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Small things that annoy you


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I hate it when noobs come up to me and I'm wielding/wearing something untradable. They ask me how I got it and I tell them, no problem there. They ask if they can buy it and I tell them it isn't tradable.


"Drop trade it then"


Even if it was tradable I would not sell it to you. What on Earth would make you think I'm willing to drop trade it to you?


Jagex isn't that stupid to have left drop trading in when they took out free trading. "Yes it still works" :wall:




Another thing about noobs is that they walk up to you thinking you're more than willing to patiently give them 3k every 15 minutes.




Edit: This happened to me just as I clicked the "Submit" button:


I'm trainning combat, and have been for the past half hour. Out of the blue this guys shows up and tries to steal the monsters when they respawn. Every time I beat him to it he gets mad because I'm stealing his monster.


But what made me REALLY wish I could reach into the computer screen and pull him out by the nose is that he said I should world hop. :wall: :wall:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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-Pkers who are too scared to BH so they Castle War PK. They basically ruin the game by actually not doing anything but owning noobs.


-People that whine about everything you do.


-Someone who knows you've been in that spot longer than them and desides to come and take it for the pure fact that their spot is a little worse.


-People who sit in Edge and the GE and do nothing they only increase the chance of lag.


-Rant Rallys.


-People who post HUGE HD pictures or lots of picture with no hide tags.


-Pointless Quests.


-'Friends' who beg to borrow your stuff after you saidno 10 times.


-People who post twice in the same thread close to the 1st post instead of editing their posts.




I'll think of more and EDIT my posts.

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670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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When somebody gets an achievement in Rate This, all their fans and buddies say the stupidest [cabbage] ever.








lulz epic failz 0/10 mudkipz wutwutwut

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-People signing their names. There's a signature for a reason


-People who think they're cool because they add y to the end of their words. EXAMPLE


-People that don't know anything about computers trying to give advice. DVCOUGHCOUGHD


-People who use this emote: <3:EXAMPLE


-People who used to quote multiple, multiple people. Learn to highlight and delete FFS.




I think that's about it. I'll be sure to find some other BS I can comlain about. :]




-People who think they're cool, if they started playing some game a few years before someone else. It doesn't make you look cooler, it should make you feel pretty pathetic when you realized those few years were probably your early teenage years that you wasted on some game.




[wagon] hats that complain about useless things.



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People that say things like "yarly" or "narly" and thinks it makes them so cool, brings me to my next one.




It drives me insane when people act cool, if you get your most of your self-esteem from playing runescape and using these forums and acting cool well...




The only reason i didn't write "get a life" is because then i would be hypocritical because when people say that it also drives me insane.




Also f2per's who think there sweet because they have never been a member and have 1200 total or something. Get members, its funner and better and thats why we play right? I understand if you decide to stay f2p because somehow you think it is funner or you or not allowed/can't afford members, but you dont have to wave it around like its your ticket to heaven!




There is many more but i dont have the time to list them all.

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- When after an update, some unhappy Scapers post on the RSOF (Or TIF) about quitting and mentioning all the crap about how they've been loyal to Runescape for the past so-and-so years, FFS if you want to quit... Just do it, you're not that big to be missed anyways.




- People signing their names after every post, its understandable on the RSOF but on TIF? I mean no offense, but either those people are being arrogant and thinking that is cool or you want attention.




- When random people create a TIF account just to post an advertisement or some crap and never log on again.




- People who complain how Runescape sukes without pking. Its been f'n 7 months already, GET OVER IT.




- Leet speak is fun when used for fun. But using it as your main internet language really pisses me off.




- Noobs spamming your pm with "PLZZZZZZZZZZ"








Break the Walls down!

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When some arsehat of a person says "Sad" when you pile on them, use prayer, or heal when fighting in C-Wars. I mean, Jesus...if you're a pure then I'm sorry for you not having prayer. :wall:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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On RuneScape


1. When a player REFUSES to try to even type properly (i.e. massive amounts of typos in almost EVERY word)


2. When a player INSISTS that a player moderator is actually a "creator," i.e. Jagex mod, even though they have a silver crown next to their name :wall:


3. When a player STATES that their "friend" or "relative" is level 200 and can beat the cabbage out of you :roll:


4. When a player ASKS you what are you stats (one or two is fine, but any more and they really need to start looking at high scores; they are there for a reason) :wall:


