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Got a double header for baseball. Versus our rival school. We better win.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Hm, eating some dinner atm.


Might buy a used chassi (Sonata III), waiting on some photos from the seller.


Otherwise not much, been listening to old Metallica albums all day.




Well, gonna make some coffee.




Edit: Ah right, started playing RS again yesterday after 5 months absence.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Realized that, depending on where I work and what I work on, I could make anywhere between $40,000-$200,000 a year working at Cirque du Soleil :shock:




Unfortunately they get nearly 4,000 applicants per year. Man..

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I just spent the last 15 mins shouting at some [bleep]tard chavvy kids about 12/13 year old all complete douchebags who knocked on the door and asked to go on the trampoline. They don't take [bleep]ing no for an answer.




I had this problem at the weekend but at least when I shouted 'OY [bleep] OFF OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE' they left, these are persistent little [bleep]ers. GRRRR *a'splodes*




Not just that but I'm alone in the house and I'm a whimp :?


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Today I was assured I would have an apartment next year at a decent price after listening to a very cheesy sales pitch. I also started drawing up plans to build a wine rack/shelf to store 21-27 wine bottles (I haven't decided the exact number yet), 48 beer bottles, and 4 1 gallon carboys. I'll probably build it out of reclaimed lumber, but it'll inevitably depend on what I have access to. My other option is building a standalone wine rack to go in a large closet and creating a shelf to store equipment in. I have plenty of time to decide though, since I won't be using it until August!




Edit: What I'm basing the wine rack part of my piece of furniture on:




Dimensions: 23" high x 17" wide x 11" deep

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Went to internship today, I moved the auditorum's chairs back......3 times. Only when I was done my mentor's helper changed them all back to HOW I HAD IT THE FIRST TIME! :wall: Then I had to move all the furniture back to the central area as they just had their floors cleaned, I move it all back and start to reconnect the computer, I connect it all back and attempt to push the block computer part through the back the desk, only to find out it had to opening. I felt like a [wagon] and it had to stay out on the side the computer :evil: . Then I left around 3:00 est. We are suppose to be at it from 1:30 -5:00 EST but our mentor lets us leave any time ::'


Which is epic.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I think something is wrong.




[hide=Track]Everyday for the past month I have been running to get ready for track meets. I do the 400 meter (one lap). This last week in practice we've been going hard (next Saturday is our first meet), and every day we have ran at least 5k's, usually more, sometimes a lot more. Today is my first day in a week off, and there is another full week of practice.




To the point....my legs are killing me. I am sore everywhere. The main three problems are my right ankle, my left [wagon] cheek (lol), and the main one is this area on my left foot- it' the top part, mostly on the right side of the top. It's hard to explain so I'll just say the top of my foot aches.




I tweaked my ankle first, and that lead to the glute (I put more weight on my left side because of the lame right ankle). Could the more weight also have led to the pains in my left upper foot? I haven't felt really good running in 3-4 days. That is bad. What should I do? Thanks.[/hide]




Tomorrow I am getting timed individually in the 400 tomorrow. (My coach never times 400, and I'll be by myself). Whooo this is intense, like a real race. I am feeling pretty good, but my left butt muscle still aches when I run. I'm not trying to be funny how do I help this?

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I think I figured out why the taps (faucets or whatever the hell you Americans call them) in my bathroom sink smell like medicine today. I always like run water then put my mouth near the water to drink (too lazy for a cup) and I kept noticing the cold tap smelt like medicine really. Then today I noticed that there's a nice little ring of green mouldy stuff around the bottom of the tap so that might explain it. :lol:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Watching South Park - haven't seen this show in months. Everybody's turning into vampires?!?! Reminds me of Twilight.. :lol:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Watching South Park - haven't seen this show in months. Everybody's turning into vampires?!?! Reminds me of Twilight.. :lol:


I watched it too :)

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I think I figured out why the taps (faucets or whatever the hell you Americans call them) in my bathroom sink smell like medicine today. I always like run water then put my mouth near the water to drink (too lazy for a cup) and I kept noticing the cold tap smelt like medicine really. Then today I noticed that there's a nice little ring of green mouldy stuff around the bottom of the tap so that might explain it. :lol:


Lick it.


