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Happy birthday man.


I've still got more than 3 years before I can legally buy alcohol, thanks America.


Mate, if you come to New Zealand, we can go halvies on a 24 pack, my shout :thumbup:

Haha, if I ever have the opportunity to do so, I'll be sure to let you know. I'd love to go to New Zealand.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Happy birthday man.


I've still got more than 3 years before I can legally buy alcohol, thanks America.


Mate, if you come to New Zealand, we can go halvies on a 24 pack, my shout :thumbup:

Haha, if I ever have the opportunity to do so, I'll be sure to let you know. I'd love to go to New Zealand.

My cousin has going to New Zealand. I may have posted this. There's some farming thing where he gets room and board and takes a semester off college to travel NZ as long as he helps around random farms for 5 hours each day. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, but I wouldn't want to miss the beginning of college.

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Woke up an hour ago, looked outside...yet more snow. Snowing pretty heavy right now and it's been at it all night. It's getting really deep in places so the walk to work should be fun.


Heh, wouldn't have needed them anyway. They phoned me to say not to bother coming in as they were shutting down early.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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So I got called a "toolbag" and a "loser" because I play games on PC instead of console.


These were the guy's reasons:


-PC gaming is full of hackers and is easymode.

-Consoles are more competitive

-PC gaming should not be supported because consoles dominate the market.

-More Xboxes are sold than PCs, so it's better (WTF)

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He also said something about how you need a $1000 PC to get the best graphics.


I then piped up and said, "PCs can use DirectX 10 and 11 while Xbox can only use DirectX 9." He then said, "Graphics aren't everything."


What a huge hypocrite.

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Does anyone know the name of/where I can find the cartoon of the penis who is like a secret agent? In the picture he has a bow tie on and is loading a pistol.


The more I read this, the more confused I get. Why, on earth, would you want a cartoon penis, secret agent wearing a bow tie?


Today, I'm chilling with the GF, might watch a movie or so. Its overcast, and overcastedness is midly depressing.

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So I got called a "toolbag" and a "loser" because I play games on PC instead of console.


These were the guy's reasons:


-PC gaming is full of hackers and is easymode. No.

-Consoles are more competitive. False. Many tournaments are held for RTS games (which are almost exclusive to PC) and classing FPS (counter Strike, anyone?)

-PC gaming should not be supported because consoles dominate the market. I can see how 3 companies with each their own console dominate the market over gaming PCs, which don't have such big companies behind them, but still, what does it have to do with being supported?

-More Xboxes are sold than PCs, so it's better (WTF) Oh god, what? So false it hurts.


No point in discussing with this person. He obviously just listen to what the consoles companies tell them, understand half of it, and repeat it in their own version.

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Lol, I tried telling him that a lot of competitive matches and world-class leagues are held in RTS/FPS shooters for the PC such as CS1.6.


He then said, "Counter Strike is so easy. 1v1 me, and I'll prove that PC does not take skill, you probably just suck anyway." I retorted with, "I don't play games for competition and being the best, I play for fun".


He then said, "What's the point of gaming if you don't want to be the best? MLG is awesome, and I'd love to be in it"


There's no point arguing with him.

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So I got called a "toolbag" and a "loser" because I play games on PC instead of console.


These were the guy's reasons:


-PC gaming is full of hackers and is easymode.

-Consoles are more competitive

-PC gaming should not be supported because consoles dominate the market.

-More Xboxes are sold than PCs, so it's better (WTF)


Does he know PC is used for other things other than gaming?


And anyways more people game on PC than 360 or PS3 :P. The competition crack is pretty funny though, thinking consoles are competitive. Hehe.

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I'm making a list of modern English slang for my non English mate :D


So far I have:

Peng - Sexy

Boomting - Sexy (Usually directed at a girl)

Rudeboy - Thug

Mandem/Gyaldem - Group of boys/girls (respectively).

Beef - To start a fight


I'm gonna do a couple of others when I can be bothered. Any of the mandem out there wanna add to the list?



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So I got called a "toolbag" and a "loser" because I play games on PC instead of console.


These were the guy's reasons:


-PC gaming is full of hackers and is easymode.

-Consoles are more competitive

-PC gaming should not be supported because consoles dominate the market.

-More Xboxes are sold than PCs, so it's better (WTF)


Does he know PC is used for other things other than gaming?


And anyways more people game on PC than 360 or PS3 :P. The competition crack is pretty funny though, thinking consoles are competitive. Hehe.

And it's ironic, because usually PC gamers are stereotyped as elitist.

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I'm making a list of modern English slang for my non English mate :D


So far I have:

Peng - Sexy

Boomting - Sexy (Usually directed at a girl)

Rudeboy - Thug

Mandem/Gyaldem - Group of boys/girls (respectively).

Beef - To start a fight


I'm gonna do a couple of others when I can be bothered. Any of the mandem out there wanna add to the list?


I think I've never heard any of those phrases used in my life. Just let him surf on urbandictionary.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I think I've never heard any of those phrases used in my life. Just let him surf on urbandictionary.

Cause they're just usually used in London. I'm looking for specific words though, I don't think urbandictionary can help with that. Idk, I'll check it out.



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I keep wanting to turn my screenplay into a porno lmao. It would be so easy. And hilarious. I don't think my group mates would appreciate that though. Although maybe they would.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I'm so excited for Cataclysm tonight, good lord. I have work, then I come home and me and three of my friends pull a good two or three day power level spree; sleep is for the weak. Already have my energy drinks and my food! I can't wait! :)

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I keep wanting to turn my screenplay into a porno lmao. It would be so easy. And hilarious. I don't think my group mates would appreciate that though. Although maybe they would.

Man up and do it.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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My 11 year old stepsister's half brother, with mild FAS, just came in and told me he got "owned by a kindergartner" today, which made me crack up laughing.


Had to be there I guess, but it was hilarious












Shaddup :unsure:


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Oh god...


To make a long story short, I usually hang out with some friends at the university center here after classes most days. Where we hang out, there's a circle that has railing around it because it's a 20ft drop because it's a sunroof and light can come through. We joked about it and called it the "Pit of Death" for quite a while, the past few months at the very least. As of today, we've pretty much stopped calling it that. I'm not sure what was troubling one of the members, but they climbed over the railing and jumped. The dude was prone to mood swings, but still, the fact I just witnessed this about six hours ago haunts me, and I've been pretty much on edge lately. I suck at reading people, and it sucks when you realize that there was nothing you really could have done.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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