5. When a player SCREAMS that you're lying when you do state your stats (again, high score are there for a reason) :wall:


6. When a player REPORTS (or says they reported) you for not being their friend or not giving them free stuff


7. When a player SPAM requests for trade/assistance without even saying WHAT they desired to trade or needed assistance with, even AFTER the request is accepted :evil:


8. When a player BEGS for you to remove armour/weapons in BH/FOG to let them win easy... I'm not something to be mooched off of thanks


9. When a player LIES about their stats to make them look more better than you when clearly they're not


10. When a player TELLS you you ought to use this weapon, get members, work up certain skills, etc. (does not count good advice) Hey, it's my account, not yours! Go do that for your own account! :evil:


11. When a player on Fists of Guthix screams, "NO FAIR" when you're significantly higher when the game already reduces the stats to give everyone a chance to win regardless of combat level differences... Can't control how we get paired up, sorry folks




Enough of the player gripes... :P




12. The Big Fish random event that takes your fishing equipment away. Sometimes I don't notice quick enough and take a while before I can find my fishing gear again. :wall:


13. The Pinball random event. The uncontrollable camera, while its purpose is understandable, hurts my head


14. The Maze random event's new look hurts my eyes... I have to turn up the brightness on my laptop to see where I'm going, then turn it back down when I'm done :wall:


15. The Grab-the-Evil-Twin random event. Don't you hate it when you have the claw JUST above the evil twin, only to have the darn twin move before you could hit the red button? ARGH!!!


15. No empty space when you withdraw something in the middle of a row in the bank now. I have to constantly organize my bank now whenever I do withdraw a singular item




On the Forums


1. When a user refuses to try to even type properly (i.e. massive amounts of typos in almost EVERY word)


2. When a user purposely has a super long line that stretches out the screen + scroll bars (at least, on old boards, haven't seen this happen yet)


3. When a user doesn't hide their large images, resulting in stretched out boards + scroll bars




There's more... but I'll look like a serious whiner if I list more. :P Those are the main ones though.

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On RuneScape


1. When a player REFUSES to try to even type properly (i.e. massive amounts of typos in almost EVERY word)


2. When a player INSISTS that a player moderator is actually a "creator," i.e. Jagex mod, even though they have a silver crown next to their name :wall:


3. When a player STATES that their "friend" or "relative" is level 200 and can beat the cabbage out of you :roll:


4. When a player ASKS you what are you stats (one or two is fine, but any more and they really need to start looking at high scores; they are there for a reason) :wall:


5. When a player SCREAMS that you're lying when you do state your stats (again, high score are there for a reason) :wall:


6. When a player REPORTS (or says they reported) you for not being their friend or not giving them free stuff


7. When a player SPAM requests for trade/assistance without even saying WHAT they desired to trade or needed assistance with, even AFTER the request is accepted :evil:


8. When a player BEGS for you to remove armour/weapons in BH/FOG to let them win easy... I'm not something to be mooched off of thanks


9. When a player LIES about their stats to make them look more better than you when clearly they're not


10. When a player TELLS you you ought to use this weapon, get members, work up certain skills, etc. (does not count good advice) Hey, it's my account, not yours! Go do that for your own account! :evil:


11. When a player on Fists of Guthix screams, "NO FAIR" when you're significantly higher when the game already reduces the stats to give everyone a chance to win regardless of combat level differences... Can't control how we get paired up, sorry folks





Thats majority of F2P in a nutshell...a really big nutshell.

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Hmm... not sure if this would be considered a "small thing", but the fact it takes SO DAMN LONG to release quests continuing a series! It's been 3 years since Mourning's Ends Part II! Gah!! And just as long for Rise of the Red Axe. Who cares if the developers left. Have someone else do it. It's been done before and can be done again.







no seriously i hate people who quote long posts


the sandwich lady and other events that take u away (once got a maze when there was a clue on ground :wall: )


when a noob thats is a huge lv 70 tells your pure he can own you with his non-defense/summoning levels still being lower than yours!


