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I'm a fairly low level really, and NOT a Pker; all I use the Wildy for is that free cut sapphire way up there and training on mossies (they're FUN to fight alone). I'm more 'YES now I wish I could tele to varrock so if I die in wildy I can grab my dropped stuff with the pretty gravestones w00t' and as for the 3k cap, well, I'll start getting money from giving my sibs armor (no more freeloading for THEM, no sirrie, they can give me gold or buy it themselves!) Now 'scuse me while I go make use of the mercifully empty willows in Draynor.

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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It's a large step for RuneScape against RWT but some people on this forum and probably many other forums too seem to think only of three things, Me, Myself and I. I mean, come on, don't be so selfish and stop ignoring the reason of why Jagex had to do this and how this helped alot of old and new players. It got rid of RWT but also many other bad things in RuneScape. Instead of just posting on every thread about RWT that you can't PK anymore, why don't you get your lazy


[bad word] and think of a solution. Take a couple of minutes of your life to read the latest article on the RuneScape main page. Make your voice heard not by saying how you dislike the latest updates but by giving a good suggestion on how to fix problems because a rant about the recent updates won't be a unique thing to do but making a good suggestion will be unique and seen by hopefully many people and it might just make a change in RuneScape.

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Any links you want to send to Jagex do it here via "Comment on our service".




Simply put at the top of the message the title: "Real World Trading sites - Rule 6, 7 & 12 violations". Your message will then get channelled to ICU.




If this is the case, it may explain some of the kinds of malicious spam on the ORSF. (Thankfully Tip.It is not being targeted by RWTers it seems)




While I sympathise with players who've lost the *old* Wildy, since I'd learned to survive and live in it too, I'm afraid siding with Gold Farmers has only damaged PvP and chances for the honourable PKers among us to put across our views on the updates. I feel sad about it all but I've realised the best efforts should now go on fixing the replacements, and hopefully convincing other players that honourable PvPers deserve new areas dedicated to that part of the game. The greater majority of PvPers are not at all related to these RWTing cheats.




Sadly those PvPers supporting RWT have only damaged others view of Wildy PvP and PKers.




I despise Gold Farmers and their robotic minions and hope they leave in droves. RuneScape does not need them.




For those of us left we need to start suggesting ways to fix the mini-games and suggest new features (e.g. A new PvP mini-game island with a lot more diversity in Combat styles, environments and rewards that only skilled PvPers can use). To ensure this we need to fix Bounty Hunter so it's fairer for all styles of PvP (not just 1 Item PJers).




Let's not waste time on these cheats who are now leaving our community. It's time to build new PvP areas and concepts from the ground up so they can't abuse us or our game again.











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I hope the justification for posting these kind of pics can be understood within this topic:








As you can see the RWT's have just changed their techniques whereby instead of the player buying the gold from another account they give an account seller their account credentials and allow them access to their account when they need to make the money.




This is just going to be more undetectable than ever, and will lead to Jagex doing more ridiculous content-trims to squash these people. When Jagex read this they'll know that they made a false statement in saying that every method of stopping RWT's had been addressed.




They have not, and they now must face the embarrassment of admitting defeat.




ooooh wow that was brilliant in how they already circumvented the update....not :roll: ....sure, here is my account info....what's this?...I can't log on? *recovers account eventually*...aww I've been cleaned out.......how did that happen :-k geez I can't even report it because i'd just be banned.. :wall:




come on, please tell me no one would fall for this ridiculous website.....rofl...but then again, there are those 200+ a week "ZOMG I got hacked" threads...

Um... if they can't trade more than 12k per hour, how ARE they going to clean out accounts? And these people don't want to PLAY the game, they're trying to make money; if they steal accounts bye bye repeat business...
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I've stood behind Jagex for as long as I've played. Through luring, staking, and now PKing, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere.




I'm tired of hearing all the people saying "MAN!! They took away PKing!! No more $5/mth for you Jagex!!!" If you quit over an update, you're not going to be missed.




Stick by Jagex, they have out best interests at heart.




On Topic:






3,331st to 99 Fishing - 9-18-07 | 25,851st to 99 Cooking - 10-6-07

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"Hey Jim!"








"Take a look at this, Elgwapo123 just logged in on a proxie server in Manhattan."




"So what?"




"Well his last log-in 10 minutes ago was an I.P. out of Seattle."




"Hmmm...... Get me my BAN STICK!"






