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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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First time posting on here




But ya! On with my questions




I have 2 girls that I really like and would like to ask out. But I am friends with both of them and I don't want to ruin that. Also I cannot choose between the both of them




The first girl is kind of shy, But I really like that from her, she's really smart and has some of the same interests.




The second girl is really funny and cute and is very social. But has some [bleep] friends (I can deal with that tho)




So what should I do Guys/Girls?


Been reading this thread for a long time now, but not been posting. Think it might be my time to post about something now :ohnoes: Well, theres this girl i like, quite alot. Problem is, we are pretty much best friends, and kind of dont wanna ruin that :ohnoes: What do you think I should do? Abit stuck, and after reading this thread im sure somebody could help me :thumbsup: Thanks




Guys, don't try to hook up with your best friend. Either move on or ask her out (she'll say Let's just be friends) and then move on This isn't even about sacrificing friendship for a relationship, there's just such a slim chance of success that it's not worth trying. The sooner you get over the girl, the happier you will be




Also, to those who recommend to go for the shy girls, I'm gonna disagree. It's already a slim chance to begin with and shy girls tend to throw "Let's just be friend" more often.




Alright now, I've got a question for everyone here. Does anyone else have a problem flirting? Not like you can't do it or find it difficult, but you do it too much.




Was he joking? Sounds more like "Ha, I caught you flirting with her" than him telling you not to flirt. Seriously, what kind of friend tells you NOT to flirt with a girl? especially an attractive girl.




Still, there's no need for you to be self-conscious about it or worry about it in any way: Flirting is a good thing and unless girls actually run away from you as soon as you enter the room or refuse to go near you, chances are you're probably not flirting too much.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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Was he joking? Sounds more like "Ha, I caught you flirting with her" than him telling you not to flirt. Seriously, what kind of friend tells you NOT to flirt with a girl? especially an attractive girl.




Still, there's no need for you to be self-conscious about it or worry about it in any way: Flirting is a good thing and unless girls actually run away from you as soon as you enter the room or refuse to go near you, chances are you're probably not flirting too much.




Yeah, he was joking but I have a gf already and he keep trying to get me to hook up with the girl #-o

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Solidus is right. I fell in love and dated my best friend and it was the worst thing I've ever been through






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Who knew I was in high school by my typing?(Or however you figured it out)




Also there not really good friends there just girls I know and talk to




I have tried to ask the shy one out But I keep getting nervous around her. I don't want my friends asking eather.




So I'm going to try for Friday and give her some time to think about it.




If it doesn't work I'm [bleep]ed \'

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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been a while since i had the chance to engage in a relationship no thanks to school work. -.-




me and my friend have known each other for well over 6+ years. my best friend dated her ealier but they broke up 4 weeks ago. i've liked her for quite a few years and it seems since i told him i liked her he insisted he dates her, he does it to all the girls i like. now that she's single i can take my chance but theres a problem. i've become a little demanding within a relationship as my 18th birthday draws close in a few days and naturally as a guy who's still hasnt done anything "that far" i begin to collapse into it. only thing is she knows it but i dont seem to feel that way around her. its as though i just enjoy being with her and nothing else (and i enjoy lots of hugs). she doesnt know and also wants to stay single till she finds someone who she can have a supporting relationship with. i've always been commited to relationships above anything else.




i suppose im asking whats my next step? do i simply explain to her what i feel? should i wait till my mate stops liking her as i dont like to compete with friendships? or should i simply think of myself just for once in my life and try my luck?




we've also finished school meaning catching up isnt a problem with us


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Was he joking? Sounds more like "Ha, I caught you flirting with her" than him telling you not to flirt. Seriously, what kind of friend tells you NOT to flirt with a girl? especially an attractive girl.




Still, there's no need for you to be self-conscious about it or worry about it in any way: Flirting is a good thing and unless girls actually run away from you as soon as you enter the room or refuse to go near you, chances are you're probably not flirting too much.




Yeah, he was joking but I have a gf already and he keep trying to get me to hook up with the girl #-o




Yeah it sounded like him joking.