Lick it.


Lick it.

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Schooling, working out, coming home, avoiding my homework, since Spring Break is three days away. I am excited. :)




Too bad I don't have 1 or 2 weeks off, it would be nice to talk to you again :(


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I think I figured out why the taps (faucets or whatever the hell you Americans call them) in my bathroom sink smell like medicine today. I always like run water then put my mouth near the water to drink (too lazy for a cup) and I kept noticing the cold tap smelt like medicine really. Then today I noticed that there's a nice little ring of green mouldy stuff around the bottom of the tap so that might explain it. :lol:


Lick it.


Lick it.


Lick it.


No way :lol: Maybe after the Easter holidays but not right now :lol:




Damn I'm going to be tempted whenever I see it now >.<




Oh yeah today these people were in my college. They had a bed and were promoting like... sex protection and [cabbage]. So now everybody's going around with wristbands saying 'Get respect, get a condom'. It's very... nice... I just went for dinner, didn't bother with any of that malarky. My chances of sex are slim to none anyway so I wasn't fussed. :lol:




... On second thought that fact is rather depressing -.-






Edit - later that night...




I've just realised I hate General Discussion :wall: Right now it's too full of OMG I HAET JUGEX. And Jagex is somewhere close to Google on my worship-o-meter. I'm gonna pop a cap in some noob's [wagon] if I don't stay away from some of the threads there.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Lol, my little brother. "Mom you know how in the office michael's always like she said that? well it's funny cause in my school people are saying it!" I started cracking up, then he continued with "yeah it's funny right? i didn't know so many people watched the office!"

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Easy day of track today, did some pole vaulting and long jump instead of the 3 mile plus runs we've been doing, which suck because I'm anything but a distance runner. Even the throwers are better than me :lol:




Tomorrow's a hell day though, so I expect to be sore for quite some time after :?

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Tomorrow I will have to put my 14 year old dog down :cry:




His body is basically giving up on him and shutting down. He can hardly move at all. Earlier he stood up to eat and took one step, stopped, and collapsed to the ground. We don't want him to suffer any more.




I'm miserably depressed right now. When I was really young I changed schools every year. I never had a friend until fifith grade, I was basically a social outcast (though things have changed very much now). I met this dog (my stepdads) when he moved in 9 years ago, I was in first grade. This dog was my first friend and I love him so much I cannot express it. I can't believe tommorow I have to say goodbye. I probably won't go to school.




Goodbye Shep, I will always miss you <3:

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:lol: poor Quoi it's amazing what you can sell though with the right sales pitch and peer pressure. I used to raise money for Oxfam and like to think I've mastered it :lol:




Tonight I'm going to the Brisbane casino woot. Daiquiri's and poker anyone? Yes? Pm me.




Maleficus1055 - Sorry for your loss, if you feel like sharing stories I'd love to hear about them. It sounds like Shep was a loving, family companion, RIP.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Tomorrow I will have to put my 14 year old dog down :cry:




His body is basically giving up on him and shutting down. He can hardly move at all. Earlier he stood up to eat and took one step, stopped, and collapsed to the ground. We don't want him to suffer any more.




I'm miserably depressed right now. When I was really young I changed schools every year. I never had a friend until fifith grade, I was basically a social outcast (though things have changed very much now). I met this dog (my stepdads) when he moved in 9 years ago, I was in first grade. This dog was my first friend and I love him so much I cannot express it. I can't believe tommorow I have to say goodbye. I probably won't go to school.




Goodbye Shep, I will always miss you <3:




I'm sorry, man.




I dunno whether to tell you to just think about the good times with him or not. It would make some people feel worse, some feel better. :|




But other than that, I'm really sorry. At least your dog doesn't have to suffer anymore.

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If school isn't canceled I should start a walk-out. In three hours we're supposed to be getting hit with a massive snow storm. Amarillo especially will be getting hit - about a foot of snow. We're sending trucks to help. One of my friends was supposed to come down this weekend, but it's starting to look like that won't happen. If it does snow that much, I don't want him to even think about it.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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