Yep, that's how THAT will go.




So let me get this COMPLETELY straight.




I can pay 8 bucks to slap a million gold on ANY account........




Dam.... That should be interesting on a lvl3 with no stats or items!

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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"Hey Jim!"








"Take a look at this, Elgwapo123 just logged in on a proxie server in Manhattan."




"So what?"




"Well his last log-in 10 minutes ago was an I.P. out of Seattle."




"Hmmm...... Get me my BAN STICK!"






Yep, that's how THAT will go.




So let me get this COMPLETELY straight.




I can pay 8 bucks to slap a million gold on ANY account........




Dam.... That should be interesting on a lvl3 with no stats or items!

Yes jagex will pay some of their 100 or so employees to watch the 9 million or so accounts to make sure ip adresses dont change :roll:
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I'm fairly sure they would have a program that would "find" these kinds of obvious account sharing incidents. Then have the few workers assigned root through them.




The GOOD thing about this is unlike unfair RWT bans, there's no way to ACCIDENTALLY ban a player that does this. As there's no chance of it being misconstrued.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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"Hey Jim!"








"Take a look at this, Elgwapo123 just logged in on a proxie server in Manhattan."




"So what?"




"Well his last log-in 10 minutes ago was an I.P. out of Seattle."




"Hmmm...... Get me my BAN STICK!"






Yep, that's how THAT will go.




So let me get this COMPLETELY straight.




I can pay 8 bucks to slap a million gold on ANY account........




Dam.... That should be interesting on a lvl3 with no stats or items!

Yes jagex will pay some of their 100 or so employees to watch the 9 million or so accounts to make sure ip adresses dont change :roll:




I'm fairly sure they would have a program that would "find" these kinds of obvious account sharing incidents. Then have the few workers assigned root through them.




The GOOD thing about this is unlike unfair RWT bans, there's no way to ACCIDENTALLY ban a player that does this. As there's no chance of it being misconstrued.






Your right.. They will pay someone to look though logs...




so for a day.. two maybe you will get away with it.. then comes the EVIL CHICKEN OF DOOM BAN STICK!!!!!!


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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I'm tired of hearing all the people saying "MAN!! They took away PKing!! No more $5/mth for you Jagex!!!" If you quit over an update, you're not going to be missed.




Let me tell you, why do you quit a game, because its boring. If most of the stuff you did revolved around the wilderniss or duel arena, and they take that away, the game becomes boring. Thus making you quit.


People who quit over an update that completely undermines their playing style are right to quit. They should not stay if the game bores the hell out of them ( I mean obsessed much? ).





Stick by Jagex, they have out best interests at heart.





Yes, they have the best interrest, No they don't always execute things right.


Jagex isnt an almighty being, they make mistakes too. We are there as players and costumers of their game to either complain or suggest about changes in their product. Offering them knowledge of how to change the game or how severe it hit the costumers.


Interrested in joining the cabbagy madness? Click here to go to our forums, and say hi ^^

lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I drunk in every last word of that and it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Ok, that make have been last night's Chicken Tikka Masala, but oh well.


It's really good to hear that the RWTers (and the related bots) are gone for good, and there's concrete proof of that.




What has happened here was that Jagex dropped a rough boulder on every single loophole and blocking it. However, they inadvertently ended up blocking the legitimate players in some aspects (examples include certain types of trade such as gifts, and the Deul Arena) that was somewhat unnecessary. Jagex now needs to work positively on their previous efforts and clear away the rubble, so that we can enjoy more freedom again whilst still maintaining a tight seal, keeping RWTers away. Jagex have admitted that it was drastic, and somewhat unrefined, but they ran out of time, soon they would reach the point when someone invented the undetectable bot, resulting in far worse measures (such as deleting a skill, which I'm sure you would agree would ruin Runescape). And even then it wouldn't solve the problem.

~ W ~



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Ya, all we can do is hope that JaGeX follow up with their words and listen to our suggestions. There are definitely plenty of tweaks needed and lots of "what's lost" need to be "found".






PS. Just to wet your appetite, I'll add one more victory screenie, cheaters leaving and begging:





All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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I really don't care about gold farmers. Some level 27 bought a party hat for $50 online. Oh my God! Now the game is ruined for me! I cannot enjoy previous activities now knowing that he has a more pixels than I do! <.<




I don't care about bots either. Why should I complain if I get cooked sharks for 600ea on the Grand Exchange?

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