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Don't use gay and homo as insults please...




I would advise acting like it doesn't get to you when they make fun of you for it. Laugh along even, take it as a joke so they don't get what they want from teasing you.




Also, why would you keep underwear in your school bag? Just wondering here...

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American schools must be MASSIVE.... I would love to go to one. Small schools like the one I'm in are so... conservative.




By the way, I have a question for some of you.


Without a photographic memory, how do you recall specific events in your mind? Do you see an image? Hear a sound? Personally, I can see a clear image, and can read off text in the image if I didn't have time to do so before. The downside is, I can hardly ever remember something someone verbally tells me. :P


Grass is always greener... From what i've heard in large schools the majority of teachers treat you like crap, you're just another number to them. This is what i've heard from a friend, a couple ex-girlfriends and my chem teacher.

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Don't use gay and homo as insults please...




I would advise acting like it doesn't get to you when they make fun of you for it. Laugh along even, take it as a joke so they don't get what they want from teasing you.




Also, why would you keep underwear in your school bag? Just wondering here...




Its just to embarrassing, If I get tickled yeah, thats why I keep anther pair. I was thinking of going to the Police and saying they sexually harassed me, think thats the best I can do...


I havn't got many options now, getting really pissed off...

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Don't use gay and homo as insults please...




I would advise acting like it doesn't get to you when they make fun of you for it. Laugh along even, take it as a joke so they don't get what they want from teasing you.




Also, why would you keep underwear in your school bag? Just wondering here...




Its just to embarrassing, If I get tickled yeah, thats why I keep anther pair. I was thinking of going to the Police and saying they sexually harassed me, think thats the best I can do...


I havn't got many options now, getting really pissed off...


Wear boxers or black briefs.




For some reason black briefs are more acceptable than white briefs...

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Don't use gay and homo as insults please...




I would advise acting like it doesn't get to you when they make fun of you for it. Laugh along even, take it as a joke so they don't get what they want from teasing you.




Also, why would you keep underwear in your school bag? Just wondering here...




Its just to embarrassing, If I get tickled yeah, thats why I keep anther pair. I was thinking of going to the Police and saying they sexually harassed me, think thats the best I can do...


I havn't got many options now, getting really pissed off...




You realise how pathetic you sound right? Honestly, how old are you? 10? Because by your style of typing, that is the way it comes across.




And taking a month off school is dumb. Sure, you will be given a bit of crap for a week about it, but everyone will forget about it then. Happened to me recently, where my mates thought I liked this girl (Which I didn't). Kept pestering me for about two weeks, before they stopped.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Don't use gay and homo as insults please...




I would advise acting like it doesn't get to you when they make fun of you for it. Laugh along even, take it as a joke so they don't get what they want from teasing you.




Also, why would you keep underwear in your school bag? Just wondering here...




Its just to embarrassing, If I get tickled yeah, thats why I keep anther pair. I was thinking of going to the Police and saying they sexually harassed me, think thats the best I can do...


I havn't got many options now, getting really pissed off...




You realise how pathetic you sound right? Honestly, how old are you? 10? Because by your style of typing, that is the way it comes across.




And taking a month off school is dumb. Sure, you will be given a bit of crap for a week about it, but everyone will forget about it then. Happened to me recently, where my mates thought I liked this girl (Which I didn't). Kept pestering me for about two weeks, before they stopped.




I'm 15, read my other posts. Last time over a small thing, they harassed me for 2 years...

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Then obviously they aren't your friends, they're people you hang out with because you can't find anyone else to hang out with.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Then obviously they aren't your friends, they're people you hang out with because you can't find anyone else to hang out with.




I DON'T hang out with them. They FOLLOW me sometimes, they WONT leave me alone in class.


I hate them, never been friends with them, EVER.




It's because I have a very very weird/deep voice, and I get dissed every 2 minutes because of it.

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Like I said wear boxers or black briefs.




No I didn't wet myself, and that wasn't the problem.




