rarely ban users unless you do something REALLY bad.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Most forums I vist seem to control themselves so there is no need for strict rules.




I have used a forum which is much more formal then this one, but the moderators rarely had to use their powers. The subject matter meant it was rare for a idiot to start posting.




I also post on many causal forums, and in most of them the moderators do not do much and the forums run themselves quite well.




In regards to rules, I would consider tip.it to be stricter then most.

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LOL at /b/tards who think that rules 1 and 2 mean anything anymore. Everyone knows about it.







I just didn't want to mention the name here cause the last thing we need is someone googling it and losing their childhood before 16 :(


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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One of them there's literally no mods, you can do whatever you want, but people are really decent since it's a forum about a anime and people are just fanboys so less flamming since everyone agrees.




In another one of them it's uber strict, you get banned for flamming or personal attacks. And there's a spirituality section in which you can't debate anything or your posts get deleted.

2480+ total

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I don't really visit many other forums to be honest. My old clan forums (The Armory) aren't terribly strict, just keep it PGish like here.








I lurked Something awful for a bit but never really felt like joining. Some of the guys there seem pretty cool but so many of them seem like such elitists.

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@rick: Does DW have rules? I never really bothered to check.




"don't be a [bleep] and you'll be fine."




"If ANYONE says/does ANYTHING that you don't like FFS SAY SO"







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Scorehero.com - I would say it's pretty similar to tip.it forums.




Elitistjerks.com - Probably one of, if not the strictest forum you will find (people who started EJ were all from SA). By having extremely strict rules they keep the quality of posts there much higher than any forum I've ever come across.




Official World of Warcraft Forums - Very little gets locked/deleted. It takes stuff like pages of spam/keyloggers/posting exploits/etc.. to get a topic locked.




Egullet.org - There is very little moderation, but due to the kind of people who post there moderation is almost never needed. It also requires a bit more than a regular forum sign up which most likely helps keep everything in line.

"The only way to avoid packaging the water would be to deliver it to people's homes and places of business through some sort of amazingly intricate and complex series of reservoirs, pumping stations, pipes . . . hey, wait a second.."

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I don't use any other forums at the moment. I think tip it is pretty well balanced, only thing I don't like is mods/admins deleting juicy posts, like posts leading bubsa to get banned. (I can guess what it was about, but why delete them, I mean, they are very juicy)




Off topic: I already asked this on another topic, but you didin't asnwer, what rules are you talking about?! You know, it's very annoying to speak in public about something everyone doesn't know about..

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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I just didn't want to mention the name here cause the last thing we need is someone googling it and losing their childhood before 16 :(


...which, as you all know, has VERY few rules, save for posting certain forms of child porn.


Exactly. Please, enough people have suffered because of it, and there will always be people who haven't heard of it, so please don't advertise it.




The only ones I had visited before were the main ones in Heavengames.


OD is quite lenient on most rules, except posting Mature pics and discussing about illegal software. The Library, on the other hand, was really strict, only really thought through, intellectual threads are allowed, and you'll quickly get flamed by everyone else in the forum if you spam a little bit.

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