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I have a tendency to assume that everyone here is over 16. :wall:


Anyway, things are getting busier for me now. I've got to juggle 2 core topics and about 6 tasks every 3 months now.


Hopefully I'll get something of an equivalized D average. No not as in A,B,C,D.


Like F,P,C,D,HD.


You'll love it when you dont get "marks" but instead just pass or fail.


Or if you're good, credits and above. Still, I do get marks back for some topics.

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Happy birthday pie :)

Can I call you Jack? istp/pie seems weird.

At least you read my name right in the first place, some people think it's "isolated pie" or "is to let the pie" or something like that.


Yeah you can call me whatever you want, Jack is fine. As long as I can call you Harry, Omar, Harry/Omar, or Harrymar at my choosing.



Oh, happy birthday Jack :D


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I.. had a weird day, went to College as usual, wasted 'cause I've stayed awake all night, got hugged randomly in the caffeteria by some random dude (was creepy...) and now I'm posting on teh tip it forums. God further maths is a crappy course, thinking of dropping it with a Emerging grade of E and really boring work. I dunno, I guess I'll post when someone replies to this topic.


Actually, quick question, how many people in Colleges/Schools hug eachother (same sex) as a symbol of friendship? Apparently it happens alot in the states, even as a greeting, weird stuffz.

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Actually, quick question, how many people in Colleges/Schools hug eachother (same sex) as a symbol of friendship? Apparently it happens alot in the states, even as a greeting, weird stuffz.


Lots of girls do.. not so much guys though. There was even a whole board talking about how a school was banned from hugging /'touching' a while ago.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Happens all the time with girls here, not so much with guys. It's not a big deal though, I've got a friend who gives people hugs all the time. But those are usually what he calls sneak hugs where he jumps out and hugs someone walking by.


Funniest when it's a random person, especially if it's a freshman.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Today I was rushed to the hospital by EMS from school. I have plurasies, Bronchitus, and a bruised left lung. I get the rest of the week off from school.

Dude. How did that happen?? :blink:


Today I went to college and stuff, my last lesson was great. I had Sociology and we had these two Hare Krishna men in to talk about their religion and stuff since we're starting New Religious Movements. They looked a bit weird, with the bald head and robes and everything, but they were really nice and informative. I learned a lot. The best was at the end when they did the Hare Krishna chant and got us all to chant and they were banging on a drum like and they got a few of our class and our teacher to dance. The most hilarious thing I've ever seen XD I'd have recorded it if I could have got my phone working :angry: I'm going to find it on YouTube or Facebook somewhere. It was seriously awesome XD


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Today I was rushed to the hospital by EMS from school. I have plurasies, Bronchitus, and a bruised left lung. I get the rest of the week off from school.


Sounds painful, hope you get better soon. But hey, you get a week off school.

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Today I was rushed to the hospital by EMS from school. I have plurasies, Bronchitus, and a bruised left lung. I get the rest of the week off from school.

Dude. How did that happen?? :blink:


Today I went to college and stuff, my last lesson was great. I had Sociology and we had these two Hare Krishna men in to talk about their religion and stuff since we're starting New Religious Movements. They looked a bit weird, with the bald head and robes and everything, but they were really nice and informative. I learned a lot. The best was at the end when they did the Hare Krishna chant and got us all to chant and they were banging on a drum like and they got a few of our class and our teacher to dance. The most hilarious thing I've ever seen XD I'd have recorded it if I could have got my phone working :angry: I'm going to find it on YouTube or Facebook somewhere. It was seriously awesome XD


I honestly don't know how it happened. It was sudden. Now I am on Vicodin and other meds for awhile. At least I get a lot of time to post on tif :) I apparently passed-out in the hallway then I was rushed to hospital. I don;t remember anything.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Today I was rushed to the hospital by EMS from school. I have plurasies, Bronchitus, and a bruised left lung. I get the rest of the week off from school.

Dude. How did that happen?? :blink:


Today I went to college and stuff, my last lesson was great. I had Sociology and we had these two Hare Krishna men in to talk about their religion and stuff since we're starting New Religious Movements. They looked a bit weird, with the bald head and robes and everything, but they were really nice and informative. I learned a lot. The best was at the end when they did the Hare Krishna chant and got us all to chant and they were banging on a drum like and they got a few of our class and our teacher to dance. The most hilarious thing I've ever seen XD I'd have recorded it if I could have got my phone working :angry: I'm going to find it on YouTube or Facebook somewhere. It was seriously awesome XD


I honestly don't know how it happened. It was sudden. Now I am on Vicodin and other meds for awhile. At least I get a lot of time to post on tif :) I apparently passed-out in the hallway then I was rushed to hospital. I don;t remember anything.

