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Interview today, Time to make Apple wanna hire me and dress hipster because we all know hipsters (genre) get Apple products and work there.


All you have to do is be super energetic and friendly with a decent knowledge of their products and you're solid. Oh, and love to clap.

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?

Nope. My parents decided to be "creative" with my name and as a result, I'm now the only Q'Vontes (You just pronounced it wrong) in the world. The name gives a person a much different impression of who I really am...

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?

Nope. My parents decided to be "creative" with my name and as a result, I'm now the only Q'Vontes (You just pronounced it wrong) in the world. The name gives a person a much different impression of who I really am...


How do you pronouce that? I'm saying Que-vough-tuhs in my head

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?

Nope. My parents decided to be "creative" with my name and as a result, I'm now the only Q'Vontes (You just pronounced it wrong) in the world. The name gives a person a much different impression of who I really am...


How do you pronouce that? I'm saying Que-vough-tuhs in my head



It's not as bad as a girl I know named Abcde, pronounced "Absidy".

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I started posting on Forum Games.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?

Nope. My parents decided to be "creative" with my name and as a result, I'm now the only Q'Vontes (You just pronounced it wrong) in the world. The name gives a person a much different impression of who I really am...


How do you pronouce that? I'm saying Que-vough-tuhs in my head



It's not as bad as a girl I know named Abcde, pronounced "Absidy".

Absidy sounds more like an alcohol then a person's name in general. :P


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I got a warning in Spanish because I have a C. This is solely due to the fact that 10% of the grade is homework (which I did all of) and 90% is tests/quizzes (of which there have been 4). [bleep] tests and quizzes, and [bleep] lazy teachers.

PM me for fitocracy invite

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Finally bought that Asus G53SW-A1. Costs me around $1300 CAD but should last me the 5 years I want it to last, even though right now it is a bit overkill for college.

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I was thinking "Kih Vohn Tase"


guess I was wrong. Lol @ abcde being a name.


Downloaded some new rock band songs and the Battlefield 3 beta. Kept me entertained all day. Probably not tomorrow though. Only one map makes for redundant game play :thumbdown:




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I got a warning in Spanish because I have a C. This is solely due to the fact that 10% of the grade is homework (which I did all of) and 90% is tests/quizzes (of which there have been 4). [bleep] tests and quizzes, and [bleep] lazy teachers.


I joined my Spanish class early, and she waived all the assignments I didn't do (even the one's I was there for). So I have 100% despite not doing half of the homework, which is 33%. I love dumb teachers.

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I think battlefield games last too long. I got the beta, I run it at a good framerate on all high at 1080p, but it kinda gets boring after a while and the match isn't even over yet.

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One of my steam files got corrupted, now it won't load. I checked the FAQ and it said to delete all files except Steam[Caution: Executable File] and the Steamappdata (or something like that), but I don't know which file is the Steam[Caution: Executable File], so I don't want to delete it by accident... :unsure: I WANT TO PLAY TERRARIA DANG IT.



Delete what I've highlighted in this pic.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Cut-n-paste from Steam because I cba re-typing.


Raven ♪: only 4 other's to compete against

Raven ♪: dressed casually and hipster-ish like all of the workers look like in there

Raven ♪: answered all the shiz, kept confident

Raven ♪: and I hilariously pissed off a green P-Plater trying to race me in a new model XR6 against my old bodgy (dads) XR6

Raven ♪: I love it when morons buy big engine cars and cant drive it right



TL;DR- went really well and I find out tomorrow sometime. Only downside was the gate to the carpark from inside the shops closed before I finished, I had to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND to get to the car. 1.5km walk...


Still, the exercise prob do me well. Im also signed up to a GYM now.


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We have a flat :D


Now I really need a summer job, but I live in the middle of nowhere and even if I get a liscence the fuels gonna cost me a crapton which sucks.


My life had been pretty dull since last friday, I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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