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A world without internet


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It would take me a while to get used to it, but I would spend more time outside, or inside reading and writing. I already do enough sports. As for during the school year, it would be a major drag finding information at the library. :P I'd end up being there for hours on end, seeing as I am really into my education.


|Signature by Jason321|

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everyone would be in better shape




maybe or maybe they'll start eating more out of boredom




A world without internet would probably be less informed on current issues as it will take more time for news to get across


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Speaking of that, both of my parents' jobs involve the internet so they would both be out of a job if it happened. My dad has to fix cables - and with no internet that job would be pointless. My mom works for a credit card company so she has to rely on an online database.




It runs deeper than that, many corporations are spread across multiple geographical location and need the Internet to carry data between them.




I imagine the supermarkets would be out of food within a week because many Logistics companies rely heavily on computers to process orders and manage accounts. Then we have the emergency services and the list goes on and on.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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What i did before the internet, sit at home watching tv and playing on my xbox, oh the woes of living in the middle of the countryside miles from the nearest house.




however i've got a car now so it might be different from before the internet, maybe i'd drive to the cinema everyday \'

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Oh wait, crap. I forgot! Without the internet, I would have never learned how to approach and attract girls and thus would never have become a social extrovert (since one lead to the other). So basically, ironically, without the internet I would have been a nerdy introvert. God, that would have sucked, ugh.

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I'm not sure that I agree with what some people are saying, that without the internet they'd suddenly start getting out more. If you have the type of personality that likes staying in for long periods on the computer, I doubt that that would suddenly change if the internet disappeared. I predict that who already spend a lot of time on the internet would just spend longer playing consoles, watching TV, and maybe reading books.

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I'm not sure that I agree with what some people are saying, that without the internet they'd suddenly start getting out more. If you have the type of personality that likes staying in for long periods on the computer, I doubt that that would suddenly change if the internet disappeared. I predict that who already spend a lot of time on the internet would just spend longer playing consoles, watching TV, and maybe reading books.




I don't know. I usually just watch my recorded shows on TV then leave. With the internet it's different because there are virtually an infinite of things I could be doing which makes me stay longer. If we did lose the internet, I probably would spend more time watching television, but I'd still have a lot of extra time leftover which I would like to spend outside.

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you'd be surprised by how eager people are when it comes to going outside, my school organizes a camping trip at the beginning of every year and even the most anti social, nerdiest, computer addicts spend the majority of the trip outside running around.




maybe it has something to do with having other people to socialize with


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If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...


I love this sig.

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If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...




"Possibly"! Get a backbone, man!


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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I would blackmail my dad into paying for my round the world trip.




That would take up my summer and the come home and start my final every year of secondary school.

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If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...




"Possibly"! Get a backbone, man!




yes, with your new found skills, my student, you shall not fail!

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If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...



Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...






Americans tend to spell things different from the rest of the world...




If the internets were brokeded I'd has to makes mine ownz


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I'd make a really powerful router, that had a huge radius (giant LAN area ftw :thumbsup: ) , and buy games so me and friends could play LAN games, and use an intranet instead (which is NOT the internet, it is a sort-of internet but is only part of the network, rather than being on the web) but I would make a rediculously big and random password, and if I could figure out how to do it, the computers would need a program, because the passwords would autochange, and the programs would keep the pws in sync, so then it would be unhackables (unless you got the program :wall: )




ya, I do have a huge imagination :lol:

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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