BH it is the worst most [bleep]ing useless piece of crap ever to be invented


my bersker pure can only just wear a bersker helm and use a d scimmy to go into low creator so gets owned


but it needs to be 99 attack/streght to do any good in mid creator.


before with this account i could easily make 1mil an hour killing all the other useless 1defense pures


now when ever i go in everyone is a mage/range pure who ice blitz you then d bow/mage shorts you before i can even get near enough to rip through there defense level with a special :roll:


in the wildy these people would be constantly d bow barraged for being nubs -.-


so i really hate the level boundarys because my bersker prue atm in low creator to keep in there has to stick at lv 55 str which really is not gonna own any1 but no have a good bersker pure in middle creator ill need to level it to 110+ which would be 99str/attack and tbh i don't have that sort of time and anyway in middle creator everyone is 99range/defense and will dragonstone bolt you before u can get a fair fight in!


i don't want to fight you with range becuase i wanted to make a meele pure you idiot.


And i dont care if you have a party hat before i was hacked i had 10 times your wealth so shut it!


"z0mg you lie nub"


and those idiots with an iq below 50 (all true quotes)


"i want to use dragon(e) botls on metals because they hit high!" :wall:


"Rofl u noob u took 6 tries to get ur firecape with my awsome money i payed someone to do it and got mine first try"


"Omg i was at this spot an hour ago and you crashed it you nub!"


and the jagex support team!


how does it take mroe than 48 hours to sort out my lock request u stupid stupid losers

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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In RuneScape:


People who beg for stuff "can i kas 3k pliez?"


People who are like:"[insert skill here]level?",when someones waering a skillcape from that skill


People who cant get over the Wilderness pking removal and trade update


People who follow you endlessley(i have made a friend of that though)


People who steal spots


People who go mad if you attack That monster/lesser demon/ice giant/we/


People who are still advertising rwt websites


People who are like:"Whre is falador??" when you are in fally w/ that guy (i have a pic of it =P) Example:



99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Moved to Questionnaires.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
Proud TETAU Member 2006 - 2007 <3
"I had a standing agreement with god. I'd agree to believe in him, barely, so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays." - Rose Hathaway
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[wagon] hats that complain about useless things.


Hey bud, why don't you quote the other 50+ people on this thread?




I'm sure you're one of those people who do that Blogscape-Talk which is why you quoted me. :lol:




[hide=Quotes From That Kid]

^^^^Thx swagger/cabbage my lover^^^^^


Well this is my blog... yes I've finally made it please make sure to post or who knows what... will... happen? :ohnoes:


[hide=mah intro]


I'm 13 years old


You can also help by posting on my blog and keeping it bumped. \'




You're dumb tbh


Why must you nub 99 rc + 99 summoners (erad <3: ) keep rubbing it in my face? 10/10 >.<


OMG HI! ILU Swaggeh and welcome back <3: oh hi failure.. <3:


lulz soupy you nubbeh


Turning 18 in the U.S. is [bleep] stupid... Oooo let's go vote!!!!
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bah. first my thread is moved to die in questionnaires and then the name is changed! its called "small things that piss you off!" these things dont annoy me, they piss me off!




you've taken my thread's life, at least leave it the name.

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[hide=ForsakenMage's Post]
On RuneScape


1. When a player REFUSES to try to even type properly (i.e. massive amounts of typos in almost EVERY word)


2. When a player INSISTS that a player moderator is actually a "creator," i.e. Jagex mod, even though they have a silver crown next to their name :wall:


3. When a player STATES that their "friend" or "relative" is level 200 and can beat the cabbage out of you :roll:


4. When a player ASKS you what are you stats (one or two is fine, but any more and they really need to start looking at high scores; they are there for a reason) :wall:


5. When a player SCREAMS that you're lying when you do state your stats (again, high score are there for a reason) :wall:


6. When a player REPORTS (or says they reported) you for not being their friend or not giving them free stuff


7. When a player SPAM requests for trade/assistance without even saying WHAT they desired to trade or needed assistance with, even AFTER the request is accepted :evil:


8. When a player BEGS for you to remove armour/weapons in BH/FOG to let them win easy... I'm not something to be mooched off of thanks


9. When a player LIES about their stats to make them look more better than you when clearly they're not


10. When a player TELLS you you ought to use this weapon, get members, work up certain skills, etc. (does not count good advice) Hey, it's my account, not yours! Go do that for your own account! :evil:


11. When a player on Fists of Guthix screams, "NO FAIR" when you're significantly higher when the game already reduces the stats to give everyone a chance to win regardless of combat level differences... Can't control how we get paired up, sorry folks


[/hide]Thats majority of F2P in a nutshell...a really big nutshell.
Yea pretty much I guess lol. And yet I'm still pure F2P... :P




But at least the random event ones I'm sure P2Pers can relate with...

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