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The treatment of F2P players


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All around tif, whenever a subject involves F2P players, it has the chance of turning into an all out flame war. One side argues that F2P players are scum and freeloaders that whine incessantly and demand that Jagex gives them the updates that they feel they deserve. One side argues that the other side is rude and demeaning to F2P players and that they are generalized and victimized.




How do you feel about the treatment of F2P players on this forum. Are you with one side or the other?

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Im neutral. Time to settle this once and for all.




F2P'ers are not scum, freeloaders, etc. Just because some are immature and annoying, don't automatically accuse all of F2P that they are like that. Remember, you were F2P once. Were all people. Your not superior to others because you pay for an online game. No. Just No.


P2P sometimes make's a point. F2P can't have everything, because that's the point of members. Pay for extra benefits. You were all F2P once, treating them like dirt is a shame.

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^ Agreed.




We shouldn't be generalized and victimized just because a portion of us are immature noobs. There's also a portion of Members that are the same way. Whether or not you pay for a game does not entitle you to demean those who chose not to pay for it. As IeatWindex stated, paying for a game doesn't make you any better than those who don't.




There's the odd one here and there that will demand for things. Hell, even I've asked for skill capes (and more bank space back in the day), but to tell us all that we are simply lesser (poor, lazy) people who shouldn't even get to play is wrong.




I feel that the treatment of F2Per's from P2Per's (and vice-versa!) should be a reportable offense here if it's totally uncalled for flaming, because it's so damn rude and unnecessary.

Taking a Playstation 3 break.


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Sometimes F2pers are unfairly treated but thats only because of the sterotype that people have of F2pers (which sadly is to often correct) of being whiney etc,




i think some F2pers do need to release what there getting for free at times (ie when complaining about lack of updates) but a F2pers opinion on a global (if not P2p) issue is as valid to me as anyone elses




Lack of experience and being a F2per is also often confused by people which is wrong imo




people should just be judged individually not by the paying status (although that sounds alot like what i believe the americans call an after school special? :lol: i think it rings true)

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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The only way to know for sure is to make an investigation. Most of us don't really go into f2p anymore except on short occasions.




Get somebody neutral and fairly intelligent, send it in f2p, to spend couples of days in each f2p cities, seperating the time in most-done activites. So for instance, in varrock: one day killing guards, one day mining ores, one day at the GE, one day smithing things, etc. In fally: One day killing guards, one day mining in guild, one day in dwarven mines. And so on. Then make the person take screenshots of "notable" events. Then at the end examine the evidence and see what f2p really is.

2480+ total

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Most F2P are new to the game and some don't know what they're doing half the time. Some people go to American worlds when they can't speak English. Others are skeptical at advanced training methods that they don't understand or haven't heard of. What I'm trying to say is, most P2P don't cut F2P any slack. P2P members usually know what they're doing so when they see a little ignorance in F2P, they misinterpret it as immaturity or disrespect. And once they get back to P2P they complain and over exaggerate to friends thus creating very shallow generalizations and views of F2P.




Basically, most people who complain about F2Per behavior are somewhat ignorant themselves. Most rumors about F2P are usually misunderstandings between the two players. #-o

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F2pers deserve to be treated exactly the same as the best, richest member. They are people, maybe with less money but people nonetheless. When F2pers act disrespectful and say stupid things, it is up to the responsible members to teach them how to act respectfully and not start flaming.

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Agreed with everything above. It is true that P2P deserve more respect than F2P because they take the game more seriously. They pay to play it. They do deserve more benefits and features to the game, and they have a right to be quite angry at all the updates f2p are receiving. But many other MMORPG's are just F2P. So does that put ALL of them in the same category as F2P's in Runescape?




I think that what you are trying to say is that F2P'ers lack experience of the game, most because they are children who just happened to fall on the site and trying it out. Members are most likely to be more mature, or adults as they have to pay for it.




I think that you shouldn't judge F2P'ers just because they are F2P. Like a common phrase goes, Don't judge a book by its cover.




