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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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You may all remember me from before, asking about a relationship. And I followed your advice of just letting go, and then she got a boyfriend. I thought this would make things harder for me to let go but combined with the Summer Holidays I had completely forgotten about her.




Anyway sometime in the Summer Holidays she got dumped by her boyfriend, which I didn't know about and even if I did I wouldn't of cared much since two weeks before school started I got my first ever girlfriend.




We've been going out for exactly one month today and I really really feel a connection. But on Thursday I went on a school trip to Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare's birthplace) that meant I couldn't talk to her until we got back, which was yesterday (Saturday)




Guess who was on that trip? The person mentioned before. I suddenly felt my heart strings being pulled like hell and I felt physically sick that I was letting myself feel like this when I had my girlfriend to think about.




I really am struggling to think about anything but trouble now and I have school tomorrow. Which is made worse by the fact my girlfriend goes to a different school and my "old flame" goes to mine and is in many of my classes.




I know I should be thinking about my girlfriend 24/7 and I want to be doing but somehow my "old flame" keeps on popping up.




Bear in mind I love my girlfriend like hell and I would do nothing to hurt her. I just want advice on how to get rid of this horrible feeling.




Help! :lol:


Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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You'll be torn in half if you try to think only of your girlfriend, forever. Thinking never hurts. If she's anything like a typical girl, she's thought of other guys. It doesn't mean either of you would do anything to each other. You're just thinking. No big deal. Just ignore this other girl unless she starts making movements towards you.




If she starts hitting on your girlfriend, though, let her go, just to see how far it ends up.





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Ok, so I liked this girl in my year for six months, and in Febuary I finally plucked up the courage to ask her out to the cinema with me. She said yes first of all, but then she text me later saying she had work the following day and couldnt make it for tommorow (I asked her out for the day after I asked), but then she said I could meet her after work and we could go get some food together. So I was all prepared in the morning, but about three hours before I was supposed to meet her she pulled out, because she said she had to spend time with her mother and that she was tired. I said thats fine (although I was crushed, it wasnt that bad till later). So then I hadn't spoked to her in two days, so I asked her out again on the Friday (It was a Tuesday that I'd asked her out before), but she said a strange answer, but it was basically a no. So I was heartbroken for a while, but I got over her, and here we are six months later. Problem is I've started to like her again over the past 3 weeks, and I know theres a really strong chance she doesn't want to /won't go out with me (espeacially after all that happened). I just don't wanna feel this way about her anymore, although I'd love a girlfriend I know it can't be her. I'm really confused on what to do about her now :?


What do you by "after all that happened"? You asked her out, she had some stuff on, you didn't trust her with the truth and you didn't follow up. It's not exactly a big fallout.




Try and get back in touch with her and see if she still wants to know you. Then take it from there.




I know I should be thinking about my girlfriend 24/7 and I want to be doing but somehow my "old flame" keeps on popping up.


No! (begins to feel sex-ed is the most pointless inadequate thing*ever*)




You don't need to think about your girlfriend 24/7. In fact, that's exactly you shouldn't be doing. To do that implies you're somehow connected to each other by the hip and everything that you do, you do as one, in the same unit, together. That shouldn't be the case.




Your girlfriend is going out because your girlfriend likes who you are, not who she is. So stop going out of your way to cater for her, because you'll lose sight of who you are and you'll fall apart that way instead.




As for your "old flame", we all experience feelings we'd rather not feel. We can't turn them off either, so you should only judge yourself on how you act on those feelings. Now, it's not like you went on this camp, forgot about your girlfriend, and spent all day trying to get with your old crush, is it?




You may not feel like it, because those feelings aren't going away, but you're dealing with them perfectly well, by not acting on them.




If you want some ways to get over her though, here's one way: Write out a list of all the things about this old crush you don't like. I mean absolutely everything. You'll have trouble thinking about them at first, but once you start, you'll start recalling other things as well. Then whenever you feel anything, remind yourself of that list, and remind yourself about how your girlfriend doesn't do half of those things. That'll put her down, while putting your girlfriend up in your perceptions. See how that goes, and see if you feel any better.