As for trying to hook you up, don't worry about it. Again, him joking around. If you don't want to hook up with her, then it will not happen. Anything else like flirting, you can play around all you want.




me and my friend have known each other for well over 6+ years. my best friend dated her ealier but they broke up 4 weeks ago. i've liked her for quite a few years and it seems since i told him i liked her he insisted he dates her, he does it to all the girls i like. now that she's single i can take my chance but theres a problem. i've become a little demanding within a relationship as my 18th birthday draws close in a few days and naturally as a guy who's still hasnt done anything "that far" i begin to collapse into it. only thing is she knows it but i dont seem to feel that way around her. its as though i just enjoy being with her and nothing else (and i enjoy lots of hugs). she doesnt know and also wants to stay single till she finds someone who she can have a supporting relationship with. i've always been commited to relationships above anything else.




i suppose im asking whats my next step? do i simply explain to her what i feel? should i wait till my mate stops liking her as i dont like to compete with friendships? or should i simply think of myself just for once in my life and try my luck?




Ok, so basically you're trying to hook up with a close friend just like the other guys except you've got enough drama there to make a decent soap opera. Here's your answer: Stop worrying about "feelings", grow some confidence, ask her out, she'll say "let's just be friends" (In fact correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like she already rejected you, or at the very least made it clear she doesn't quite want a relationship), then you move the [bleep] on. THE END.




Also FYI I'm 18, I've improved by a hell of a lot when it comes to girls in the past year, AND STILL my only experience in relationships is rejection. It's annoying as hell to not make any progress but there's no sense crying over it. Get out there and get some experience.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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me and my friend have known each other for well over 6+ years. my best friend dated her ealier but they broke up 4 weeks ago. i've liked her for quite a few years and it seems since i told him i liked her he insisted he dates her, he does it to all the girls i like. now that she's single i can take my chance but theres a problem. i've become a little demanding within a relationship as my 18th birthday draws close in a few days and naturally as a guy who's still hasnt done anything "that far" i begin to collapse into it. only thing is she knows it but i dont seem to feel that way around her. its as though i just enjoy being with her and nothing else (and i enjoy lots of hugs). she doesnt know and also wants to stay single till she finds someone who she can have a supporting relationship with. i've always been commited to relationships above anything else.


Firstly, don't worry about the whole "that far" thing. It's not actually that strange to have not gone that far by the age of 18. The time will come when you feel totally secure with it, and that's important. Anything less than that just isn't worth going for.




As for the situation, the one thing that's blaring out to me here is "He's 18, and his mate is trying to hook up with every girl he fancies". Doesn't that strike you as just a tiny bit immature on your mate's part? I mean seriously, I wouldn't tolerate someone like that. I'd tell them where to get lost if they're gonna be that irresponsible about the personal information I tell them about my feelings. So really, in regards to your mate, if he's gonna be anal, it's a free game. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours and that jazz.




If you have feelings for this girl and you things to run smoothly, then tell her how you feel. She might reject you, she might like you too, but you've been honest with her and she'll respect you for that. If she doesn't, was she really that worth having as a friend anyway? No. Not telling her isn't an option though. You can try and deny those feelings exist, but that doesn't mean they're gone and there'll always be that pretense around her.




Be honest, tell her how you feel. It's not about confidence, that's not what you've come here for. That's what I'd do anyway.

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Alright now, I've got a question for everyone here. Does anyone else have a problem flirting? Not like you can't do it or find it difficult, but you do it too much.





I flirt unconditionally with almost every girl at work. When I was training my sister at work, after we got off she said: "wow, you're such a flirt"

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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Alright now, I've got a question for everyone here. Does anyone else have a problem flirting? Not like you can't do it or find it difficult, but you do it too much.





I flirt unconditionally with almost every girl at work. When I was training my sister at work, after we got off she said: "wow, you're such a flirt"




Exactly! I especially like "unconditionally", if you only flirt with the hotties you come across as shallow.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:


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I can't tell if he's mocking someone or just stupid. I'm actually beginning to think the former, which is a bit of a turn around. I'm thinking it has something to do with the fact that he has two posts that my instinct is telling me he's laughing at someone.




