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New runescape world http.


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well you most likely haven't noticed this yet but if you look in the hotbar you will see that the runescape name has changed when you enter at new server




example, if you enter a world in HD(world 99) it will look like this








this will effectivly mean that if you want to quickchange a world you should simply change the number to maybe 98








now this is a small change that i know many merchanter would have loved before the grand exchange because they most likely spent hours trying to come into world 1 or 2.




also, they aren't hiding the web adress; that's right in the browser. Before it was always "runescape.com"


what i mean but easier to understand #-o




what do you think about the new change?

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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meh, you can't log between worlds that quickly so it probaly doesnt make much differnce. pretty cool if worlds are full but i think they hardly are anymore.. i havnt been refreshing the world select screen since the trade update.

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you own! <3:<3:<3:




btw. jeg skal også på efterskole ::' så 1 year break coming next month #-o

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Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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I think its against the rules to do that... :/


There's no law against using a direct link, Jagex are idiots if they think they can prevent users from doing that.




we've been able to do it as long as runescape excisted now we just got an easier way to do it...




its all thanks to our own tip.it guide "how to create shortcuts to runescape worlds"

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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also, they aren't hiding the web adress; that's right in the browser. Before it was always "runescape.com"




They never "hid" it. It's called frames.

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Don't suppose it matters all that much anyway, still the 30 second delay between switching worlds #-o




good point there timmeh


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

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You could always find the url to a certain world by right clicking the link of a world on the world select page and selecting properties but not many people knew this, personally I think Jagex just forgot to hide the url's when they revamped the site.

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