Seriously though, you've not done anything wrong, so put the hammer away and stopping beating yourself up. ;)

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Just went out on my first date last night, and I have to say it went better than I thought. I surprised myself as to how I overcame my nerves. My question is how long should I wait before asking her out again. I don't want to seem clingy, but I don't want to seem like I'm delaying us meeting again. Any advice as to where I should ask her to and when. (We went to the movies for the date btw, Lakeview Terrace ftw)




I'm a dating nub. :oops:

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Just went out on my first date last night, and I have to say it went better than I thought. I surprised myself as to how I overcame my nerves. My question is how long should I wait before asking her out again. I don't want to seem clingy, but I don't want to seem like I'm delaying us meeting again. Any advice as to where I should ask her to and when. (We went to the movies for the date btw, Lakeview Terrace ftw)




I'm a dating nub. :oops:




At the end of the first date, you should always ask her "Can I see you again soon?" If she says yes, text her or call her the next day, or the day after. Dont wait too long though, she will think you dont know what to say. just ask her out to a dinner if at all possible.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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I know I should be thinking about my girlfriend 24/7 and I want to be doing but somehow my "old flame" keeps on popping up.




Bear in mind I love my girlfriend like hell and I would do nothing to hurt her. I just want advice on how to get rid of this horrible feeling.




Help! :lol:


Li Chef




Well in all honesty, the old flames dont go away easily, the only way I have delt with things like this, is realizing what you have now is better than what she meant to you. Strong feelings dont go away easily, but they can be out-weighed with the comfort that you are with the person you are supposed to be with right now. Dont feel guilty for doubting anything, that is part of being human, love doesnt mean anything if its not tested. Try not to let her vulnerability be what attracts you to her again, and the only reason I say that is because its happened to me before, I left the girl I really cared about for the "what if" girl... And it came back to bite me, the same thing happened..we dated for a few months and she left for someone that she cared about more..

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Hey boys / men, I have a important Q for you:




Let me begin with some background first. I was studying the works of CARLOS XUMA - one of the Master PUAs that I like the best. He is very comprehensive, always gives and example and generally understands men ( and women :P ).


I won't use any teleshopping words like he really made my confidence rise, blah blah, but:




I learnt the tactics he was talking about and for the first time, I used them on a girl.


After my "date" had ended, 15 mins after I got an ICQ message "Sorry, we'd better not see each other anymore.. You just don't suit me."


First, I was like WTF, but nothing that several sips of rum wouldn't fix. I just thought she wasn't ready for me yet.




But then, another Q comes to mind: Do PUA tactics work on high school girls, or just on adult ones?


It's not that I wouldn't believe the PUA writings, because the author shows TRUE arguments, but ... It's just weird.




EDIT: Girls on thread, avoid flaming. I've seen Hitch and know what you can do, you! :lol: ( jk obv )


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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Hey boys / men, I have a important Q for you:




Let me begin with some background first. I was studying the works of CARLOS XUMA - one of the Master PUAs that I like the best. He is very comprehensive, always gives and example and generally understands men ( and women :P ).


I won't use any teleshopping words like he really made my confidence rise, blah blah, but:




I learnt the tactics he was talking about and for the first time, I used them on a girl.


After my "date" had ended, 15 mins after I got an ICQ message "Sorry, we'd better not see each other anymore.. You just don't suit me."


First, I was like WTF, but nothing that several sips of rum wouldn't fix. I just thought she wasn't ready for me yet.




But then, another Q comes to mind: Do PUA tactics work on high school girls, or just on adult ones?


It's not that I wouldn't believe the PUA writings, because the author shows TRUE arguments, but ... It's just weird.




EDIT: Girls on thread, avoid flaming. I've seen Hitch and know what you can do, you! :lol: ( jk obv )




Besides the blue, enlarged letters, I would say you can't learn everything from a book, nor should you.

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You may all remember me from before, asking about a relationship. And I followed your advice of just letting go, and then she got a boyfriend. I thought this would make things harder for me to let go but combined with the Summer Holidays I had completely forgotten about her.




Anyway sometime in the Summer Holidays she got dumped by her boyfriend, which I didn't know about and even if I did I wouldn't of cared much since two weeks before school started I got my first ever girlfriend.




We've been going out for exactly one month today and I really really feel a connection. But on Thursday I went on a school trip to Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare's birthplace) that meant I couldn't talk to her until we got back, which was yesterday (Saturday)




Guess who was on that trip? The person mentioned before. I suddenly felt my heart strings being pulled like hell and I felt physically sick that I was letting myself feel like this when I had my girlfriend to think about.




I really am struggling to think about anything but trouble now and I have school tomorrow. Which is made worse by the fact my girlfriend goes to a different school and my "old flame" goes to mine and is in many of my classes.