Or, you know, he could just be [developmentally delayed]ed.




EDIT: Scratch that, my gut is off today. His other two posts also take the time to mention that his girlfriend is the hottest chick in school. Apparently this young grasshopper is new to the neo-ways of building proper e-cred, starting with the skills of building a lie. Hint: ease into it mate; being blunt about it makes the lie too obvious. Instead of spending 75% of the post talking about how hot and awesome your girlfriend is, spend 2-10%. Make sure it's near the middle of the post, as putting it in the end or right [bleep]ing smack dab in the opening line gives the falseness of the matter away. When mentioning how cool and sexy she is, make it a side-note of the sentence, rather than the focus. If done skillfully, the reader will subconsciously, rather than consciously, understand how awesome you are for having such an awesome girlfriend, making it impossible for them to reject the idea of you actually having a girlfriend, let alone the hottest one in the school, and your e-penis will get past the two-inch mark in no time.




For my disciple, good I have done. In the next lesson I will explain why saying you are "semi-retired from RS" is not necessarily a good pick-up line. Be sure to be there- I don't offer the same lesson twice.




[hide=Evidence Back-up]

My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Plus, that advice is like putting a noose-tying-help hotline's number in your suicidal friend's phone under "Suicide Help Hotline".





Alright now, I've got a question for everyone here. Does anyone else have a problem flirting? Not like you can't do it or find it difficult, but you do it too much.





I flirt unconditionally with almost every girl at work. When I was training my sister at work, after we got off she said: "wow, you're such a flirt"




Exactly! I especially like "unconditionally", if you only flirt with the hotties you come across as shallow.


I kinda do that, too. Gotten me into several awkward situations. One interesting one.





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:




Picture proof? ;)

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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:


The role playing forum is that way :arrow:


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:




Picture proof? ;)


AYE! *Pounds fists onto table*










Advice is easier said than done eh? ...[bleep].

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:


The 4chan is that way :arrow:




Fixed ;) .




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If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:




Hmm.. After that story I've decided you're either 13 years old, a troll, or you don't have a clue how relationships work and are more interested in showing people you're not addicted to RuneScape and instead have become a closet gamer.

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My girlfriend is pretty much the hottest girls at my school but thats not important. Many of my closest friends wonder how I got such a girlfriend and play rs. The reason is because I am semi-retired from rs. My friends still think I am addicted no matter how many times I tell them I am not. If you feel like you can't quit (lol) just don't tell anyone that you play. Also when looking for a gf don't just go like oh she isn't pretty or whatever crap. For example, my girlfriend is smart, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, and cool. Also you don't want a girlfriend that is pretty but has no friends, you need a popular girlfriend! Or people will make fun of you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. After all, I am the expert in these girlfriend matters. :thumbsup:




Picture proof? ;)






And since when do we need a popular gf?

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And since when do we need a popular gf?




When you're in middle school it's not about finding someone you're remotely attracted to or care about, it's all about getting in with the "cool kids".




And the ones with the most tissues.

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well no need for the angry respose Solidus but yeah you've got a point. next time i see her [swear] planning a convo, i'll just tell her how i feel, ask her out and if she says no then i'll accept it and continue being good friends, if she says yes then thats the icing on the cake + a cherry. ::'


EDIT: you guys did notice ilovesilvia's post count was only 2 right? (troller)


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I have a girlfriend who is 2 years younger than me, and I really like her and all that stuff, but I'm only in high school, and at this point I know relationships really aren't serious. The problem is that a lot of people around me, including my parents, seem to think I shouldn't be dating her due to the age difference, which I frankly don't get. It really has me torn, because I really like her, but I don't know if I can really take all the, for lack of a better word, criticism, that I get for dating her. I really don't want to just dump her, because I would feel like total [cabbage] seeing her unhappy. I don't know if I'm better off saying I just want to be friends or what. It's so confusing.

7 years 'scape knowledge and counting


99 Attack - June 8th 2010 99 Defence - August 2nd 2011 99 HP - December 2nd 2011

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