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Agreed with everything above. It is true that P2P deserve more respect than F2P because they take the game more seriously. They pay to play it. They do deserve more benefits and features to the game, and they have a right to be quite angry at all the updates f2p are receiving.




Agreed with everything except the part about respect. No i don't mean that everyone deserves the same respect. This whole stuff makes me think of medieval times, when the anmount of respect you recieved depended on who's your father, not yourself. Respect has to be earned, doesn't matter if you're a member or a free player.

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When I'm walking down the street in F2P, I'm the mean no-life member who won't show my cape emote every single time someone asks for it. ("ur no lifer! u have 99 skill and wont show emote!")




When I'm walking down the street in P2P, I'm the failed helpless nooby who isn't even level 130 yet. ("My 99 Slayer owns you. Gf nub.")




There are immature people in F2P and there are immature people in P2P. Sorry, but in Runescape it's easy to say that age is not a substantial factor when it comes to maturity. We're online. We're going to see immaturity everywhere we look. Sure, there might be a lot of younger players in F2P because their parents won't pay for them, but that doesn't mean P2P can't be just as immature.




As for updates, I don't mind if F2P get them. I'll be happy for them. But the ones who act ungrateful and whine really need a reality check.

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I do not believe that P2P is any better than F2P, in any regard. It's silly that people think this way (although not unexpected). I quit Runescape a while ago but from what I've read P2P still regards themselves as superior to the F2P players, which is sad.


I'll start with the maturity issue. P2P players can be just as imature as F2P players. Whether or not you pay for a game does not decide how mature you are. Just becuase you decide you are happy playing F2P does not mean that you are probably imature, nor does it mean that if you decide to play P2P you are probably mature.


Moving on to the updates issue...


People will disagree with me, but I feel that F2P doesn't have a right to updates. I'm not saying they don't deserve them once in a while, but if they arn't paying to support the cost of Jagex putting out updates, why should they get them? I do think Jagex should put out updates for F2P every once in a while just to keep F2P fresh and further encourage people to move to P2P.


On P2P's end, they definitely deserves the updates they recieve. People who are P2P are paying for all Jagex's expenses, including updates.




I agree that the treatment of F2P can be unfair at times, those doing it (in most cases P2P players) have some growing up to do. F2P also needs to realize that they can't have the amount of updates P2P has, they arn't paying for them. In reality though, there will always be conflicts, some P2P players will always view themselves as superior, and some F2P players will be imature. In a perfect world things might be differant, but this is far from a perfect world.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I do not believe that P2P is any better than F2P, in any regard. It's silly that people think this way (although not unexpected). I quit Runescape a while ago but from what I've read P2P still regards themselves as superior to the F2P players, which is sad.


I'll start with the maturity issue. P2P players can be just as imature as F2P players. Whether or not you pay for a game does not decide how mature you are. Just becuase you decide you are happy playing F2P does not mean that you are probably imature, nor does it mean that if you decide to play P2P you are probably mature.


Moving on to the updates issue...


People will disagree with me, but I feel that F2P doesn't have a right to updates. I'm not saying they don't deserve them once in a while, but if they arn't paying to support the cost of Jagex putting out updates, why should they get them? I do think Jagex should put out updates for F2P every once in a while just to keep F2P fresh and further encourage people to move to P2P.


On P2P's end, they definitely deserves the updates they recieve. People who are P2P are paying for all Jagex's expenses, including updates.




I agree that the treatment of F2P can be unfair at times, those doing it (in most cases P2P players) have some growing up to do. F2P also needs to realize that they can't have the amount of updates P2P has, they arn't paying for them. In reality though, there will always be conflicts, some P2P players will always view themselves as superior, and some F2P players will be imature. In a perfect world things might be differant, but this is far from a perfect world.




Well, it's not like we're asking for all the member features, just stuff that we feel we deserve (like skillcapes). I don't know what F2Pers on this forum ask for, so I can't be 100% sure that all these people who request updates and such deserve them.




I don't think that F2P should get frequent updates but I think that something should be implemented every now and then to keep the game interesting. Like, F2P shouldn't get new skills and new quests but we could do with a small upgrade in a skill every now and then.