I know I should be thinking about my girlfriend 24/7 and I want to be doing but somehow my "old flame" keeps on popping up.




Bear in mind I love my girlfriend like hell and I would do nothing to hurt her. I just want advice on how to get rid of this horrible feeling.




Help! :lol:


Li Chef

lol wow lets look at this part
I know I should be thinking about my girlfriend 24/7
this is wrong if ur thinkin bout here 24/7 then its definitly not cuz u like her it would be more along the lines of acessivily obsesded with her, at most u should only love to be with her/around her and wont let any thing happen to her...something would be wrong with u if u think about someone 24/7










--edit: sorry for the harsh post :? anyways its ok if u still have feelings for another girl as long as u dont show it when ur goin out with ur gf




btw gl wit ur new gf

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


draconic visage: 1

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The thought of using "tactics" on women absolutely disgusts me. Just be [bleep]ing friends with them for God's sakes, it's not as hard as ya'll make it out to be.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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The thought of using "tactics" on women absolutely disgusts me. Just be [bleep]ing friends with them for God's sakes, it's not as hard as ya'll make it out to be.
i totaly agree there are no tactics and should be used its like manipulating someone...not to mention wat will work for 1 person wont work for another person




also i would like to mention dont act differntly jus to impress a girl/guy if ur being ur self then most likly u will have a better/funner life

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


draconic visage: 1

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Hey boys / men, I have a important Q for you:




Let me begin with some background first. I was studying the works of CARLOS XUMA - one of the Master PUAs that I like the best. He is very comprehensive, always gives and example and generally understands men ( and women :P ).


I won't use any teleshopping words like he really made my confidence rise, blah blah, but:




I learnt the tactics he was talking about and for the first time, I used them on a girl.


After my "date" had ended, 15 mins after I got an ICQ message "Sorry, we'd better not see each other anymore.. You just don't suit me."


First, I was like WTF, but nothing that several sips of rum wouldn't fix. I just thought she wasn't ready for me yet.




But then, another Q comes to mind: Do PUA tactics work on high school girls, or just on adult ones?


It's not that I wouldn't believe the PUA writings, because the author shows TRUE arguments, but ... It's just weird.




EDIT: Girls on thread, avoid flaming. I've seen Hitch and know what you can do, you! :lol: ( jk obv )






If you really want to get a girl using "tactics"...it wont be you who se is starting to like. As cheesy as this sounds, get to know them first, thus the point of dating. And if you do have things in common, or she has alot of traits that you are attracted to, express the common intrest and see if there is cemmistry there. No tricks or manipulation, be yourself and she either will or wont respond to it. Never change who you are for anyone, change who you are because you want to become a better you. And be confident about yourself, not cocky.

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Hey boys / men, I have a important Q for you:




Let me begin with some background first. I was studying the works of CARLOS XUMA - one of the Master PUAs that I like the best. He is very comprehensive, always gives and example and generally understands men ( and women :P ).


I won't use any teleshopping words like he really made my confidence rise, blah blah, but:




I learnt the tactics he was talking about and for the first time, I used them on a girl.


After my "date" had ended, 15 mins after I got an ICQ message "Sorry, we'd better not see each other anymore.. You just don't suit me."


First, I was like WTF, but nothing that several sips of rum wouldn't fix. I just thought she wasn't ready for me yet.




But then, another Q comes to mind: Do PUA tactics work on high school girls, or just on adult ones?


It's not that I wouldn't believe the PUA writings, because the author shows TRUE arguments, but ... It's just weird.




EDIT: Girls on thread, avoid flaming. I've seen Hitch and know what you can do, you! :lol: ( jk obv )


Carlos Xuma just pays for hookers. Pick ups only work on stupid, horny, drunk chicks. And even then that's like a 50/50 shot. There are no tactics to dating. All you do is make yourself look like a jackass, and not even the kind girls want.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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/ducking for cover




Well, if all what those PUA guys say was complete and utter bullcrap, would there be any general advice for those relationship? I'm saying that because I often saw similar advice here to what I read. Look, I don't want to polemise, but yeah, just compare it.




I'm getting a tidbit of feeling you hate those tactics for some other reason than for the one that they are "tactics". Might be just my paranoic me, though. :|


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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/ducking for cover




Well, if all what those PUA guys say was complete and utter bullcrap, would there be any general advice for those relationship? I'm saying that because I often saw similar advice here to what I read. Look, I don't want to polemise, but yeah, just compare it.




