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How was everyone's prom?


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mine was just a couple of nights ago (i know most were done by may). it was awesome. theme was alice in wonderland and it was awesome. food was alright (not really a fan of the course, but everyone else enjoyed it).




the best part was when the DJ played "never gonna give you up." he rickrolled the whole class :lol: i didnt discuss it with anyone because i dont think theyd understand. im sure my date would've just looked at me weird.

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Those real life Rick Rolls are becoming a huge money maker. Many freelance singers are incorporating the song into their song list (the people who get hired to sing one song from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or whatever for B-Days or special occasions). There's like 6 freelance singers who have advertised it in my city via bench ads or billboards. It's insane.




Sorry that was off-topic no prom till 10/11.

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A night in Paris theme. A night I'll never forget. 8-)


mind posting a pic of you in your dress if its that memorable :thumbup: :D


My desktop is in storage until I get a house. Sorry. -.-

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The theme was something like "Classic Hollywood." I went with this really nice guy named Garret, and we went with 2 other couples so it was a nice group date feel. We had pizza and fried rice and sparkling cider at Kate's house, went to Prom, then went minigolfing. Then back to Kate's for cheesecake and MarioKart on N64. I had a really good time (I threw up on the minigolf course, though). My date was really sweet and cool about it. It was awkward, though. #-o

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Isn't everyone supposed to do the dirty on the night of their prom? :-w




Still 3 years to my proper "prom" but me and my friends pretty much had one. After our state exams were over we went to a teen disco type thing, just got drunk, went to that and had a good time. Nice way to finish off the year :)

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Mine was alright, nothing special. Had it about a month or so ago. We went to this place and all had a meal and stayed for a few drinks at that place, then went for a night out in town in all our tuxedos and got wasted. A good time was had by all. :mrgreen:

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Aww I remember proms... I'm old -.-




Are some of you going to post your pictures on the picture forum? That would be neat to see everyone dressed up.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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he rickrolled the whole class :lol:




lol pwnt




It would be even funnier if at the end he got his mic and announced that they had all participated in a mass rickroll.


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8th grade graduation. private school. night to remember? uhh....






Guess what our theme was: shiny blue wall paper.


Guess who our DJ was: our ballroom dance instructor


Guess how many chaperones we had: a ratio of 1 for every 2 students (our damn homeroom teacher invited every other teacher in the school to attend)


Guess what our after party was: a bunch of us going to a friend's tiny, crammed house for a coke and jelly beans.




of course our pastor was there so most of the songs had to be appropriate and that narrowed out a lot of good dancing songs. luckily we managed to sneak in a couple dirty songs with slang our pastor wouldn't understand :thumbsup: no dirty dancing, our refreshments were chips and coke, our dinner was lasagna from a local fast food place.




Night to remember? epic fail. well at least there's high school prom to look foreward to...


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
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Totally awesome! Not only they had good food and bigger dance floor this time but I started it all and ended up dancing with, like, half the girls! (didn't have a date cause she wasn't around during prom, unfortunately). After-prom was ok but didn't have the same atmosphere, however I met with returning alumni from previous years so plenty of people I hadn't seen for a year. And as I went home, sunrise \' . Call it the unforgettable evening for an absolutely awesome year.




I don't know if I can find any pictures, I know they are around but everyone seems to be too lazy to put them on facebook.

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Aint had mine yet, but I'll tell the DJ to go ahead and rickroll the entire senior class. And at the guy who said something about doing the dirty: Just do it in the car somewhere dark afterward, no one will see you.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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All good. My school is [developmentally delayed]edly anti-drinking, though, so it was put on at the school. In the gymnasium. That was a bit of a turn off. They ended up decorating it pretty nicely in the end, could hardly tell it was the school once you entered. Still a bit lame that all the other schools got to do it at the casinos. 'Cirque de Nuveau' theme which was a spin off of 'Cirque de Soleil'. Just had a tv with recordings of it on the wall, so that aspect was plain dumb. Food was terrible as well, over cooked 'prime rib' and stale pasta. Haha. Went and saw Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo bay after with my girlfriend and a few other friends before heading home.

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Back in 2004, the theme was "A night to remember"




And it was! I got Prom King.




No rickrolling, just all seriousness and pop in glass bottles O.o




I can upload pictures to the IRL thread if you want to see 4 year old pictures..



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Had mine last month, was a great laugh. We didn't really have a theme so it was ball gowns and dresses for the ladies and kilts/suits for the lads. Our school had a no exceptions-turn-up-drunk-and-you're-not-getting-in approach but afterwards we all went to the head girls house and had a piss-up until sunrise.


After the party, a group of us from my registration class decided it would be a good idea to go to school and say a final goodbye to our registration teacher. So, still in ballgowns and kilts and looking a bit worse for wear (and in some cases still drunk), we trekked back to school in time for registration and surprised our registration teacher.




All things considered, an awesome night.

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Mine was pretty good. I am in grade 11 but I got an invite to a grade 12 prom at another school :thumbsup: by a girl I used to go to school with. The dance was pretty good, and I got to see a ton of people I havent spoken to in a few years as well. I don't think there was a theme, but I got to wear a tuxedo (which honestly just made my day). The song I rember most (for some reason) was "Enter the Sand Man". I expect thats because it was one of the few songs I actualy know (not a rap person which was alot of the music). There was some good dancing to that song heh heh.




I also opted for the safe grad which started after midnight and ended at 6am. They had a bouncy castle, human fosebal, a ride on toilet and loads of other stuff. They had kaareoke which got progressively worse after about 2:30 (5 people BUTCHERED boheimian rhapsody :evil: ). They had a hypnotist at the end which was just freaking awsome. I will NEVER forget that preformance in my life (I hope). He gave the volunteers 14 damn hours of sleep to! (and it worked, they were WIDE AWAKE).




Next year I get to go to grad when I actualy graduate and with my GF (she was a close friend and probably would be my GF if we still went to the same school) which should make it more enjoyable (that and knowing more than 1/3rd of the people attending).

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Meh, didn't seem like a big deal to me. Was nothing more then a more mature Formal dance in my eyes. Probably the highlight of the night was when 3 guys from the class decided to do a dance during the middle of dinner (They were allowed of course).




I think the thing that made me most sad about the night was that my Girlfriend wasn't there, so while almost everyone else had a date, I was there alone :(




Not to mention I didn't go to Niagra falls because I didn't feel like dealing with drunk people.




The music was ok for once, and the dancing was amazing.




It was an ok night.


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Meh, didn't seem like a big deal to me. Was nothing more then a more mature Formal dance in my eyes. Probably the highlight of the night was when 3 guys from the class decided to do a dance during the middle of dinner (They were allowed of course).




I think the thing that made me most sad about the night was that my Girlfriend wasn't there, so while almost everyone else had a date, I was there alone :(




Not to mention I didn't go to Niagra falls because I didn't feel like dealing with drunk people.




The music was ok for once, and the dancing was amazing.




It was an ok night.




Being there without ANYONE would definatly dappen the experiance. That was my one issue that since I was at a different school, so even though I knew plenty of people, I was only with a friend. I know what you mean about drunks. Next year I graduate on the same day I hit legal drinking age :thumbsup: (no I didn't fail a grade. I missed 5 weeks strait from illness and opted a repeat since my schol is not semestered. Best descision I ever made too). I don't knkow how my ears didn't ring the whole night though.

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