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i have no problem being a f2p pure and made plenty of friendly friends who are mem.. we have fun together in f2p clan warring..




Mutual respect is there.. i don't see why it doesn't happening to someone else..




not that i am asking to be respected for attain 99s in stats.. juz leave f2p-ers alone.. it doesn't bug u p2p-ers that much isn't it?


by staying camped in p2p world so that u wun even need to come into contact with f2p pple..




win win situation anybody?





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Has anyone heard of the addage, "The pot calling the kettle black"? If you haven't, here's a quick rundown -- a pot and kettle blacken with continued use on the stove, but the pot only sees the kettle's imperfections, and teases him, while ignoring the exact same imperfections on himself.




Anyway, that's what I feel when Members call Freeplayers immature. There's obviously going to be some mature freeplayers, but since people only see maybe 25 act a fool, then the whole of F2P is "guilty by association".




I just feel like members really should drop the holier-than-thou attitude, since they're not acting any better than the really immature F2P players.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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The thing that bugs me most is that when I was P2P, I saw some immaturity too. From what I've seen, P2P is just as bad with F2P with the nine-year-olds. I have to agree with makoto, that members need to stop acting in a holier-than-thou attitude when they come to F2P. F2P is our turf, and they need to get there attitudes off it.

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The thing that bugs me most is that when I was P2P, I saw some immaturity too. From what I've seen, P2P is just as bad with F2P with the nine-year-olds. I have to agree with makoto, that members need to stop acting in a holier-than-thou attitude when they come to F2P. F2P is our turf, and they need to get there attitudes off it.


So maybe this debate isn't about people acting prejudiced against f2pers but more about all players feeling annoyed by younger, more immature players. I personally feel that jagex should impose a strict age limit on new players or have worlds for younger players.

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To start off I am P2P




I have mixed feelings on F2Pers; and these mixed feelings haven't changed since I began playing (2001 i think)




F2Pers are generally decent players; that go about their business playing Runescape; trying to obtain the same goals as we members do. Yes I do have friends that are F2P and they are not scum or beggers.




BUT sterotypes build up because of players that are stupid; annoying and lazy.


I will say it right now I F***in hate players that beg for unrealistic things like free armor, weapons, runes, arrows and money. I hate players that ask to see your items; offer you false trades, ask for free stuff, ask meaningless questions and are too lazy to simply go and skill or kill stuff for money.


every player has free and easy access to the Knowlege board or any guide on Runescape or Tipit. Runescape is not a difficult game to understand.




The other problem members have with F2Pers is the stupid crying out for updates.


unfortunatly not many of the criers seem to realize that they won't get updates unless you start paying Jagex monthly for them, and don't give me that bull about F2Pers paying because of the adverts thats bulls***; and well all know that.






F2Pers though as I said are not all bad. I personally think any person who plays F2P and is active on TIF is obviously not the type of person I was previously refering too.






The problem is sterotypes



only 2 skills below level 50 :)

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F2P has the "downgraded" version of a skillcape: The emote. To "upgrade", one acquires P2P services.




That made no sense. -.- F2P can't get a skillcape or it's emote without becoming a member. Therefore F2P has no form of "downgraded" skillcape. And I'm pretty sure this topic is about how F2P are treated, not what they want/deserve.

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I feel that F2Pers should not be insulted just because they do not pay for a game. They are real people. On the other hand, F2Pers should stop expecting to get updates every month. I think both sides of the P2P vs F2P war need to relax a little bit and stop arguing over a game.

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Well, I'm not bashing members or anything, but aren't you guys the ones paying for an online game. I guess it isn't as bad as WoW, but still. That kind of shows that you don't have anything else better to do than play a game on the computer. However, I was a member for a while too, so I shouldn't be the one to talk. So a lot of f2p's just don't really have time to get their money's worth out of the game.




Even though there have been a lot of updates to the free sites, I think we still need skillcapes or something to show people that we worked to get 99 in a skill.

Doctors repeat themselves because they have nothing better to say......

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