I'm getting a tidbit of feeling you hate those tactics for some other reason than for the one that they are "tactics". Might be just my paranoic me, though. :|


Be yourself.




And yes, I am annoyed at all the "PUA" talk as though it ought to be the way to pick up a girl. Not only does it create the idea that a female is more easily impressed than a male (vicious sexism), it's also leading with false pretence; in other words, lying about who you are. I despise liars.




How many times have people come onto this thread saying their relationship is falling apart because they weren't being true to themselves in the first place?




If you want a one-nighter, by all means, be a PUA. I won't stop you. If you want a relationship, don't. That's my simple advice.

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).


Start hanging out at eachother's house, and be seen lauging together alot?

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).


Start hanging out at eachother's house, and be seen lauging together alot?




Ya, but am uncomfortable showing PDA around my parents, infact I seem to be practically silent around them, maybe because mum is waaaaaaaayyyyyy too old school, it just feels weird

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Need some help.


I've fallen over my face for a girl i sit next to in my media studies class, we hang around in our free's and have a great time.I expressed my love for her but she has witheld from going further because i recently split up with another girl (She was moving far away from where i live now) and she thinks that it was for something far more scandalous.My freind brought my ex up and made a dirty statement which i think has left an air of trepedation around a relationship




Anything i can do?

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^ Just tell her the truth about why you and your ex-split up to her face and tell her whatever your friend said is a lie. If she really likes you, she will understand.




Offer to take her out perhaps, make the next move after maybe.

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).


Well, don't mean to be mean, but doubt you're "in love". True love. You might love her, but they're not the same. At all. There's just that high school love, then there's for-life love. Just saying; I've seen this whole belief in love at first sight tear people to pieces.




Anyways. I doubt your parents will be saddened by your finding a girl that you really like. Just tell them. And as for her parents. That's a bit of a touchier subject, and always has been with us men. I doubt they'll find you good enough for her. But that is no reason to give up on anything or anything like that. Just the way the world works.




To put it shortly, you don't have to make a production out of it.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).






umm i was like wtf at the msn part....... how would you like it if your daughter came up to you and said "hey dad im in love with this guy that only talks to me on msn!", get up and get off the comp and go to her house NOW. pretend you lent her one of your school books that is a good ice-breaker (if you don't want to lie just give her one of your school books then go to her house). If her parents are nosy they will leaf through your school book and if you write what your supposed to in it they will like you! (your school books can telll alot about a person such as if they do their work dilligently, if they like to doodle, if they complete homework)




parents would like their daughter to go out with someone with a good head on their shoulders. So if you lend her one of your school books you will have succeeded in three areas






1. you broke the ice instead of randomly showing up at her house you have an excuse




2.her parents already have an impression of you from your book




3.when you get there the conversation can go from school to sports to friends to wherever.




4. you lent her your school book which basically shows that you want to help her with her school-work, this could come across in two ways. 1. you don't like her for her looks, 2. This is all one big ploy.




5. you can also break the news to your parents this way. Just go up to them and say "hey mom im going to a friends house for a school book" then the day after "mom me and my friend are going to the movies she's really nice", then when your parents see the two of you spending more and more time together they will be able to see that the two of you clearly have feelings for each other. Actions speak alot louder than words




IF you didn't understand anything from my big wall of text here is the basic meaning actions speak alot louder than words, show your parents, her parents, everyone involved that you really do care about her

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).


Start hanging out at eachother's house, and be seen lauging together alot?




Ya, but am uncomfortable showing PDA around my parents, infact I seem to be practically silent around them, maybe because mum is waaaaaaaayyyyyy too old school, it just feels weird


And why do they need to know? Hell, my parents never knew I liked a girl since the first grade. But then again, I was little and I didn't know what my feelings were to that girl. #-o


Unless you actually become together, your mother really doesn't need to know...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I've been thrust into a very odd situation.




My two best friends (one guy and one girl) apparently have really hitched it off, and have plans on dating each other. Here are couple of catches:




The guy doesn't really need a relationship right now. He broke up with his girlfriend of nearly 3 years a few months ago, and has since picked up smoking cigs and pot, and also drinks a bit. He hasn't gotten over the whole thing yet, and he still doesn't know that she cheated on him several times with another good friend of his, whom she ended up dating. He is in no condition to be dating someone. He's off the rebound so to speak, and he really isn't thinking about this much farther than "It's a girl and she likes me. Free hook-ups."




