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So at the beginning of the month, a friend of mine had to be out of school due to the chicken pox. There had been an outbreak at my school.


After she came back, the second day of her return she had to leave again because of the outbreak making a comeback, it had been controlled but then it spread again.


I just cant believe all the work she has missed, plus first quarter is ending on next Friday.


Being sick sucks.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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My math teacher gave me a cowboy hat, so I walked around in a cowboy hat today.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Rendering my latest mix. That'll be three I still haven't put up on myspace, one of which posted and then removed because I thought I should make it better, and another I dedicated to some twins for their birthday, which is why I gave it to them first.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Today I got a 90% on a Precalc quiz that I thought I failed (fall asleep halfway through and did the rest half-asleep). It was a pleasant surprise :D



I had a science test today, I think I got around a 90% hopefully. There were only a few questions I didn't know.


Also got our history tests today and I got a 98%

A lot of people in my class failed that test and I have no idea how, it was really easy.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Today was my birthday, along with the birthdays of two friends of mine :twss:

One of them was sick though :( . But we called her and put it on speakerphone, then sang happy birthday to her in psychology class!

The other girl who shares the birthday with me baked these AMAZING strawberry cookies and cupcakes and gave me a plate and gave other people a bunch too. Then we had an early release day in school.


Then I got home and from my dad and stepmom I got a new iPod Nano (16GB, orange), which I couldn't be more excited about as my old iPod died about 6 months ago and i've been dieing without it ever since, along with a nice case for it. All in all, a great birthday!

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Happy birthday Maleficus!


I just had a guitar practise, the guy who's playing the same part as me SUCKS. -_-;;




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Got done playing quarters with my brother. One of my knuckles is bleeding pretty badly. But all of his knuckles were bleeding slightly.


I also have mouth wash on my balls and it hurts like a [bleep]. Dont ask.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I also have mouth wash on my balls and it hurts like a [bleep]. Dont ask.






Eh.. today hmm. Classes like normal, had no English so it was pretty nice. Was really happy though, in my color correction class we were not only getting back the assignment we had done the other day but were working on a new project. The assignment I got back I managed to get an OK on the first go around (100%) and didn't have to correct anything on it. Was awesome because it was a really tough correction and most had to re-do it.


Then the assignment we got was pretty difficult. We had to color correct the background, change the color of the peoples clothing and remove the red-eye. Now there are easy ways to change the clothing, but instead he had us do it the hard way. We adjusted the curves values for the C yan, Magenta, Yellow and Black channels (with a mask or selection on the clothing item) and had to specifically use the curves tool to adjust each color to match the correct pantone color he wanted us to. Needless to say a lot of us were really confused, even after he had demonstrated it. I sort of messed with it for a bit, and near the end of the class the teacher (who has been teaching for probably 40 years) walked over to where I was to sort of comment on/talk to the person next to me. He told them that that color probably wouldn't fly on theirs (keep in mind the person next to me is a good bit older than me and has worked in the business before) and then he turned around to me and said that it should look more like mine, and he had asked me if I had done this sort of thing before (I really haven't, I've messed with curves but barely have ever touched various channels -- let alone editing them). It was a pretty awesome compliment I thought, especially considering how lost I thought I was.



Also downloading the Windows 7 retail version I preordered now. Great way to spend $30 :)

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For some reason I'm coming on TIF less and less and warding towards the PS3 and Xbox. Oh well, I'm not sad hehe.


I also have mouth wash on my balls and it hurts like a [bleep]. Dont ask.

How can you say don't ask? Makes us wonder how the hell that happened. haha, sounds like quite a predicament.



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I also have mouth wash on my balls and it hurts like a [bleep]. Dont ask.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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School, and that's about it. Got the Sennheiser headphones I ordered and the Evita CD I placed an order for. Surprised I got them because there's a nationwide postal strike on right now.


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I wrote about 4 sentences of my English paper in the past two hours. At this rate I won't even be finished when it's time to turn it in. :lol:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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