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National Day here today. Apparently the parade cost them a few million US. Heard a few rumors that the fireworks alone cost around 1m. So stupid...


WOW.... I live about 14-16km from where the parade is. Just went outside for a smoke and i can actually see the fireworks. It's insane. It's been going on for 15 minutes now. It's insane.

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Went Christmas shopping. Spent a ton of money (for a poor college student that is). Bought my dad super expensive socks, even with my 20% discount it was still more than $10 a pair. Bought my ex something, I'm not going to see her until after Christmas though even though she said we would see each other on Sunday. Oh well.


All in all a pretty good day though.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Went Christmas shopping. Spent a ton of money (for a poor college student that is). Bought my dad super expensive socks, even with my 20% discount it was still more than $10 a pair. Bought my ex something, I'm not going to see her until after Christmas though even though she said we would see each other on Sunday. Oh well.


All in all a pretty good day though.

Did you mention that just so we could question it?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Went Christmas shopping. Spent a ton of money (for a poor college student that is). Bought my dad super expensive socks, even with my 20% discount it was still more than $10 a pair. Bought my ex something, I'm not going to see her until after Christmas though even though she said we would see each other on Sunday. Oh well.


All in all a pretty good day though.

Did you mention that just so we could question it?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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If anyone has any recollection about my last night it would be welcome.

Last thing I remember was tequila shots, and next thing I woke up in my bed.

In the meanwhile I had tweeted about being thrown out of somewhere and about how some dude was a douche.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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If anyone has any recollection about my last night it would be welcome.

Last thing I remember was tequila shots, and next thing I woke up in my bed.

In the meanwhile I had tweeted about being thrown out of somewhere and about how some dude was a douche.


How do you let yourself black out so much? I've blacked out three times in my life and I've hated myself the next day every time for all of the memories I missed out on. I don't see how you can keep doing that as often as you seem to...


Anyways, my last exam is in 45 minutes, then I'm packing up and FINALLY heading home. I'm seeing Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar tonight and I could not be more excited to finally have a break from all this studying.

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If anyone has any recollection about my last night it would be welcome.

Last thing I remember was tequila shots, and next thing I woke up in my bed.

In the meanwhile I had tweeted about being thrown out of somewhere and about how some dude was a douche.


How do you let yourself black out so much? I've blacked out three times in my life and I've hated myself the next day every time for all of the memories I missed out on. I don't see how you can keep doing that as often as you seem to...


Anyways, my last exam is in 45 minutes, then I'm packing up and FINALLY heading home. I'm seeing Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar tonight and I could not be more excited to finally have a break from all this studying.


How is one excited to see Kenye West?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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If anyone has any recollection about my last night it would be welcome.

Last thing I remember was tequila shots, and next thing I woke up in my bed.

In the meanwhile I had tweeted about being thrown out of somewhere and about how some dude was a douche.

Sounds like my last friday. I may or may not be allowed back into McFaddens...I also may or may not have thrown up on or next to my professor. All I know is I finally grasped sobriety again 2 hours later about 8 blocks from where I started




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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How is one excited to see Kenye West?



I can't figure out if you've never actually listened to his music and are judging him based on his media persona or if you are just an elitist [wagon].


I am all 3 my good sir.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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How is one excited to see Kenye West?



I can't figure out if you've never actually listened to his music and are judging him based on his media persona or if you are just an elitist [wagon].


I am all 3 my good sir.



Why bother? All elitism does is piss other people off. It won't get you any respect from anyone who isn't insecure enough to look up to somebody like that.

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Sounds like my last friday. I may or may not be allowed back into McFaddens...I also may or may not have thrown up on or next to my professor. All I know is I finally grasped sobriety again 2 hours later about 8 blocks from where I started

I'll admit that I'm far from an expert when it comes to social situations, but isn't this (usually) not a good thing?

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Most people who go out of their way to whine about Kanye West are usually either racist old people or people who've never listened to his music beyond "Gold Digger" on the radio a couple times.


I'm really jealous, Kalphite, I still listen to Yeezus (and MDBTF, on that note) regularly. I wanted to see the Yeezus tour when he came to Seattle in October, but by the time I heard about it all the tickets were pretty much sold out. I saw a setlist online somewhere and it looked amazing, have fun!

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Sounds like my last friday. I may or may not be allowed back into McFaddens...I also may or may not have thrown up on or next to my professor. All I know is I finally grasped sobriety again 2 hours later about 8 blocks from where I started


I'll admit that I'm far from an expert when it comes to social situations, but isn't this (usually) not a good thing?

I never said it was a good thing lol. Infact I was going to try to get him to sign a letter of recommendation to grad school for me but now I might have to bank on someone else :/




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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How is one excited to see Kenye West?



I can't figure out if you've never actually listened to his music and are judging him based on his media persona or if you are just an elitist [wagon].


I am all 3 my good sir.



Why bother? All elitism does is piss other people off. It won't get you any respect from anyone who isn't insecure enough to look up to somebody like that.





Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I have a confession. I think Yeezus, on a whole, is awful. There are like 3 decent songs and the rest are exceedingly bad lyrically and production-wise. I really don't get why everyone (*cough*p4k) is so on Kanye's dick. I wouldn't even put it in top 5 hip-hop releases of the year, never mind top 5 albums. MDBTF was a solid 9 in my opinion though.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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it's weird, i really like yeezus but i have no idea how i would begin to explain why i do.


wanna talk about shit 2013 rap albums, cage is now 2 for 2 in terrible recent album releases


i can;t really think of more 2013 rap albums... run the jewels was pretty good i guess. canibus maybe? aaaa


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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I have a confession. I think Yeezus, on a whole, is awful. There are like 3 decent songs and the rest are exceedingly bad lyrically and production-wise. I really don't get why everyone (*cough*p4k) is so on Kanye's dick. I wouldn't even put it in top 5 hip-hop releases of the year, never mind top 5 albums. MDBTF was a solid 9 in my opinion though.

It grew on me a lot. I never thought it was awful, but I just thought it was pretty "meh" my first handful of listens. Once I looked past tracks like Black Skinhead and On Sight (which I still enjoy), I found the second half of the album to be less abrasive and really well put together musically. Blood on the Leaves and Hold My Liquor are my current favorite tracks.


As for the lyrics being bad, well, I couldn't really argue with you that much, if only because I don't really care all that much about lyrics when I'm listening to hip-hop/rap. I dislike listening to most "conscious rap" and similar styles because I think it often times uses political messages and such as an excuse to be incredibly boring to listen to, but that's a whole other discussion.


other favorite albums of the year: Old, BetterOffDead, Trap Lord, Long Live A$AP

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