The girl just broke up with her boyfriend yesterday. She hasn't been without a boyfriend for longer than two weeks for more than 4 years. She is very easily taken by anyone who expresses feelings for her. She broke up with her ex-ex-boyfriend in order to date her ex-boyfriend so it wouldn't be looked upon as cheating. I feel like she's probably doing the same with my good friend. She has a history of breaking up with one guy for another. She loses interest so quickly it's not even funny. One week she's hopelessly devoted to a guy, the next, she's looking for someone to replace her current boy.




They both refuse to make their relationship public knowledge, because, as they tell me, they don't want people to get the wrong impression, and they don't want the official "relationship" title just yet.




The girl is already angered at me. There is a sidestory:


The girl and I hung out pretty much every other day from July-September. Since school started, we've seen each other once, and it was only for about two hours. After two hours, she essentially ditched out on me to go drinking at a friends house. She uses me as a plan-B so to speak. If her plans with my best guy friend fall through, she calls me up. If she can't go to a party, she calls me. I HATE being used like that. I'd like to hang out with someone because they like me for who I am, and not because their other plans fell through and they don't want to be alone. I brought all of this to her attention recently, and she flipped out saying that I wasn't a back up plan.




So here's my big issue. What to do about all of this? It hurts me to know that if I sit idly by and let them date, it will end in disaster. The girl is a notoriously sexually driven person (she's dated 7 guys, and slept with 10), and if she sleeps with my guy friend (who is currently a virgin), he will become attached. Then she will most likely detach herself from him and look for someone bigger and better. He will be hurt, and I'd hate to see his life more torn apart then it already is. However, I feel like I can't say "STOP! DON'T!" I can't just stop them from doing what they want. It wouldn't be like me to do that, and it would be irresponsible of me to treat my best friends as if they were anything but.




How should I handle this? What can I possibly do?




EDIT: YES. I am concerned about this infrindging upon the time I get to spend with them both. If I go out with one of them, they'll be texting/calling the other throughout, and I really don't need that. I'd really rather not be a third wheel either and go out with them both, considering it'd be somewhat odd for me to watch them kiss/hug/ect.




I am NOT jealous of the boy past the extent I've mentioned (about losing time with both of them). I have no feelings for the girl, as I'm already in a relationship which has spanned 3+ years.

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I don't mean to offend you guys, but I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.




So I met this girl and I have been talking with her heaps on MSN, and we are in love, although I have no idea how to break it to my parents/family, or how to get to know her parents so they don't think I'm just some jerk who just wants the coolest gf around, coz I like her for who she is <3: even if she was ugly (but she's not).






umm i was like wtf at the msn part....... how would you like it if your daughter came up to you and said "hey dad im in love with this guy that only talks to me on msn!", get up and get off the comp and go to her house NOW. pretend you lent her one of your school books that is a good ice-breaker (if you don't want to lie just give her one of your school books then go to her house). If her parents are nosy they will leaf through your school book and if you write what your supposed to in it they will like you! (your school books can telll alot about a person such as if they do their work dilligently, if they like to doodle, if they complete homework)




parents would like their daughter to go out with someone with a good head on their shoulders. So if you lend her one of your school books you will have succeeded in three areas






1. you broke the ice instead of randomly showing up at her house you have an excuse




2.her parents already have an impression of you from your book




3.when you get there the conversation can go from school to sports to friends to wherever.




4. you lent her your school book which basically shows that you want to help her with her school-work, this could come across in two ways. 1. you don't like her for her looks, 2. This is all one big ploy.




5. you can also break the news to your parents this way. Just go up to them and say "hey mom im going to a friends house for a school book" then the day after "mom me and my friend are going to the movies she's really nice", then when your parents see the two of you spending more and more time together they will be able to see that the two of you clearly have feelings for each other. Actions speak alot louder than words




IF you didn't understand anything from my big wall of text here is the basic meaning actions speak alot louder than words, show your parents, her parents, everyone involved that you really do care about her




thanks for the advice, although she isn't going to school at the moment, so that is foiled, although I could try something else ::' and I don't only chat with her on the computer, it's just that I don't see her irl enough. Plus I am spending Thurs, Fri and Sat with her which will be good. Still gonna be hard with my parents, and I dunno why #-o

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