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Grand Exchange Advertising


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Why do people insist on sitting at the Grand Exchange and spamming that they have offers up? It doesn't help their cause. If people were on trip to buy something from the Exchange, they were already going there to buy the item. Most of the time you can get the item almost instantly, unless its air runes for example - and then having someone say they have "20k air runes on g.e. max price" does not help the buyers cause... We cannot choose who to buy from, nor can they choose who to sell to. It is a pointless waste of time advertising your product that is on the Exchange.




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Yet people keep it up. It is frustrating to see someone saying they are selling something - in a busy world you dont always see the whole message, trading them, and thaving them tell you that the item/s is/are on the Exchange... Why cant people realise that advertising it doesn't help them?




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actually i found that when i really need to buy something ( like prostylte legs)when i keep saying buying prostylyte legs max price, i seem to get a sale straight away, try it yourself!

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




^^^^The Best Melee Training Spot In The Game^^^^



^^^^The new Bandits^^^^


even i have the misfile craze!!!

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My guess is that they're still used to trading the old-fashion way.




I do it too, sometimes. 'Cause I'm F2P, I only have two trades going on, and it seems no one wants def or mage ammies, or steel pl8s.




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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Several times I have tried buying something at max and had no luck and then advertised that I was buying and almost instantly i got it. It still has uses for people that perhaps wouldn't normally be selling stuff in the GE but when seeing that someone wanted something they sold it.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I advertise my sales because of what some other people have said. If people see your selling something for medium price, or buying for maximum, if they have it, they'll probably sell it/buy it. It's happened to me quite a few times, so it's not totally pointless. And if you dont like reading that stuff, turn your public off.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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actually i found that when i really need to buy something ( like prostylte legs)when i keep saying buying prostylyte legs max price, i seem to get a sale straight away, try it yourself!




Right there.




Someone might have them in their bank, but not in the GE. So you say your buying, they throw em in, and your both happy. Same way with selling, they see your selling something, realize they want it, and put offer in.




It's just as annoying as when people stand there saying


"buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k"


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it does help. like last week i went to buy a ss and i put up an offer for 10m (all i had) no sale. so i start spaming my offer in the world 2 public. i got sale 2 min. later. someguy pmed me. "hey thanks for buying. i really wanted max though>.<" so i got the sword by letting ppl know i was only 50k from max price so they could lower offers

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I can see how it might be useful in some limited circumstances. Personally, I think it's more efficient to throw whatever you're buying/selling into the Grand Exchange and go do something else that could probably make up for the difference in money lost in the same amount of time.


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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There are times it has been useful to advertise. Anytime I need some item that there isn't normally much of a market for, it's useful, because you never know, in the dozens of people at the exchange one of them might just have the item you need in their bank.




If you're trying to buy a severely undervalued item for GE price though, good luck :P

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actually i found that when i really need to buy something ( like prostylte legs)when i keep saying buying prostylyte legs max price, i seem to get a sale straight away, try it yourself!




Right there.




Someone might have them in their bank, but not in the GE. So you say your buying, they throw em in, and your both happy. Same way with selling, they see your selling something, realize they want it, and put offer in.




It's just as annoying as when people stand there saying


"buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k


buy shark 1k"




by the time they leave they would have regenerated 20 hp or more, saving themselves from buying a shark


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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That is the reason I turn public chat to hide so I won't have to deal with the spammers. Although, it is nice to see someone buying say, and herb or uncommon item at max price, quick cash in my pocket.

Quality posting at its finest.

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I think it might help a little, depending on the item and price you are selling for.




Someone might get to the GE just to bank or buy a few super restores, but when he sees someone is spamming "selling v helm minimum price in ge!!!" he might change his mind, decide to buy the verac helm too and see if he can make some money out of it. So if the item is a much wanted item (but also greatly supplied in this case), such as barrow items, and the price is right, someone spamming just that might have someone else spot the bargain, have his merchant-intellect light up and buy the item to make some easy money out of it.




Saying: selling 'obby cape for minimum in ge!' however is not really effective, hardly anyone will buy this item to make money out of it due to the very low profit margin available.



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There is one other good reason for doing this. I spent alot of time in GE cooking lobsters. There was a character of about level 80 stating over and over again that he was buying unfired bowls and grain at highest price in GE. He stated this for hours (auto talking ftw?).


My belief is that he was actually selling at lowest price and was encouraging people to buy his useless stock and forcing the price up.


I do not know whether it worked.

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