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Day 3 of being back to work starts soon. Do not want. <_<


It's going to be the first day my girlfriend and I work together though, so that'll be interesting...

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I remember getting oxycodone and hydrocodone after getting my wisdom teeth pulled.

Man, it seems like I had the easiest wisdom tooth removal experience ever. Everyone I know who's had it done talks of being in bed for a day, and taking tylenol 3's/oxycodone and being unable to do anything.


I was completely fine 5 minutes later, didn't even need tylenol. Maybe I had weak teeth...

Lucky you! I was bedridden until the following day. I also had problems with the clots that formed, which gave me massive headaches. And I also had to do shit for football was sedated and in pain (my coach made me max out on bench, which caused me to start bleeding from my mouth a shit ton). It might have been because the roots to my teeth had touched the main nerve line that runs through the bottom of your gums. Yours might not have yet. They caught mine kinda late.


I really need to stop waking up at 11 everyday.

Tell me about it. Which means I really need to start going to bed at like, 10pm instead of 2am. It sucks waking up with half the day gone.


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I've been getting up between 2 and 4pm every day. I need to start getting up before noon again.


NYE was going to be spent at my aunt's house at her annual party but she isn't having it this year because not enough people show up. Last year there was at least 20 people in her house... which isn't that big. So I'll probably be alone.

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Highest view:post ratio on the first page: Post Pictures of Your Pets!


Bored, so I calculated all the ratios. Following that is Advertise your thing here. Then Hot celebrities/models!! :) Post them here!! (which makes sense)


Of course, this isn't counting sees' "The $250,000 car" thread. :P


In conclusion: TIF is a pet loving community. :3


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Woke up at 2:49PM. Logged into RS. My membership had expired.


Tried to renew it, but apparently the $20 of prepaid time on my phone isn't enough for RS because it says there is no prepaid time on my phone.


So I thought 'okay, I'll just log in on my other account.' 10 minutes of trying to remember the email I used later, I get the message "Too many incorrect logins have occurred from your address. Please wait 5 minutes and try again."


Now the only thing I can do is..


READ! :ohnoes:


Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature!

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inb4 runescape_in_my_ot.jpg


Come on, reading isn't that bad...

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Meh, it's how I spent my day. I wouldn't have posted about RS if it was just "Logged in, played 'Scape, slept."


I know it's not that bad, but it isn't how I had planned to spend the day <_<


Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature!

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Family are planning to go camping on New Years Day for 3 days, like hell im going with them. past 3 days my old man has done nothing but snap and snark at me like everything im doing is wrong, as if I reversed his car into a river. And then as soon as I say something, he guilt trips me with the classical "mid-life crisis old man" moment.


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Speaking of reading, bought my girlfriend her Christmas gift to give her when we get back from break (The 2nd and 3rd books of the Hunger Games series, she started the first one and is getting really into it). Also ate at Five Guys for the first time. The burger was unimpressive, but god-tier Cajun fries. Then I walked home and got stopped by Mormons on bikes, which is kinda funny considering I've been in Utah for like 4 days and it's already happened. Then I just now ordered an album (Jesu - Silver EP) and now I'm pretty much done for the day.

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Speaking of books, I'm wondering if anyone here can help me find a particular book. I checked it out over the summer, and I really liked it, but I forgot the name, so when I tried to recommend it to someone, I couldn't really do so. The book itself is a collection of short stories, all by the same person I believe, which reimagine the tales of Odysseus, both the fall of Troy and his return home. One of the stories, for example, had Odysseus skip out on the actual fighting in the Trojan War however he could. One day he snuck away, became a bard, and told stories of the war with him as the hero instead of the real heroes around him. Then he returned home and basked in the glory of his supposed greatness.


Does that seem familiar to anyone? I could not for the life of me find it via Google, and the library doesn't keep a record of the books you check out, sadly.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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For my stats class there were two mid terms, three assignments, and a final. The teacher said if you get a higher mark on the final than both of your midterms then only the final will count. First midterm I got a 68 and the average was a 67. Second midterm I got a 49 and the average was a 54. On the final I managed to get an 84 and the average was 66. Finished the class with an 85 (got a 98, 94, and 85 on the three assignments). Woo!



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Speaking of books, I'm wondering if anyone here can help me find a particular book. I checked it out over the summer, and I really liked it, but I forgot the name, so when I tried to recommend it to someone, I couldn't really do so. The book itself is a collection of short stories, all by the same person I believe, which reimagine the tales of Odysseus, both the fall of Troy and his return home. One of the stories, for example, had Odysseus skip out on the actual fighting in the Trojan War however he could. One day he snuck away, became a bard, and told stories of the war with him as the hero instead of the real heroes around him. Then he returned home and basked in the glory of his supposed greatness.


Does that seem familiar to anyone? I could not for the life of me find it via Google, and the library doesn't keep a record of the books you check out, sadly.

That seems awfully familiar, I think we were required to read it in high school, but I can't for the life of me remember it.

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Speaking of books, I'm wondering if anyone here can help me find a particular book. I checked it out over the summer, and I really liked it, but I forgot the name, so when I tried to recommend it to someone, I couldn't really do so. The book itself is a collection of short stories, all by the same person I believe, which reimagine the tales of Odysseus, both the fall of Troy and his return home. One of the stories, for example, had Odysseus skip out on the actual fighting in the Trojan War however he could. One day he snuck away, became a bard, and told stories of the war with him as the hero instead of the real heroes around him. Then he returned home and basked in the glory of his supposed greatness.


Does that seem familiar to anyone? I could not for the life of me find it via Google, and the library doesn't keep a record of the books you check out, sadly.

That seems awfully familiar, I think we were required to read it in high school, but I can't for the life of me remember it.

I don't remember reading anything like that. The only closest thing to "a series of short stories" is the Cadbury Tales we read...but that's not about Odysseus.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Also, I had to check that I was indeed on the today thread and not a reading thread at one point there. And I too missed the "at" in the 5 guys comment the first time, but I only had to get one word past it before my eyes went back and found the missing word so that was moderately less creepy than it could have been.


Time to shower, maybe post on here again, watch some flashpoint and go to sleep. About bloody time the 31st arrived :cool:

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Just realised, I've seen my mate twice since I left my new shirt in his car, and he still [bleep]ing has it in his car. icon_cry.gif


Apart from that, looking forward to drinking on the riverbank tomorrow night for NYE.

I was going to come but Im spending NYE w/Joel since I havent seen him in 3 weeks. Also how're you driving home if you're all on your P's and drinking? O_o


Crashing at a mate's place.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Stopped by a store and bought myself some deodorant (the stuff I have doesn't smell all that great to me, but they didn't have the kind I like up at school). Also bought a charcoal long sleeve shirt and a nice red sweater.


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Went to buy a 26oz of rum for NYE, probably going to drink it all as well (well, rum and coke, and very strong) like I did 2 years ago. Apparently I didn't even appear that drunk, and that surprised me when I was told that, I remember all of it and I remember being drunk like I had never been as well. I'll see what happens I guess. I never drink like that, but when it's NYE I always drink more than what I usually do in parties like that. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that it's at a party that one of my friends does each year, and it got pretty big in the last years with over 30 people at the party.


Also, I haven't seen Nadril in a while.

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About to leave for the NYE party I'm going to. Make sure you stay classy tonight OT, don't drink too many bears.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I'll be sure to crack open a bear just for you, Ouchy.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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