I had a spare change of underwear, not sure if thats normal but they people are going to spread it like crazy I bet. Hopefully they forget this time.


If they were white briefs or "Tighty Whities" then that is why you're being made fun of.

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Like I said wear boxers or black briefs.




No I didn't wet myself, and that wasn't the problem.




I had a spare change of underwear, not sure if thats normal but they people are going to spread it like crazy I bet. Hopefully they forget this time.


If they were white briefs or "Tighty Whities" then that is why you're being made fun of.




I know that's why, just don't have any ideas.


Might be a nark :l

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I really hope you're joking... because that's way too funny. Sorry, but if I figured out some brought an extra pair of "undies" I'd be laughing. hard. So I don't blame those guys.




Anyway, IF what you say is really true, my advice is to just well... grow a pair. The only reason anyone would pick on someone is because you won't do anything about it and they know it. Easy prey.


I'm imagining someone getting mad or saying "GIVE THEM BACK"... hilarious. :-#




but seriously, getting mad or yelling at them would be hilarious ... so don't do that.

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Oh Christ, what are you making such a big deal out of? They found spare underwear in your bag? Big deal! Dack one of them, say it was payback for looking through your bag, and jokingly get over it, because he certainly will get over the dacking.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

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Hey guys.




Well recently at school some mutha [bleep] gay homo [bleep] went through my school bag and found my underware.




Yes they are gonna give me alot of [cabbage], and I mean alot (They did something like this, didn't stop annoying me till lets see, 2-3years later?).




IDK, last time they did this i took a month off school and they left me alone, what you think i should do?




Firstly, report the person who went through your bag to the school counsellor or principal. Going through your belongings is not in school policy.




Secondly, you could spread that you have underwear in your bag because you got laid. Does it matter if it's underwear or boxer shorts?




Third option, you ripped a hole in your boxer shorts and that's all you had left. Look at them like they eat pieces of crap for breakfast and tell them to find something worth while to talk about.




Fourth option, when people come up and ask you if you had underwear in your bag reply with "Yeah I did, they belong to your mum"



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Hey guys.




Well recently at school some mutha [bleep] gay homo [bleep] went through my school bag and found my underware.




Yes they are gonna give me alot of [cabbage], and I mean alot (They did something like this, didn't stop annoying me till lets see, 2-3years later?).




IDK, last time they did this i took a month off school and they left me alone, what you think i should do?




Firstly, report the person who went through your bag to the school counsellor or principal. Going through your belongings is not in school policy.



Well just to add, my School is I think, top 3 WORST schools in New Zealand. Something horrible like that. I might try to get out of it ASAP.




Secondly, you could spread that you have underwear in your bag because you got laid. Does it matter if it's underwear or boxer shorts?




Third option, you ripped a hole in your boxer shorts and that's all you had left. Look at them like they eat pieces of crap for breakfast and tell them to find something worth while to talk about.



That I sorta like. I'm gonna try that.




Fourth option, when people come up and ask you if you had underwear in your bag reply with "Yeah I did, they belong to your mum"




Well thanks, I'm going to try the 3rd option ;)

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Hey guys.




Well recently at school some mutha [bleep] gay homo [bleep] went through my school bag and found my underware.




Yes they are gonna give me alot of [cabbage], and I mean alot (They did something like this, didn't stop annoying me till lets see, 2-3years later?).




IDK, last time they did this i took a month off school and they left me alone, what you think i should do?




Firstly, report the person who went through your bag to the school counsellor or principal. Going through your belongings is not in school policy.



Well just to add, my School is I think, top 3 WORST schools in New Zealand. Something horrible like that. I might try to get out of it ASAP.




Secondly, you could spread that you have underwear in your bag because you got laid. Does it matter if it's underwear or boxer shorts?




Third option, you ripped a hole in your boxer shorts and that's all you had left. Look at them like they eat pieces of crap for breakfast and tell them to find something worth while to talk about.



That I sorta like. I'm gonna try that.