Damn that must be scary, I guess it's good being off school though :P Have they not diagnosed it or anything? Something serious like that can't just be nothing.


You know I really want to be on Vicodin some day, that same day I'll buy a cane and go around pretending to be Gregory House :P


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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You have to start small and build you're way up to full blown addict. It will come with time. :lol:

Yay for drug addiction.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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They put me on oxycodone when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, which is apparently stronger than vicodin. It didn't make me tired... to be honest, it didn't do [cabbage] >.>

It still hurt?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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They put me on oxycodone when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, which is apparently stronger than vicodin. It didn't make me tired... to be honest, it didn't do [cabbage] >.>

It still hurt?

A lot... It was the worst pain I felt in my life

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They put me on oxycodone when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, which is apparently stronger than vicodin. It didn't make me tired... to be honest, it didn't do [cabbage] >.>

It still hurt?

A lot... It was the worst pain I felt in my life

That sucks so much. The first time I got my top gums lasered the tylenol took forever to kick in and it hurt really badly. But when I got my bottom gums lasered I asked for something strong and I got vicodin and I didn't feel a thing. It was awesome.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Actually, quick question, how many people in Colleges/Schools hug eachother (same sex) as a symbol of friendship? Apparently it happens alot in the states, even as a greeting, weird stuffz.

I do it all the time.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Actually, quick question, how many people in Colleges/Schools hug eachother (same sex) as a symbol of friendship? Apparently it happens alot in the states, even as a greeting, weird stuffz.

I do it all the time.

I wish I could get a hug from someone with an awesome fro. That'd make my day.

I had an alright day, nothing big happened, school's starting to slow down.

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So... starting from about 1 am which was when my day started.


It was the night (morning) of our first engineering prank. 25 students, 1500 balloons... and a plan. We organized into our teams. Myself and the other team leaders collected our supply kits (250 balloons, latex gloves, purple paint, baby powder, floor plans highlighting every camera and motion detector in the building). We broke off into groups and went downstairs, avoiding the camera in the main lobby. A guy on the first floor volunteered to let us use his window to exit the building so we were never seen leaving. We exited the building in small groups and then met in an empty lecture hall in another building where we were given last minute instructions, and made sure everyone was on the same page.

Finally we were ready to go, and my team (B) left with team A because our targets were right beside each other. We got to the building (the biggest building on campus) where we were let in by a guy who had been hiding inside all night. We ran up to the 6th floor and set up in a washroom that was right beside our target, the elevator. We blew up 250-300 balloons, some of which were filled with paint, baby powder, and other random items. We then tied together a bunch of the balloons to form a net that would go in front of the elevator door and hold them all in. Once we were ready, we grabbed our balloons and ran to the elevator. We called it, held the door open, and then filled it with balloons. Literally. Full to the top, and the same thing was happening to every other elevator in the entire building.

We were in the building for well over an hour, being quite loud, and none of us got caught. Slightly worrying how easy it was to do something like that but whatever - it was a huge success other than the results later that day. The caretakers got there early and had it pretty much cleaned out by the time students were arriving. A few of the elevators were still out of order until around noon though.


I then got a few hours of sleep before I had to go to class... which was... not fun.

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I've been putting off doing homework all day. I missed 2 midterms last week so I'll have to make them up in the next few days.

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They put me on oxycodone when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, which is apparently stronger than vicodin. It didn't make me tired... to be honest, it didn't do [cabbage] >.>

It still hurt?

A lot... It was the worst pain I felt in my life

That sucks so much. The first time I got my top gums lasered the tylenol took forever to kick in and it hurt really badly. But when I got my bottom gums lasered I asked for something strong and I got vicodin and I didn't feel a thing. It was awesome.

I got put on painkillers when I got my wisdom teeth out, they helped a lot the first day, but by the second I just used Tylenol.


On a related note, went to the orthodontist after school today. NO MORE RUBBER BANDS@@@@ Should be 2 and a half to 3 months 'til I get braces off for good.


Also, I bought some $45 headphones. They're not the greatest, but I like them a hell of a lot more than earbuds.


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