Fourth option, when people come up and ask you if you had underwear in your bag reply with "Yeah I did, they belong to your mum"




Well thanks, I'm going to try the 3rd option ;)


...Really? I would've picked another option which is to punch them. But that's just how I deal with things.




P.S NZ school's are slack with bullying.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Hey guys.




Well recently at school some mutha [bleep] gay homo [bleep] went through my school bag and found my underware.




Yes they are gonna give me alot of [cabbage], and I mean alot (They did something like this, didn't stop annoying me till lets see, 2-3years later?).




IDK, last time they did this i took a month off school and they left me alone, what you think i should do?




Firstly, report the person who went through your bag to the school counsellor or principal. Going through your belongings is not in school policy.



Well just to add, my School is I think, top 3 WORST schools in New Zealand. Something horrible like that. I might try to get out of it ASAP.




Secondly, you could spread that you have underwear in your bag because you got laid. Does it matter if it's underwear or boxer shorts?




Third option, you ripped a hole in your boxer shorts and that's all you had left. Look at them like they eat pieces of crap for breakfast and tell them to find something worth while to talk about.



That I sorta like. I'm gonna try that.




Fourth option, when people come up and ask you if you had underwear in your bag reply with "Yeah I did, they belong to your mum"




Well thanks, I'm going to try the 3rd option ;)


...Really? I would've picked another option which is to punch them. But that's just how I deal with things.




P.S NZ school's are slack with bullying.




There where 3 of them, and 2nd, I'm 1 anyway from Expelled Lawl

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Your parents should learn to control your sister.


Little sisters always get away with everything.


My sister could kick me in the face, spit on me, and stab me, but if i were to a lay a hand on her after that I'd get grounded for months.




Little sisters are ALWAYS bratty. it's just the way it works.


It's kinda true. I can slap my older sister and not get in trouble for it, then once she slaps me back she gets yelled at.


But I don't do this often (probably done it once), but she hits me a lot when my parents aren't around. >_<




I get [cabbage] for not living up to my parents expectations so no, not entirely true.


It's terrible in my house, cause i get in trouble even if my mum knows i didnt do it.


because my sisters dad died when she was a baby, so my mums uber nice to her, and a complete [flappy thingy] to me. and, balls. my sister pisses me off.


I hate my sister. One time I bought this desk thing for my room (with a glass top) and she kicked it and it broke, I tell my mom and she says I'm lying, so I ask Jill (sister) to help me carry it down the stairs. Mom makes her, and halfway down she drops it right on my foot and I fall the rest of the way. Guess what? I get a week grounding because Jill said I tried to throw it at her.




Sisters suck.


Dude, that is HORRIBLE. My sister is bad, but not THAT bad. My condulences to you.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

But then again, the gay Asian kid we all thought was gonna be an actor turned out to be a rapist. Who knew.
E-cards, the new and improved way to get in someones pants :thumbup:.



First Dragon Drop Ever On: February 7, 2009 at 11:45am. Dragon Spear from Black Dragon


"I'll take a hardware store over a gun any day. Guns make you stupid. Better to fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart."

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Hey guys and gals,


there's this girl that i talked a bit on the phone,my friend knows her,he told me he will hook me up with her,actually,today i did,but as soon as i almost arrived,her brother had to pick her up from the rendez vous and she messaged me saying i'm sorry i can't meet you today :S


Now i never seen her,and when i phone her sometimes she doesn't answer,i'm interested in seeing her,got tips?




Girls don't like when guys seem desperate, so try not to let her know that this bothers you. Why do you want to hook up with her right away anyways though? Give it a little time.




As for hanging out with her, make specific plans. Like time, date, what you are doing, who you'll be with, etc. Also try not to make it date-oriented because she'll know that you're only trying to get with her. Try to ask her to join you on a night out with your best friends or something.


But it's obviously that i want to be with her and she knows it..







Maybe that's exactly the problem? It's possible that she doesn't like you as much as you like her. Anyway, I think you've been given all the advice you need already. If she likes you after all, good for you. If she doesn't, meh, there are other girls out there.

Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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